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KH2 Ending Discussion Thread

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New member
Oct 6, 2005
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

All these theories of the next KH game it's making me anxious for the announcement. BTW I noticed that one of the knights, the third one introduced, is shorter than the other two in case anyone didn't notcie this. This was something that questioned me. What do you think?


Think smaller, more legs.
Dec 28, 2005
Blowing up The storm's around. In a silence Have a
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

it was the lost two
and i dont think the third person had armour, he looked like he was ina cloak

yet everyone is talking about the secret ending, but i thinka few things could be found out by watching the game ending. in the beggining, yensid said that unless all hearts were filled with light, the heartless will always b around. mickeys letter is also intersting, we cant assume its bad news, since riku was smirking, but we cant assume its good news either, with kairis worried face, so the letter must be quite cmplicated, and probably about something sora knows nothing about, since his face was blank.

remember, never be too eager to jump to comclusions, for all we know,t he desert scene could bea dream, or another computer simulation, or even in the destiny islands mainland


Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Yet again, more theories, some questions, and observations. They are all semi-obvious, but I'm trying to piece together the clues. I'm welcome for input on what might seem important to you and what isn't.

The keyblades: They all looked worn and old. I know that Sora and company have been using them quite a bit, but I've never in any of the cutscenes seen them look like that. This hints towards way in the future. "Nomura"(as I'm unsure if the information I've seen is completely reliable) has stated this as well. Also, I supposed the black on them could just be wear, but this intrigued me when I watched it. Why would they be so worn out? The Keyblade Wars(which makes me think Star Wars' Clone Wars) could be the reason, but why emphasize that in a secret video? I look back on the first secret video, and each thing had a meaning behind it somewhat.

The knights:
zexion_org_xii said:
the knights are completly new charactors...god do these discussions last forever...lol....i cant wait for the next game to come out

Where did you get this information? All my searching of any thing about their identity has led to nothing. I would really like to know where this was found at. :D

The Desert/Setting: It looks from the way it's set like it was the scene of a ferocious battle. It seems as though there wasn't peace there until recently. These are just observations. They could be totally wrong.

Subtitles/Text: As in the original secret ending, they are probably directly linked to dialog in the story.

Like I said, obvious, but sometimes the biggest clues can be the most obvious because they are too obvious and are overlooked.

chosen destiny

New member
Aug 28, 2005
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

could some one please just tell me what the secrate video says im trying to beat the game 100%. its taking time becsause i have a lot to do so please just tell me. thanx.


New member
Apr 11, 2006
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Has anyone got the translations for the ending? Becasue in the beginning of the video there was some sort of language probably Japanese does anyone have these translations maybe they will give us some clues if we knew what they meant. Or maybe they just say Ansem Report or something but it would still be nice to know what they mean.


New member
Apr 7, 2006
Lost within the Valley of Knowledge
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

I have a theory, though it's rather long.

Heartless are born of the darkness in one's heart, correct? And Nobodies are the discarded vessel (the body & soul) when a being loses its heart. But what is to be born of the light that resides within the heart? If the darkness is seperated from the heart, surely the light is as well?

These beings of "Severed Light" could be referred to as Chasers, or independant entities with the sle intention of seeking out the components of their former selves and reuniting all three pieces. Unfortunetly, my theory does not end there. =D

What of the abundant amount of keyblades that simply dissolved into nothing, the so dubbed "Keyblade War"? As presented to us, it seems many people can wield a keyblade at once, though this concept is not fully understood. Though there can be many keyblade weilders, there cannot be more than one Keyblade Master, ex: Sora.

So, the Keyblades seen at the crossroad could have belonged to those of lesser hearts, and simply dissolved in the presence of a stronger heart, possibly that of the first Knight to appear, seen wield his own Keyblade before drawing the Kingdom Key.

The three beings could be Chasers, possibly looking to reunite with their other entities, who I believe could very well be Sora Kairi and Riku, though doubtful on Kairi's part. Of course, the same laws for Nobodies may not apply to Chasers. Chasers could possibly posses a different gender than the original entity.

The final being to appear, the fourth, from the dust, could be one who is either opposed to the others, or seen as a Superior. But either way, why would they take up arms? Because Xeanhort's Heartless and Nobody were both defeated in the presence of Kingdom Hearts.

Would it not be possible for him to be absorbed and reborn as another corrupt entity, utilizing both powers of his Heartless and Nobody? Seeing their Others as currently unfit to defeat this revised Xeanhort, the Chasers could be seeking out their originals to reunite and resore them, much like Roxas to Sora.

As for the armor that the Knights were encased in, I believe they were created in the same manner as Xemnas' armor. Through the abosorption of some of Kingdom Hearts' power. This could mean that the knights have either seen and sealed Kingdom Hearts, or have opened it for selfish purposes, though the latter is unlikely.

EDIT: I seem to have forgotten King Mickey's Letter, so I will add that in now. The Letter could have either been a warning from King Mickey stating that the compilment of "Xeanhort Memories" had returned, and that they would be best suited to prepare themselves.


New member
Apr 26, 2006
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

I am about to share something with you that you may find extremely interesting. I did a few researches on what KH3 will probably be about. Though it is not for certain, I pointed out some key points that may pique your interest, so bear with it. The name of this movie is “Sunset Horizons.”

The video takes place in a barren wasteland with hundreds of Keyblades stabbed into the ground. There is no name for this place yet, so I will call it the “Realm of Fallen Keys”, because the Keyblades appear very rusty and destroyed. In the video, there are words that scroll through, which appear to be a list of the Ansem Reports. The Japanese words that appear on the screen are the Ansem Reports that talk about the Keyblade. It says stuff like, “What is the Keyblade?” “Who are the chosen few who receive it?” These Ansem Reports were never revealed in the series. After the reports, an armored figure is seen holding a massive Keyblade on his shoulder, none that we have ever seen. After a second, a ghostly phantasm shifts inside of the knight, looking as if his spirit returned to him, because when it went inside him, he started walking as if he has awakened. This cannot be explained.

All of a sudden, another armored figure walks toward the first knight, and then another female knight walks toward him. The three knights walk toward three Keyblades stabbed into the ground, away from the other hundreds. The Keyblades are the Kingdom Key, the Requiem key (Mickey’s key), and the Way of the Wait key (Riku’s key.) They all pick up the Keyblades. Then they look toward the sunset. A man is seen walking towards them. It is very hard to see because the man appeared mirage-like due to the sun’s heat waves. The man’s appearance seems identical to that of Kuja’s, from Final Fantasy 9. After the man is shown, more words are shown. They say phrases like “The Keyblade master” “Chasers” and stuff. The remaining Japanese words say “How was he created? Birth by sleep” This phrase cannot be explained, but they were referring to the Keyblade master, who probably was the man walking in the distance.

In one of the Ansem Reports that appeared on the screen, it said “The keybearer was said to have brought peace and prosperity, while others say he brought chaos and ruin.” In this case, I will say he brought chaos and ruin. It is apparent that one will say these armored figures are enemies, though it isn’t for certain. They also mention the word Chasers. I wager that the Chasers are a new enemy, identical to the Nobodies and the Heartless. I have made a wild guess that these Chasers are the souls of those Keyblades’ master who have died, and are after the keybearers who are still alive (Sora, Mickey, and Riku.) “The Keyblade War.” Another phrase, which happened to be in American. This also cannot be explained, but I am very anxious to find out. This war must have been an historical event centuries ago. The antiquated Keyblades must have been the keys of the keybearers who were killed in the war, but this is only part of my observation. Keep these mysterious facts in mind. Go here to check out the movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=Pszuz8NZlCY&search=Kingdom Hearts
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Like No Other
Jan 3, 2005
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

you know i just have a hinch in Kingdom Hearts III that Sora, Kairi, and Riku will be seperated again..


Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

(Oh I just really signed up to post this to lol

I read atleast 20-25 pages of this and really didn't see someone point this out

Ok the ending .. blah blah blah .. Who would they fight in kh3? Whos left?

Um.. people who helped you before the final set of boss fights that was evil?

Pete and........................ Maleficent

Nothing was seen or told of the two in the end after they offered to help you.

Right there could be your villians right off the bat.. Thats what king mickey's letter in the end could have said .. That mabye they brought back the heartless and (mabye the nobodies?) theres something to work with I really don't know.. Its just a theory I wanted to toss out there to make everyone rethink ^^


Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Here's something I just wanted to point out:

I've noticed nobody has really seemed to take a look at the Chasers name. They must be chasing something to be chasers lol. Everyone is more worried about whether they are enemies or allies when their motives are just important as their preferences on sides. If you figure out the motive, you can decipher their alignment. Motives will also tell you what they might be doing in the game. I just thought I'd throw that out their.

Thank you Moe. Never noticed that guy or what was really happening to the knight until now.


New member
Apr 7, 2006
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

hehe This might sound corny but what if its a Back To The Future sort of thing.
Maybe those knights had deafeated the Keybarers of the Future and the Future Mickey went back in time to warn them. Then the past Sora went to the future to try and stop the Knights from taking the Keyblades. Pretty corny but I like it :p :p


Young King
Mar 3, 2006
Rolling papers...
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

I have reason to believe that the first knight you see in the secret ending is NOT a keyblade weilder. if you look at the end of the weapon he's holding it does NOT have a keychain on it while the other two knights keyblades do. Maybe his is just a normal weapon or maybe he just picked up a random key from the field i don' know but to me no keychain=no keyblade.
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New member
Apr 29, 2006
Do you really have to know stalker?
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Golden_Chocobo said:
you know i just have a hinch in Kingdom Hearts III that Sora, Kairi, and Riku will be seperated again..

Maybe...it most likley will happen in part III. My sister was looking at some site obout KHIII and the site said something about part III will have nothing to do with the charecters that are on the game. I don't really see how that is possible because it is all about Sora, Kairi, and Riku because it mostly is.


Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

I think the next game, not part III of the series but the next one released, will revolve more around the keyblade.


New member
Sep 24, 2005
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

ok now this is goin off the theory that chasers are born like heartless from the light in ppls hearts
the knights could be sora/kairi's chaser and xenahorts chaser could be the one walking up
not sure about 3rd one tho


New member
Nov 20, 2005
on the twilit path life takes me
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

hey, this is pretty random, but did anyone else notice that when the camera is focused on the knights and then changes position three times to show all of the keyblades if you pause it after the camera changes the first time you can see fenrir along the right side of the sceen and the again after the camera changes a second time aligned with the tallest, most visible night? I just thought that was pretty interesting, but as far as theories go, you all have good ideas,but beore I get caought up in too many different theories my view on the secret ending is this...

I think KH3 would take place after KH2 considering that Riku,Mickey, and Sora's keyblades were sitting there in the sand. my take for now is that the letter they got from King Mickey was to alert them of more trouble of some sort which began the keyblade war and that the place where the knights were was a graveyard of sorts for past keybladers, with the original three in the middle surrounded by the ones following them since it did say "it all started with birth by sleep". "it" referring to the war, and birth by sleep referring to the creation of Roxas and Sora reawakening and all that jazz that happened in KH1 and 2. but that's just my opinion for now. it is very basic and does not go into a lot of detail, but if Ikept thinking and kept it going it would never end and most likely become very far fetched so for a while I'll stick with something along the lines of this.


Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

hooded_twilight0 said:
hey, this is pretty random, but did anyone else notice that when the camera is focused on the knights and then changes position three times to show all of the keyblades if you pause it after the camera changes the first time you can see fenrir along the right side of the sceen and the again after the camera changes a second time aligned with the tallest, most visible night? I just thought that was pretty interesting, but as far as theories go, you all have good ideas,but beore I get caought up in too many different theories my view on the secret ending is this...

I think KH3 would take place after KH2 considering that Riku,Mickey, and Sora's keyblades were sitting there in the sand. my take for now is that the letter they got from King Mickey was to alert them of more trouble of some sort which began the keyblade war and that the place where the knights were was a graveyard of sorts for past keybladers, with the original three in the middle surrounded by the ones following them since it did say "it all started with birth by sleep". "it" referring to the war, and birth by sleep referring to the creation of Roxas and Sora reawakening and all that jazz that happened in KH1 and 2. but that's just my opinion for now. it is very basic and does not go into a lot of detail, but if Ikept thinking and kept it going it would never end and most likely become very far fetched so for a while I'll stick with something along the lines of this.

I would like to point out that they are NOT ONLY SORA, MICKEY, and RIKU'S KEYBLADES. Do you really think they were created just for these three? I highly doubt it. I don't think whatever or whoever created them said, "Hey, here's three guys let's give them omnipotent weapons that can save or bring chaos and ruin to the world. It'll be fun." I think someone had to have it before them. Mickey FOUND his keyblade. It was in no way given to him. Sure, you may use he found it because someone wanted him to, but that's a very rare chance. It could happen, but I doubt it did. This is enough proof IMO to prove that they are not specifically their keyblades.

Also, it's already been settled that Roxas has nothing to do with this. Roxas was made when Sora was a heartless. Sora was in no way asleep.

I'm not trying to force my views on you, but I'd like you to look at the video. Tell me does it or does it not give more of a past feel. The armor, which you see nowhere else ever except on Xemnas, resembles the old armor we see in museums. My idea is this story will be in the past but will connect to the future. It will explain what we need to know about the keyblade. If it's in the future, it feels to me as though it's way in the future. This is just my belief. If you want a full explanation of what I think, just ask.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

It'll be a loooooong time before a KH3 comes
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