If you could make a KH Board Game, what would it be based on?? Mine's chess.
I want to hear ideas, please reply.
I want to hear ideas, please reply.
Murluxia said:Sharades!...............maybe
Yea! Life! Oooo! I would like gummie ship!ian242 said:sharades isnt a board game silly. jk-lol
I guess monopoly would be the best , or LIFE , Life would be fun. You could ride in a gummi ship instead of a car, and could go through worlds.
AHeartless said:If they would make a board game, I think its bit D&D-style. You play one character, defeat monsters and do quests. I'd like that.
Monopoly KH? Yeah. The blocks could be worlds and you'll open a way for the Heartless(meaning buying a world... kinda) then you must infest the world with Hearltess(building little houses) and they'll can come even stronger(building hotels).
Jail would be the World of Light. Police is Sora.