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Japan Playstation Specially features Kingdom Hearts II (Translated)

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Bronze Member
May 19, 2005
Japan Playstation has officailly brought up Kingdom Hearts II to their page with a couple of new pictures, some better quality, but here is the info.

Page 1.

Kingdom Hearts, a big time RPG, sold over 6 million copies all over the world. By collaborating two companies, Square-Enix, and Disney. They now work on Kingdom Hearts II, which has caught the world's attention. It has been 3 and a half years since Kingdom Hearts I was brough out into the public..

The Story starts one year later, after Kingdom Hearts in Twilight Town. A lot of poular people from Disney appear in lively worlds based off Disney works. Sora is with Donald and Goofy, and also Sora weilds the keyblade. This enough was able to amuse most of the characters. Final Fantasy Characters also made their appearance.

Tron became disregarded at first. Steam Boat Willie was Mickey Mouses' debut. The popular Pirates of the Carribean is also to make an appearance. Photos were taken from the real film, and mixed around to turn them into a more oriental look. The adventure always develops, and you will never get bored.

In addition alot of new elements have been added into the battle system. In addition, there is a large battles that will definatly please the fans of Kingdom Hearts since you will be able to have the ability to create team attacks with your own companion now.

The reaction comman is also a bit helpful, as with the perfect timing, you can create many combos. There is also something new introduced known as Drive in which Sora's keyblade, and clothing change.

All generations of Kingdom Hearts II can play from adult to child (Ratings anyone?)

Page 2 Characters


Sora is the Hero, he is 15 years old. In the original Kingdom Hearts, he was chosen to be the weilder of the keyblade. As he now goes to search for the king with his two friends, Donald and Goofy. His friends got seperated, and in order to get them back he has to travel to former worlds.


Donald is in the royal palace, like a spiritual guide to the King. He rarely stops, and is most times impatient.


Goofy is the night of the Royal Palace, who serves the king under disney castle. He is easygoing, and sometimes pretends he doesn't know what's going on.


He is the one who governs Disney Castle, he was the one who noticed a weird connection in the worlds, and now is out to investigate them.


He lives in Twilight Towm, where the story of Kingdom Hearts II Starts. It's unsure of who or what he is, but it seems as though he has a relationship with Sora in someway.

Final Fantasy

Kingdom Hearts is familiar for it's mix with Disney and Final Fantasy characters. A variety of characters such as Cloud, Sephritoh, Aerith, Selphie Tidus, and Wakka, appeared in the original Kingdom Hearts. The following have been clarified to be in Kingdom Hearts II, which will appeal to Final Fantasy fans even more.

Yuffie - A girl who fights the heartless with Leon, she is in Hollow Bastion right now.

Cid: He is now in Hollow Bastion, where he owns his own Item shop, just like in the original Kingdom Hearts.

Leon: His real name is Squall, he fights day and night to destroy the heartless that deprive his hometown.

Seifer: A boy who lives in Twilight Town, he seems to know the BHK. And calls him self a chairman on the streets of this city.

Fuu: A female that always behave. He is mostly cool, and calm.

Rai: He always does most of the work, however continues to respect Seifer and Fuu.

Auron: A hitman Hades calls to get rid of Hercules.

XIII Order: In Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, a group of people in black cloaks known as the Organizatoin appeared. There is a connection between them in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. They are able to summon creatures known as the 'Nobodies' they are different from heartlesses. These people stand in Sora's way, as they wish to obtain Kingdom Hearts II. There are 13 members that stand a great threat to Sora.

Kingdom Hearts Series where each world exists like a town in Kingdom Hearts II. Sora and Company move from world to world, after completing a shooting action game known as the 'Gummi Ship battle'. (It is possible to visit worlds more then once)

Most of the worlds, if not every world has been created and designed by Disney Castle. Sora's plot will increase during various adventures. Maleficent was suprisingly a ruler of a town which seemed similar to Twilight Town. Hollow Bastion, is being restored by Leon, Cid and Yuffie.

100 acre woods

The 100 acre woods is a world that exists in a picture book. Apparenlty Pooh has seem to have forgotten everyone in the forest. The world will keep you ammused with many mini games.

Space Paranoia

Accidentally Sora strays off to where he finds a mechanical world. There is a young person there who introduces himself as a security program. This seems to have some very important relationships to the heartless.

Land of Dragons: Sora goes there to help Mulan with Mushu. However Heartless, and the XIIIth order have appeared there to stop Sora.

Port Royal
The daughter of the governer, Elizabeth was captured by Captain Barbosa, will Jack be able to ask Sora for help?

Lion King: It's Simba's father, Mufasa was seated as the King of Lion King. However Lions now recieve awful treatment form Scar. Nara goes to Sora to ask for help, in order to return Simba as the king.

Olimpus Colliseum: In olimpus colliseum Hercules were fighting with enemies who Hades has sent. However he is very tired and exhausted now. Megan goes to Sora to help Hercueles put an end to this madness.

Beasts Casltle: A quite castle where many of the heartless reside. Beasts joins Sora in this world to clear up the castle.

Agrabah: Largo who was the follower of Sora, appears again infront of Sora. Though it seems as though the trouble subsided when the lamp was sealed, someone is trying to bring Jafar back.

Atlantica: Sora visited Atlantica a long time ago, however Ariel seems to be a bit different now. The desire she has for Prince Eric grows Stronger. King Triton concentrates to get her to practice a more musical way in life.

Halloween Town: Thinking about how Sora saved the world, Jack walked through a forest, where he stumbled upon a door that lead to Christmas Town. Sora is able to travel between Halloween and Christmas town here, in where he will meet Santa.

Steam Boat Willie: Suddenly they are in a mysterious world of black and white, Sora's colors have also changed. Here Sora will meet Mickey Mouse, as well as pete for the first time.

Disney Castle: This is where Queen Minnie and Daisy take care of the house. The appearance is quite beautiful, but Minnie says that an unexpected event will happen.

Battle System (Page 3)

This is based off the oriignal battle system of Kingdom Hearts I, however many new elements have been added to it. In addition, new techniques and new magic moves have been introduced. Let's go over three of them.

As for sora, there is a constant requirement needed in battle known as Drive. That changes the form from a standard form to a new form. There are three forms you need to understand the existence from. Wisdom Form, which you will be able to have high speed movements. Valor From which enhacnes Sora's power and allows him to dual wield. And Master Form In Which Power Attack, physics and Magic all improve. There seems to be two other forms that have yet to be discovered.

Reaction command
The display of the command can be seen under the left screen. These powers are mostly used for boss battles, where a specific action is needed for a specific situation. The development of the battle changes greatly due to this because of how you use the reaction Commands.
Commands match to situatoins such as Turn Revenge, Spin Roll, Fly Up, ect.

Team Moves

There are co-operation moves that have also recently been added into Kingdom Hearts II, these movements require a team mate, and also a high enough Limit Bar.

Goofy tosses teh shield, Sora smacks the shield back, causing Goofy to burst around fast like a Rocket.

A mass of data appears around Tron and Sora, and attacks the enemy like a weapon. In addition, a large mass of data can be used known as Riprogram.

Auron and Sora put their blades together creating a miniature tornado

Flame Attack, sora attacks Mushu, in which mushu open's it's mouth firing a ton of fire ball sin the air. Creating a minature.

Two new summons have been discovered Lilo and Stitch, and Chicken summon, it is really amusing on how the summons appear.


Took me a looong time to translate all this xD so I hope you enjoy it.


New member
Nov 16, 2005
Ont., Canada
I bet that took a while to translate xD 'Tis why I try not to do it ^^; Good job, and thanks for all the hard work!

The site sure has some screens I've never seen before, such as the one with Minny and Cid and Leon with the wizard. Interesting~! -surfs the site for more-


Bronze Member
May 19, 2005
Thanks. ^^; I was gonna give up at some point during this actually, so much text. It looks like a pretty good way to feature the game if you ask me.

Edit: These screens seem knew yeah, most of them are better quality of scans.
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New member
Nov 16, 2005
Ont., Canada
Mm, you have a lot of discipline for being able to continue. You really deserve like an uber reward for all you do for everyone here on KHI ^__^

And I agree. PS really set up the site well. I like how they organizaed everything with such nice screens and information.
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