Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I hate to say this but I STILL have no ****en clue who this jesse guy is. Can someone put his work up? I know most of you are going to freak out or whatever but if I could get a sample of his work so that I can understand the whole point of this. Thanks in advance.
ok jesse mcartney is some guy that channel 9 in australia chose to hook him up with a music magic machine so they could get people to watch their gay summerland show
and it worked now all the little 12 yr old girls are like oohh JMC
AND IM ALL like piss of hes a gay prick
Jesse McGayney sucks. We must all form together and voice our negative opinions so he will never voice Roxas if he ever appears again. Then we must also get Mandy Moore back >>;
lol i emailed jesse mcartney and said why did he have to be roxas and he said
"its fun, i havent done a video-game character yet so im finding it a bit hard but im working through it altough i dont think im the right man for the job and i've been getting alot of complaints lately"
and i replied "no shit einstein you suck and the only people that like you are pre-pubescent girls that think just beacause you have michela jacksons voice they think your a god"
and he replied: "please i do not wish to hear your criticism anymore"
How many people cringed at the thought that Sephiroth was being played by Lance Bass? Sure... He didn't really get too many lines, but the parts he did play for were good to say the least... I'm sure they won't let Jesse butcher Roxas' part...
No offense but Lance bass and jesse here have different situations. Lance had to do the normal HA and HAA. Occassionally using the words Sin Harvest. Or something else along those lines.
As for Jesse james here he has to actually act a character out. And judging by that nails on a chalk board singing voice I very hope he pulls something decent off or he should concider retiring.
I'm not saying they are doing the same amount of work... My point is the fact that everyone probably bashed Lance before even hearing him... I'm not saying that Jesse will do a great job... but I think it's still a little early to start bashing him like this...
lol.. if you ask me, i think lance bass did i great job!! lol. i didnt know it was him till i read the credits. lol..
well.. i wont judge on how good he is or not. i just don't like him at all. like how i dont like mandy moore. but still i thought she was okay as aerith.
To tell the truth when Kingdom Hearts first came out or even when it was i developing I didn't even know of it's existance. I never even knew who Lance bass was. Overall I enjoyed his performance. All I am saying is that Jesse better not **** it up. But I understand your points. Well all judge books by it's cover. Which we shouldn't of course but now I am willing to make an exception.
Well, we can't do anything now. If send letters to change the voice and they (highly doubt it) change the voice, it could postpone the game for like another 5-8 months. I never heard Jesse as a voice over, and he could be possibly good.