I didn't get to see this but this is what kh-2.net says about it:
1up.com has posted information about a game show kind of a thing that is soon to be on for those that get Spike TV. It comes on at 12:00am tonight/morning. Its a show that talks about upcoming video games and KH2 is on the list. You can check this page out by clicking here. Sorry this is last minute and all, but I just found out about it from browsing the gamefaqs message boards.
Hopefully this is true. If it is it kind of makes you wonder if they will talk about the american version of the game or the recent JP release of the game.
Lain's edit: The segment with KH2 has played and is apparently over. It barely lasted a minute and they didn't really state anything note worthy, or anything that you the fans don't already know. The entire show was only 30 minutes and its over now.
Credit goes to Bladeguy of gamefaqs for the original find, and paul of the comment system.
Tomo's edit:
Here's my imput of watching it.--
Yes, that was very brief and yes, nothing new of course although it has all the nice footage such as Roxas fighting off a Nobody. They marked KH2 with a March 2006 label and that guy has the KH GBA SP logo as his desktop wallpaper (^^
. The Game Head guy asked for opinions on the story, the battle specs, and the camera.
omfg, did they really say that KH2 is gonna come out in March on the Show thing?