Journal's traditional for KH and we learn things from it....
hahaha yeah.I can see their reactions to that
ME: Alright, to chorinicle your journey, each of will keep a diary.
Ven: FUCK YES! I LOVE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! *foams at mouth*
Terra: I'll try to restrain my burning apathy....
Aqua: Sounds practical.
I would imagine it would have to be in character. Just like the did in days.hahaha yeah.
I wonder if they'll have different writing styles like Ven's being rather optimistic, Terra's being Darkisch and Aqua's being rather idk...
I hope that it's like KH 1 and 2, where it has like the story and character files
Of course there should be. It's practically in every game.
In all seriousness, I don't see how it would work, because you'd need three different journals and unless theres three Jiminy Crickets (or even at least one, really,) that can't be done unless they write in their own journals.
That's true. I think you're right about them having to write their own journals. This would make it more interesting too instead of it being from Jiminy Cricket's perspective. I didn't really like the journals in the first few games.