Please note that I am aware that Kingdom Hearts is pure fantasy. On top of that, I also know that both Disney and Final Fantasy, the two things that KH is made of, really don't seem to care about practical weaponry (mostly FF), so I can see where this is coming from. So everyone just please know I'm not meaning to mock this franchise or its creators. I simply want to overanalyze yet another fictional story like I always do.
Sure, I guess for blunt, stick-like weapons. But really, though, before I really get started, let me ask this as I have yet to play KH1 and KH2 myself:
Do any of the characters of the franchise actually view the keyblades as bladed weapons?
If not, then I absolutely do not understand the name...Why not just...giant key or something? I mean sure you can cut using a key, but it's not practrical at all unless you're just cutting paper, tape or plastic. I suppose with some, you could even stab with if you were desperate enough too. Playing the game, and watching gameplay videos of the ones I haven't yet played, it really sounds to me like Sora is simply bashing his enemies. I'm really not hearing any slices of any nature going on. Now I will admit at least one of Riku's keyblades look practical as an edged weapon. Don't ask me its name, but to me, it looks like a giant bat wing. (To me, this is real odd. Riku is actually pretty buff, has much more normal body proportions, and whoodeedoo, he's the one with the most practical weapon. Sora, however, is real skinny, has freakishly huge feet that would never allow for proper foot work in real life, and seems to only wear baggy is going on here?)
What about the balancing of the weapon? I understand keyblades are meant to look rather ornate, themed after the different worlds you get them in, but it really seems to me that a lot, if not all of the keyblades are poorly balanced.
The grip...Okay, I'm lost here, I really am. How are you supposed to be able to hold a keyblade and fight properly with it? The giant crossguard thing that surrounds the handle completely gets in the way. Why couldn't they make it so the "blade" of the keyblade (not the tip, the jagged part) so that it would be perpendicular to the giant crossgaurd surrounding your hand, rather than parallel to it? So it would essentially look like a typical medieval sword, but with the little jagged blade piece facing down on the flat of the blade. I just don't get it because sure you could fight using a keyblade, but with rapid attacks and against so many enemies? I don't think so. And seeing as how Sora literally cannot fight at all without his keyblade, he does not have any back up weapon (he can't use magic without the keyblade, right?)
Sure, I guess for blunt, stick-like weapons. But really, though, before I really get started, let me ask this as I have yet to play KH1 and KH2 myself:
Do any of the characters of the franchise actually view the keyblades as bladed weapons?
If not, then I absolutely do not understand the name...Why not just...giant key or something? I mean sure you can cut using a key, but it's not practrical at all unless you're just cutting paper, tape or plastic. I suppose with some, you could even stab with if you were desperate enough too. Playing the game, and watching gameplay videos of the ones I haven't yet played, it really sounds to me like Sora is simply bashing his enemies. I'm really not hearing any slices of any nature going on. Now I will admit at least one of Riku's keyblades look practical as an edged weapon. Don't ask me its name, but to me, it looks like a giant bat wing. (To me, this is real odd. Riku is actually pretty buff, has much more normal body proportions, and whoodeedoo, he's the one with the most practical weapon. Sora, however, is real skinny, has freakishly huge feet that would never allow for proper foot work in real life, and seems to only wear baggy is going on here?)
What about the balancing of the weapon? I understand keyblades are meant to look rather ornate, themed after the different worlds you get them in, but it really seems to me that a lot, if not all of the keyblades are poorly balanced.
The grip...Okay, I'm lost here, I really am. How are you supposed to be able to hold a keyblade and fight properly with it? The giant crossguard thing that surrounds the handle completely gets in the way. Why couldn't they make it so the "blade" of the keyblade (not the tip, the jagged part) so that it would be perpendicular to the giant crossgaurd surrounding your hand, rather than parallel to it? So it would essentially look like a typical medieval sword, but with the little jagged blade piece facing down on the flat of the blade. I just don't get it because sure you could fight using a keyblade, but with rapid attacks and against so many enemies? I don't think so. And seeing as how Sora literally cannot fight at all without his keyblade, he does not have any back up weapon (he can't use magic without the keyblade, right?)