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Keyblade Academy


Do you think we should close the rp?

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New member
May 2, 2010
Stepping out of the darkness, and into the light
Keyblade Academy
A "What If?" Story

Long Ago, before Sora, Before Riku, There was an Academy. There were many more keybladers then. Those wielders needed a place to learn. What better place to learn than an academy? There were only two left to run the Academy. The two who would run the academy were Master Eraqus and Master Xehanort. They were assisted by Terra and Aqua. Since Ven is too young to teach, he is also a student.

This Academy teaches that darkness is something to be feared, and that it is evil. Something was growing, quietly in the Dark and not openly. Something that some attributed to Master Xehanort, While both he, Eraqus, Terra, And Aqua claimed that to be outrageous.

However, Despite claims, Xehanort IS plotting something, something darker than anyone could imagine. It all seems to date back to the Keyblade War. Which, surprisingly, is the only part of their studies which is frowned upon and hidden. No one questions Master Xehanort, because of that reason, He is a Master. The Academy is a training grounds that in the near future will become divided, as will the Land of Departure on which the Academy sits.

Most of the students live in harmony, despite a few quarrels here and there. Not JUST keybladers are accepted to this academy. although that is mainly who is accepted. Some others are accepted due to other talents they have that the Masters feel can be honed better around Keybladers.

The Worlds are at peace for the time being, although some believe that peace is fragile and is breaking. The wielders are being taught to prepare for the time when the worlds would fight again. Many fear that things will go wrong soon. Although, most are to naive to realize it.

And so our story begins......

Change of pace, This is technically an AU rp, so we'll be making up the plot as we go along (mostly) Thank you for dealing with my many changes.^_^

Ok, This is the first Roleplay I've ever made so give me a little bit of credit. Ummm basically this is what would have been if There was an academy instead of just Terra, Aqua, And Ven learning from Eraqus.

2. No power-playing (without permission of the other persons character)
3. If your going to do romance, keep it Pg-13 anything else do in private or spoiler boxes
4. If you have to go away let me know, if you want someone to take your place let me know who so i don't get onto them for power-playing xD.
5. Literacy ins't a big deal with me, so no problem there.
6. Any plot twists with your character, please run by me first.

Besides the main Characters your welcome to make you own, which i am going to do so... yeah xD ^^ As for Templates... Here you go!

Name: (Be Creative, unless your a main ^^)
Age: (not required, but it would be nice)
Appearance: (Pictures are fine, but a paragraph would be nice)
Weapon: (Preferably Keyblade, but doesn't have to be, picture or description is fine)
Style: (Fast, Powerful, Magic, or anything else)
Bio: (Doesn't have to be long, just a short back-story)

Pretty straight forward. Right?

Master Eraqus: NightmarezeroX9
Master Xehanort: Chaos

Cannon Characters:
Terra: Tenyas
Ven: Chaos
Aqua: Passion

Caden Luminara: CadenLuminara137
Xander: Chaosmax (Non-Keyblader, Sniper)
Levis: SilentTrinity
Raido: Chaos
Cail (Cailey): Sparks
Vincent: NightmarezeroX9
Ciralars Trinidad: Tenyas (Non-Keyblader, Spear)
Haseo: ThePromise
Gir- King Wolfe
Reyana Wolfe: OhTahKu
Mogle the Moogle: Kiba
Avalon Lynx: Truckybldemstr2
Roy: ThePromise
Hiro: Death

I'll add you to the list as you post. I need a decent bio for people wanting to be main characters though. Not Just "I'm Terra, What else do you want me to say?" That's about all i can think of... Here's my post!

LINK TO THE RP! http://forums.khinsider.com/canon-roleplays/149270-keyblade-academy-roleplay-thread.html#post5059788

Name: Caden Luminara
Age: 17
(Image at bottom cause it won't load. He also wears a belt like that of Terra's.)
He is 6 foot 8 inches, And he's the guy in the picture xD
Weapon: It's called the Redemption

Style: A combination of speed and power, more speed than power however.
Bio: Caden is a young man born in Radiant Garden. His Life was spent at the Academy so he is very well trained and one of the top students. He is a very kind and caring young man. He is also very protective of his friends and others he cares about. Despite growing up in the Academy, the Keyblade didn't come to him until he was 7. He is unsure if the Keyblade simply chose him, or if he inherited it. Despite it, he called the Keyblade Redemption, not for himself, but for the Redemption of others, those he could save using the Keyblade.

He places others before himself and wants nothing more than to help others. Despite these things, he always feels a little under appreciated by Master Eraqus. Also, unbeknown to himself, darkness resides strongly in his heart. He seems to get along with most everyone in the Academy. He especially gets along with Cailey, who he is in a relationship with. He shows much care for her and they seem to have a very close bond. He also has a friendly rivalry with Terra, much like that of Sora and Riku.

Last edited:


Dec 30, 2009
Corinth, Kingdom of Menelith
It sounds easy going, and I may give it a try ...but you gotta have a plot to it, make some plans for an evil side. Unless you just intend for this to be a high school rp.


Hero of Lhant
Apr 25, 2009
You know what I really don't know lol
The plot is more improve, but promise is right. We got to know if there are a bad side also unless its a high school rp. I'm game for the rp since it sounds it could be real good. Also while were on the subject you have to improve on your template. Be more detail as possible.


New member
May 2, 2010
Stepping out of the darkness, and into the light
I always keep my word, and i will explain that "thing" to whoever takes Xehanort, and anyone who mentions that they are close to, or would like to follow Xehanort.
The plot is more improve, but promise is right. We got to know if there are a bad side also unless its a high school rp. I'm game for the rp since it sounds it could be real good. Also while were on the subject you have to improve on your template. Be more detail as possible.

Care to elaborate?


New member
May 10, 2010
Whoa, whoa.

The idea is..

Ok, in a sense.

But could you at least AU it? I don't like the idea of canon characters being used..

*imagines Terra/Aqua*


New member
May 10, 2010
No offense, but don't assume I'll join it ^^.

Look, I'm just saying because plenty of RPs I've seen that enabled people to use canon characters ultimately failed. Plus, wouldn't OCs be better? It'll give the person more of a personal touch to the RP rather than controlling say.. Auron.


New member
May 10, 2010
Sorry, there is really no need to edit.

But look, you can fix that with like an Alternate Universe, the keyblade could have been created by the Russian for all anyone knows, you can just tweak things to your advantage, you don't need characters alive to make a great RP.

I'm not forcing this on you, merely suggesting ideas, in my personal opinion AU seems better, but hey it's just my opinion.
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