So Ive been wondering would it be cool if they added jobs to the mix of kh3.
You might be thinking that's going to get confusing but imagine this...
The protagonist has the keyblade of light and as the story continues you obtain keychanes of past keybares,each with their own skills and magic.
The menu will be
Attack |
(special power) |
Items |
Jobs |
The second line can vary from( Blk Magic,Wht Magic,Summon,Gun Tech,Sword Play,Et....)
The short cut will be the same concept as kh but replaced with abilities of the job.
And when you press jobs the list will open
so lets say you press GUNNER than a cut scene will appear that you spin your keyblade and attach the special keychain to the keyblade and your clothes change as well as your keyblade to a gun that has the characteristics of a key.
lets say you want limit back, well than theirs a job for that
also for drive
and when you choose not to be a class only regular keyblade master than you can customize to have eight special techniques or magic or skills from abilities you have already obtained.
holy(white mage)
Flare(black mage)
haste(time mage)et...
So tell me what you think
You might be thinking that's going to get confusing but imagine this...
The protagonist has the keyblade of light and as the story continues you obtain keychanes of past keybares,each with their own skills and magic.
The menu will be
Attack |
(special power) |
Items |
Jobs |
The second line can vary from( Blk Magic,Wht Magic,Summon,Gun Tech,Sword Play,Et....)
The short cut will be the same concept as kh but replaced with abilities of the job.
And when you press jobs the list will open
so lets say you press GUNNER than a cut scene will appear that you spin your keyblade and attach the special keychain to the keyblade and your clothes change as well as your keyblade to a gun that has the characteristics of a key.
lets say you want limit back, well than theirs a job for that
also for drive
and when you choose not to be a class only regular keyblade master than you can customize to have eight special techniques or magic or skills from abilities you have already obtained.
holy(white mage)
Flare(black mage)
haste(time mage)et...
So tell me what you think
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