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KH2 Ending Discussion Thread

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Nov 20, 2005
on the twilit path life takes me
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

^ I think that those three keyblades WERE only Sora, Riku, and Mickey's keyblades (maybe maybe not) and that each keyblader each had their own version, being the thousands of keyblades surrounding.

I know Roxas was made when Sora was a heartless, but the sleep I was referring to was when he was regaining his memories in the pod which led me on to the thought that all of Kh1 and KH2 led up to the keyblade war, more likely the events in KH2 including the nobodies and Roxas rather than the events in KH1.

I still think it may take place in the future because that armor looked futuristic and high tech to me (in a Final Fantasy kind of way) and I beleive that the land they were in was once bountiful with plants and life, but the war brought destruction to it. It could very well be in the past and the three knights could be the leaders of the Keybladers, the "founders" perhaps and laid out all of the keyblade they used to be passed on to further generations of keybladers, but then there are a lot more conclusions that could be drawn whether it takes plac in the past or future. This is the reason I am sticking with my theory for now because it is what I first thought after reccently viewing the secret ending and to think of all of the different possibilities of what could have happened would never end and it would eventually drive my brain nuts. As far as Xeonhort's memories, the mirage guy, the Ansem reports, who the knights are, and what the war is exactly, I don't know now and will not form my own conclusions for a while. I don't want to spend 4 or more years thinking of theories based on the secret ending while waiting for KH3.


Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Well, if you look at it all the keyblades could be the ones for different worlds. There was a theory I read that said that area is an area where the keyblades for each keychain resides. I don't believe they were there just for Sora and the gang. I believe the KH world is the same as ours in the sense that nature takes the path of least resistance. It would be natural for the same keyblade to be passed down. Also I believe that the 4 people created the keyblades or possibly were the first weilders. I just want to tell you in the politest way possible that you're being really closed minded. You have to consider that all theories have validity unless blatantly stupid which would be a theory like I think Sora will wear pink underwear on his head while being chased by people(the chasers) and destroy evil. That would be ok to cancel out completely lol. I'm just trying to have an intelligent conversation about this.


New member
May 1, 2006
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Yea, I think so too, about the next one being more around the keyblades, finally hear the truth about the keyblades, and not the lame stuff that's been repeated. I hope they really get into this next one really good. I'm looking forward to finding out more info about KH.


New member
Feb 9, 2006
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Bossing said:
Oh I have a question. In the credits when they show Leon at Radiant Garden, looking at this letter and something comes out. What was that?
sorry to post on this so late, but i think it was a letter from aerith with her sending a love letter or something
Mar 26, 2006
The World That Never Was
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

I don't know why anyone has thought of this before, but anyway . . .

If Cloud has 2 physical representations of his heart, 1 for light (Tifa) and 1 for darkness (Sephiroth), surely the same can be said of all humans? Because why,then, does Riku choose to confront Xehanort in CoM? Xehanort has become Riku's darkness.

Perhaps, then, the knights are the light or darkness in the hearts of Sora, Riku and Mickey. Perhaps this is what Nomura meant when he said the knights might have connections with those 3.
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New member
Oct 5, 2005
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

louis said:
thats what i first thought untill i watched it 5 more times you can see a good image of the person whem the words keyblade war appers and changes to japanese words and that second the person looks alot like sora

WOAH.. Dude I so see him.. Seriously if you put that one part in slow motion. you can easily make out soras hair... Well its nice to know he'll finally grow up


New member
May 2, 2006
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Has anybody noticed that the battlefield where the knights our looks vary similar to the crossroads in CoM where Sora first meets the Organiztion and Riku chooses the road to dawn? I read somewhere (I forget where) that each of the roads lead to a different path: a road to light, a road dawn, a road to twilight, and a road to darkness. If this were the case, it would seem that each person represents of those options, since they all come from a different path and meet int the middle. Also, if you look carefully, it seems as if the 3 keyblades are pointing in the direction that they symbolize: kingdom key= light, road to dawn = dawn, mickey/kairi's keyblade = twilight. If this theory is correct, that would mean that there is a keyblade missing that would symbolize darkness and would belong to the mysterious figure at the end of the scene.


Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Kai3781 said:
Has anybody noticed that the battlefield where the knights our looks vary similar to the crossroads in CoM where Sora first meets the Organiztion and Riku chooses the road to dawn? I read somewhere (I forget where) that each of the roads lead to a different path: a road to light, a road dawn, a road to twilight, and a road to darkness. If this were the case, it would seem that each person represents of those options, since they all come from a different path and meet int the middle. Also, if you look carefully, it seems as if the 3 keyblades are pointing in the direction that they symbolize: kingdom key= light, road to dawn = dawn, mickey/kairi's keyblade = twilight. If this theory is correct, that would mean that there is a keyblade missing that would symbolize darkness and would belong to the mysterious figure at the end of the scene.

It is believed that Road to Dawn is Dawn/Twilight and Mickey's is darkness(he found it in the realm of darkness after all). The last keyblade is believed to represent the present realm. There was something in the Ansem Reports I think that mentioned indirectly this fourth realm.


Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

It's already believed that Riku and Kairi are those representations. Oblivion corresponds to Riku, and Oathkeeper corresponds to Kairi. These also represent Sora's light and dark sides. Who would the third knight be? Sora would be twilight since he'd be the mix of the two......This would be much more believeable if there were only two knights.


New member
Apr 23, 2006
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Hmm, About the whole secret ending(My theories):

The "Chasers" are those three knights, and they're after the Keyblade Warriors(King Mickey, Riku, Sora), and stumble across their keyblades in a field of keyblades. This suggests that Mickey, Riku, and Sora are pretty much the three masters of the keyblades, Sora being the lead master(Riku=Dark Keyblade master, Mickey=Light Keyblade master, Sora=Twilight Keyblade Master). Now, to back away from the secret ending: The reason Riku and Sora were able to go to that beach in the Dark Realm from the Light Realm was that they had darkness in their hearts. Even though Mickey was in the Dark Realm with Riku, he was too pure to be able to go there (Or, he just wasn't there at the time =P). Back to the secret ending. The three Keyblades belong to Riku, Mickey, and Sora, no? Therefore, the "Master of the Keyblade" is Sora, the Lost Two are Mickey and Riku since they were lost in the Realm of Darkness for a while, the knights are the Chasers, and the chasers are acting upon the memories of Xehanort. Also, King Mickey's letter could suggest that everybody's preparing for a Keyblade War since Kairi looks worried, Riku has a blank look, and Sora smirks. A big hint is that the words "Keyblade War" show on the screen during the ending. I know this is messy, but you'll get the idea.


Is Retired.
May 6, 2006
Denver, CO
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Sora267 said:
Hmm, About the whole secret ending(My theories):

The "Chasers" are those three knights, and they're after the Keyblade Warriors(King Mickey, Riku, Sora), and stumble across their keyblades in a field of keyblades. This suggests that Mickey, Riku, and Sora are pretty much the three masters of the keyblades, Sora being the lead master(Riku=Dark Keyblade master, Mickey=Light Keyblade master, Sora=Twilight Keyblade Master). Now, to back away from the secret ending: The reason Riku and Sora were able to go to that beach in the Dark Realm from the Light Realm was that they had darkness in their hearts. Even though Mickey was in the Dark Realm with Riku, he was too pure to be able to go there (Or, he just wasn't there at the time =P). Back to the secret ending. The three Keyblades belong to Riku, Mickey, and Sora, no? Therefore, the "Master of the Keyblade" is Sora, the Lost Two are Mickey and Riku since they were lost in the Realm of Darkness for a while, the knights are the Chasers, and the chasers are acting upon the memories of Xehanort. Also, King Mickey's letter could suggest that everybody's preparing for a Keyblade War since Kairi looks worried, Riku has a blank look, and Sora smirks. A big hint is that the words "Keyblade War" show on the screen during the ending. I know this is messy, but you'll get the idea.

It's a possibility, but I'd like to say that Sora opens the Door to the LIGHT. This says to me that he's the keyblade master of light. Mickey found his keyblade in the realm of darkness. Therefore being the master of dark to keep with your theory. This is the only really big error I noticed. All the rest is a possibility.


New member
May 7, 2006
probably nowhere near you
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

it would seem to me that riku would be the twilight master. but hes lost the ability to control darkness which would make him light. i dont know though, most of this is speculation anyway.


New member
May 7, 2006
at home
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Yeah a keyblade war could make sense but think of all the confusion its going to cause in the following months if KH3 follows the same pattern of leaked info that KH2 did.
Maybe a keyblade war is what Nomura meant by going in a different direction.
Wait......doesn't knights kind of remind you of FFX/FFX-2 with the war going during the story.


New member
May 7, 2006
probably nowhere near you
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

the idea about riku and mickey being the lost two is good. my idea is the chasers are the nobodies of those who gave up thier hearts to make the keyblades.


New member
Nov 19, 2005
Two worlds south of heaven
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

Ok, a few observations I made during the game.

Before the Xigbar fight, he says "You dont look like half the keyblade bearer he others were. Man, did it pick a dud this time!' or something. This brings up the fact that in KH1, when the worlds were about to be overtaken by darkness, the keyblade (or maybe the Master of keyblades, since we really have no proof that it was the keyblades choice, do we?) chose a skinny 14 year old as its weilder. If the last keyblade weilder was alive in order for Xigbar or Braig (his somebody) to see him/her, then what happened to him/her? Is a chaser a Keyblader overtaken by darkness (like anti-form sora)? I think the last keyblader was one of those knights.

And of course there is the question of who made the keyblades , which I think is the work of those knights (1 knight to make each realms keyblade), and probably a 4rth one for whatever the chasers are.

bond of flame91

New member
May 5, 2006
West Islip
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

yes you find out who number 1 is during the second or third time youre in hollow bastion and you find out who number 13 is near the beginning


Think smaller, more legs.
Dec 28, 2005
Blowing up The storm's around. In a silence Have a
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***

wtf? eveyrone talks about how chasers are the new enemies, but for all we know, it could be something more. my semi theory is that the past keyblade weilders were turned into summon gems, which is how sora learns about the past.

riku=twilight, he has light and darkness, in the final fight, he can still use dark sheild and dark aura.

mickey is darkness, if you played com, you would know that. mickey said "i thought darkness could only be evil, but thanks to you, i now know it can be used for good too" well thats what he meant, anyway
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