I was more embarrassed when my dad walked in on me playing the musical part of Atlantica then I was of my mom walking in when me and my girlfriend were..Yeah.
Some parts of that game are embarrassing, namely Pooh and Atlantica. Doesn't mean I'll stop playing them though.
I was more embarrassed when my dad walked in on me playing the musical part of Atlantica then I was of my mom walking in when me and my girlfriend were..Yeah.
Some parts of that game are embarrassing, namely Pooh and Atlantica. Doesn't mean I'll stop playing them though.
What do you even get from Atlantica? Just Blizzaga and the keyblade, right?That's why I skipped Atlantica the second time I played through KH2. I will never visit that world ever again.
LmfaoHa Ha Ha I don't have to worry about that. My dad said he has "gave up" on me after he caught me singing my songs for a musical for school.
What do you even get from Atlantica? Just Blizzaga and the keyblade, right?
I'd always go through it through, so I could get the secret ending.
Despite having seen it 24324 times, I wanted to see it again.
You also get Orichalcum+, which is needed for the Ultima Weapon.
And, yes, I eventually visited Atlantica again, but with some help from my little friend, the mute button, and I only did it so I could get the Ultima Weapon.
LOL, i did the same thing and put it on mute, except for the ursula part
I kept it on mute for a part of the Ursula song, do to the overuse of the word "poopsie".
I just wanted to hear her screams from getting stabbed by the trident again
LOL! At my country no one knows about that music, so it didnt matter to me.Disney Castle was kinda embarassing to. Its just the TV was very loud and as soon as the Mickey Mouse club house music came on I hopped across the room to turn the volume down. (No remote)
To me gaming is to have optional worlds. Worlds where we can carry a giant key to destroy monsters. It works. And you are just being childish when you think playing KH is childish. You are on your teen years.. What else can we except you to think?
If you are not interested in KH, go play some 1st person shooting.. 18+ at least! Oh, I can feel it already!! How adult I feel now! Blood!! RAWWRRRR!!!...
If you havent noticed, CoM happens to have really mature storyline. Sure there are Disney-worlds as castle-rooms, but its just way to tell the story. Go play it when you dont feel so childish to play it. Then try to see beyond Disney characters.. CoM basicly handles with death, memories, personality, heart of course.. You were from 3 years to 100 at age, you have something to learn from it too.
I don't get how all of you could mute the game.
I can't play video games without some sort of sound coming from it. I can't even use regular music to listen to, it has to be the music from the game.
IDK. I guess I'm just odd like that.
Well, to me the mute was necessity in the first Atlantica song.. xDI don't get how all of you could mute the game.
I can't play video games without some sort of sound coming from it. I can't even use regular music to listen to, it has to be the music from the game.
IDK. I guess I'm just odd like that.
Actually KH is kinda seroius...Corection it is SERIOUS uyou know,The darkness and light...Choose your path,help your friends...So I think you might still play it...EVEN IF IT HAS DISNEY.I'll be 14 when KH3 comes out...I"M NOT 9 don't why it says