I know this might be off topic but im surprised that they didn't have catagories for the handheld consoles like the gameboy or the psp.
How the fuck are Super Mario Sunshine and SSBB not in the GC category?
You could consider video games art, because they do have their own art style.So.... video games are now considered art to be put in a museum? Video games are meant to be played, not displayed. It seems like a waste of a video game disk in my opinion.
So.... video games are now considered art to be put in a museum? Video games are meant to be played, not displayed. It seems like a waste of a video game disk in my opinion.
Well, video games ARE art. They will most likely set up gaming stations where you can play the games. Not all museums are just look and go "ooooic."
Still, I wonder if we can get at least one thread with a topic of an other KH-game to go to the third page without the constant KH 1-whining.
Seriously, I'm slowly getting annoyed...*sighs*
I voted for KH2 because I actually don't hate the game.
I think it's nice that KH has a chance to get its name out there even if it is through KH2.
Um, this is cool and all, but why no handhelds?
I said it earlier but the curator probably didn't do his research that well. Probably somebody who was commissioned to do the show and didn't know much about video game or knows a little but not a lot. Or it was probably just too expensive to include them. I don't get why because they will probably be asking for donations from each company to cut costs.