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KH2 Ending Discussion Thread

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Nos Lived

New member
May 5, 2006
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Ienzo can't come back because him becoming a heartless is how Zexion was born in the first place.

Here's a thought:

maybe the game actaully is a prequel and in it, Ienzo weilds this mysterious weapon. THAT'S why it's a spoiler!


New member
Apr 23, 2006
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Alright, I was watching the Secret Trailer recently and I believe I have a solid idea for the theory and I believe it covers every aspect of the spectrum.

First, the trailer takes place long ago, before Sora and gang went on their adventures. The middle knight is Ansem the Wise, the right male knight (who picks up way to the dawn) is Zexion and the other is one we mostlikely have never met. The shadowy figure is probably Xenmas, I knows its Xenahort or something but I didnt feel like getting flamed for incorrect spelling.

The Chasers are Ansem, Zexion, and the unknown female figure. This can easily be understood because the report at the beginning says how he wants to find the key that opens doors and the power it holds.

The reason they didnt show Zexions weapon was because it was Way to the Dawn, also, Zexion never used a weapon in CoM because Riku obtained it.

Ansem may have said Xenmas appeared to him out of no where because he may have been the reason he lost in memory during the keyblade war during one last battle.

The Lost Two are Zexion and the unknown female character, because they became unknowns and in essence were lost to the light. There are still a few kinks to smooth out, but over all it makes sense.


New member
Mar 7, 2005
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Most assume that the letter from the King means that another adventure will unfold. It COULD be that the letter explains what has happened BEFORE Sora's Awakening in the first game. It could also explain the Keyblade Wars, as if they happened in the past (not likely though). Perhaps it would be like FF-10.


New member
Sep 12, 2004
End of the World That Never Was
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

this is for anybody who thinks an organization member can weild a keyblade. Organization members cannot weild keyblades b/c they have no hearts. the only way they could is if their original selves could (i.e. Roxas)


New member
Jun 14, 2006
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

technically roxas has a heart because he is connected to sora so sora's heart is his heart(this is what i believe).


New member
Apr 7, 2006
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Sooooo, has there been any news of a sequel yet? The front page hasn't updated since the game came out.


New member
Jun 4, 2006
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

at the end of the second one, sora look really asian. did anyone else notice that?

The Conquerer

The Bloody Warrior
Mar 6, 2006
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

PureDarkness said:
Alright, I was watching the Secret Trailer recently and I believe I have a solid idea for the theory and I believe it covers every aspect of the spectrum.

First, the trailer takes place long ago, before Sora and gang went on their adventures. The middle knight is Ansem the Wise, the right male knight (who picks up way to the dawn) is Zexion and the other is one we mostlikely have never met. The shadowy figure is probably Xenmas, I knows its Xenahort or something but I didnt feel like getting flamed for incorrect spelling.

The Chasers are Ansem, Zexion, and the unknown female figure. This can easily be understood because the report at the beginning says how he wants to find the key that opens doors and the power it holds.

The reason they didnt show Zexions weapon was because it was Way to the Dawn, also, Zexion never used a weapon in CoM because Riku obtained it.

Ansem may have said Xenmas appeared to him out of no where because he may have been the reason he lost in memory during the keyblade war during one last battle.

The Lost Two are Zexion and the unknown female character, because they became unknowns and in essence were lost to the light. There are still a few kinks to smooth out, but over all it makes sense.

That would not work because it was comfirmed by Nomura that the 3 Knights were brand new characters.

Zexion did not exist in the far past actually, probably not even Inezo since he was rather young before he became a Nobody.

Where are you getting your facts? We don't know what Chasers are. They could be enemies or fallen Keyblade (Wielders) or somehow gosts or they could be the original Keyblade Masters. And most likely something we don't even know.

Xemnas did not even appear untill after Ansem the Wise found Xehanort beat up and brain washed. After awhile Xehanort began to become Ansem's best student. But things led to another. Xehanort casted off his body and soul and the shell with the soul was sent to Twilight Town and it was reborn which gave birth to Xemnas.

We know that the Secret Ending took place in the past, but I just think that it was just a flash back. And the main story may take place in the future and it may pick up where Sora and the gang left off.

This female warrior is a mystery along with the other Knights, so you can't single her out.

I am sorry but everything that you just said did not make much since at all.
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Nos Lived

New member
May 5, 2006
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

PureDarkness said:
Alright, I was watching the Secret Trailer recently and I believe I have a solid idea for the theory and I believe it covers every aspect of the spectrum.

First, the trailer takes place long ago, before Sora and gang went on their adventures. The middle knight is Ansem the Wise, the right male knight (who picks up way to the dawn) is Zexion and the other is one we mostlikely have never met. The shadowy figure is probably Xenmas, I knows its Xenahort or something but I didnt feel like getting flamed for incorrect spelling.

The Chasers are Ansem, Zexion, and the unknown female figure. This can easily be understood because the report at the beginning says how he wants to find the key that opens doors and the power it holds.

The reason they didnt show Zexions weapon was because it was Way to the Dawn, also, Zexion never used a weapon in CoM because Riku obtained it.

Ansem may have said Xenmas appeared to him out of no where because he may have been the reason he lost in memory during the keyblade war during one last battle.

The Lost Two are Zexion and the unknown female character, because they became unknowns and in essence were lost to the light. There are still a few kinks to smooth out, but over all it makes sense.

I don't know where to start.

Fisrt, why would Ansem search for something that he has? He says he must know what this keyblade is. Not only did he have one, but he picked up another. SO we can rule out Ansem as one of those Knights.

The female figure is unknown. I'll give you that one.

We can all leve Zexion alone. Ienxo died to create Zexion, and Zexion ws kille din CoM. He is no more. Even if it takes place before all that, I find it unlikey that Zexion would be in the picture. If anything, Xigbar would. Remember before you fight him how he tells Sora

"So that must be why the keyblade chose you. man did it pick a dud this time..."


Also, Zexion HAD a weapon he was just kille dbefore he could use it. Riku couldn't have obtained it because He's had the soul eter since KH1, and the clone had it also.

I think "The Lost Two" means something more comples than just two people. You gotta really dive into that one. Zexion can be erase from the picture already. The only thing we need him for is determining what his weapon was and why it would be a spoiler.

How are those for kinks to smooth out?

The Conquerer

The Bloody Warrior
Mar 6, 2006
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Nos Lived said:
The female figure is unknown. I'll give you that one.

Well she is most likely someone who is a wielder of the dark since she picked up the Darkness Realm's Keyblade, so she probably came from the road to dark.

I would not cosider her a lost one at all. If you were to consider her a lost one, then you would have to consider all 3 Knights as lost. Don't single her out.

They said The Lost Two at torwards the ending of the Secret Movie, which could be referring to Xehanort, and or someone else, or people we don't even know, or something just out of the ordinary.
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Nos Lived

New member
May 5, 2006
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

The Conquerer said:
Well she is most likely someone who is a wielder of the dark since she picked up the Darkness Realm's Keyblade, so she probably came from the road to dark.

I would not cosider her a lost one at all. If you were to consider her a lost one, then you would have to consider all 3 Knights as lost. Don't single her out.

They said The Lost Two at torwards the ending of the Secret Movie, which could be referring to Xehanort, and or someone else, or people we don't even know, or something just out of the ordinary.

My point exactly. Tetsuya Nomura said that the three knights were entirely new people and they already have names. But he never said anything about the fourth figure.


New member
Mar 15, 2005
umm... what? oh yah. america
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

I haven't been here for a while so if i'm out of date sry.

i think the secret ending is in the future. At 15 seconds into the secret ending that giant heap is Xemnas Dragon form. So I think Kingdom Hearts 2 has already passed and that is the battlefield for the last battle.

This is my random theory. When a keyblade wielder dies or cannot use the keyblade any longer, the keyblade returns to that spot. So those keyblades are the weapons of the deceased. "THE GRAVEYARD OF KEYBLADES"
(Imagine all the car keys you could put on all those keychains XD lol)

as for the knights, i doubt they are any of the casting role of KH2; they are probably completely new characters, since apparently Nomura said that. but they are probably future relatives of Sora Riku and Kairi. And Kairi can weild a keyblade if you think that the female can't be related to kairi. riku gives her that keyblade in the world that never was.

like KH2, we all will probably be wrong on our theories for KH3 so don't shoot down anyones theories unless you have absolute proof that their wrong.

by the way, to get the 100% completion ending you have to finish Jiminy's Journal, which means you have to beat Hades Paradox Cup. And that is vastly hard even if you are level 99 with all of your drives to lvl7 and you have ultima weapon and fenrir. but getting that ending is totally worth it.


May 22, 2005
The blackest hell known as lonelyness
In the ending

you know after you beat xemnas how it has a whole bunch of dusks, well then a flash of light then theyre all tired, do you think that that was going to be a 1000 nobody battle cause it looked like a battle was supposed to be there but got cut, what do you think?


by sinspire^
Jun 24, 2005
Re: In the ending


Those were just some nobodies that appeared. No, that was just part of the cutscene. The flash was showing that "mins later" Sora and Riku killed them all.

There was enough muti Nobodies battles. Plus, the one 1000 Heartless battle was part of the story, there is no point for nobodies. Those were just the nobodies that are masterless.

I think Nomura would stated that because, in alot of interview he kinda goes off topic and I am guessing that he would of mentioned it.

Plus, everything was planned out for the beginning of the project and Nomura stated the only thing that got cut was the real boss battle of Roxas and Sora.


New member
Jun 15, 2006
Re: In the ending

The Silent Soldier said:

Those were just some nobodies that appeared. No, that was just part of the cutscene. The flash was showing that "mins later" Sora and Riku killed them all.

There was enough muti Nobodies battles. Plus, the one 1000 Heartless battle was part of the story, there is no point for nobodies. Those were just the nobodies that are masterless.

I think Nomura would stated that because, in alot of interview he kinda goes off topic and I am guessing that he would of mentioned it.

Plus, everything was planned out for the beginning of the project and Nomura stated the only thing that got cut was the real boss battle of Roxas and Sora.

i was gonna say something like that but ya beat me to it.


New member
May 15, 2004
Phoenix, AZ
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

First of all, I don't think that King Mickey's letter was a way of saying that the next adventure will include them again. I think it was more a way of saying that even though they all went back to where they started out they still managed to find a way to keep in touch. That's all, just your typical happy ending.

Second, I know that the keyblade that Riku had in the first KH was released when all of the princesse's heart's were released and everything but what's to say that Zexion never had that keyblade when he wasn't a nobody in a different time when he was still human and the seven of pure hearts were different people? Or, maybe it's not Zexion that we should be worried about but what if his weapon was something that he inhereited from someone before he turned into a Nobody????
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