A lot of people thought fighting Xigbar was hard... He was a cake walk for me. Xaldin battle was definately the hardest, you could hardly get an attack in.
A lot of people thought fighting Xigbar was hard... He was a cake walk for me. Xaldin battle was definately the hardest, you could hardly get an attack in.
I dont like his movements. You walks towards you and attack and teleports and slash you.Sepherioth. he was hard as heck. All those health bars and I had to use to many potions! but it felt so good to beat him!
DittoXaldin was the first time I had to have King Mickey come save me. That was awesome.
Xaldin was the first time I had to have King Mickey come save me. That was awesome.
I recall getting Mikcey on the doors once. I always find it odd on the randomness that some of the Mickey fights are used. I can understand some bosses like Xaldin or Mulan's boss (Shu-tan or something). But the Doors and Cerberus always seemed out there.
The only thing that made Xemnas hard for me was that he captured sora and you had to go up to him and free sora. I could never do it and lost.I always had such a hard time beating Xmenas on the final battle and Xaldin.
I always had such a hard time beating Xmenas on the final battle and Xaldin.
God...Xemnas was easy for me even on proud mode!