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KH3D Japan Release Date Confirmed + Edition info!

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We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
Sorry for the incredibly huge amount of quotes, but since I have been waiting on this bundle's announcement since DDD was announced (they have released a limited edition bundle for every handheld thus far, so I pretty much knew they were going to have one), I have to put my two cents into everything

We got the Zelda 3DS, right? We'll get this too right? Right?!

The Zelda 3DS is made by Nintendo, who is much more likely to release their own system overseas. Square Enix has only released one KH system overseas, which was the GBA SP in Europe as well as Japan (I have the European one).

Is the anniversary box included with the bundle or is it separate? If it is included, then the bundle should definitely be localized or else it will be like only Japan got to celebrate the anniversary.

This is what I want to know too. I don't know if anyone else guessed it, but I know for the past week I have been saying that a limited edition system might be part of the 10th anniversary, and it looks like it will be. If this is the case, then I have high hopes that we will get it across seas because I can understand some countries not getting the Final Mixes as they may not have sold well because people might have thought them to be expansion packs (the casual fanbase), but a limited edition 3DS is a huge thing. Considering not many people in the US have 3DS's, I think they should definitely release this, even if they only made a small handful of them.

What is this nonsense? The 3DS looks like they just slapped some decals on it. I demand more pink!

I'm not sure why people have been thinking it would be pink or blue? Just because the main site showed pink and blue for Sora and Riku's colors respectively? The only options were either silver or black. The GBA SP was silver/black, the DSi was black, and the PSP was silver.

This seems likely to come here for whatever reason. I just feel it in my bones.

It isn't just your bones. This could very well be a 10th anniversary gift worldwide in which case they would release the system and the anniversary box together in the US. As for the AR card, that might be a pre-order gift here.

AR cards let you befriend rare Dream Eaters ;A; PLZ PLZ PLZ COME TO US ALL PLZ.

Don't worry, something that big I can't see them keeping from the US. Collectible action figures and such may not as they are purely for collector's sake or a few casual fans here and there. However, cards that affect the game itself would be like DLC, and the US soaks up DLC lol xP

The limited edition sounds useless, I'm going for the bundle~

The limited edition comes with the card, right? In which case, that is perfect for you if you do not want the system, but you still want the collectible card. You may be able to make your own, but you can't give the card you make collector's value like the card you get the limited edition.

Gah, if they plan to release the bundle stateside, the 3DS better have more unique qualities to it's design than just what's on the camera side. The Zelda 3DS still has it beat imo...
(dem golden buttons :3)

This is just hoping for too much. They went out of there way to make a limited edition system in the first place. If you don't like it, don't get it. However, do not expect them to screw over Japan and give our system some special qualities. You do realize that if they announce this overseas, it will be the first limited edition KH console that will have come to NA? If you do realize that, then you would be thankful just to finally get one for those who aren't lucky enough to import it. The way I see it, if you really don't like it that much, as clearly you do not, get the Zelda 3DS and stop complaining. (sorry for sounding angry, I just have been waiting on this a while now, and seeing people immediately complain irks me, your opinion is just as good as mine though)

Aw, I don't need THAT 3DS, not since I have an even BETTER 3DS - The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary model with Ocarina of Time 3D. I just wanna go to the Disney Store, this month, so I can see about getting a new Donald Duck plush, and maybe Daisy, if I can afford it, but I gotta finish paying for the Collector's Edition of Final Fantasy XIII, first. I REALLY want Disney Stores to acknowledge the 10th Anniversary with Kingdom Hearts Merchandise, like rare pluishies, including a limited addition for the Minnie's Closet plush of Minnie - her Queen's Dress!

I think this 3DS kicks the Zelda 3DS' buttocks all over these forums!

Also, I doubt Disney Stores will recognize KH merchandise soon. Considering they are all over the US, I think we have a better chance of just Disneyworld or Disneyland selling KH merchandise first, since they are a smaller place and would require less of that item to be produced, not to mention they could see just how popular those items are because many people visit both parks everyday.

The 3DS looks great! I'm tempted to import it seeing as how I wanted a Japanese 3DS, but never got the chance to get one. The 10th Anniversary box sounds like it'll be bundled with the game, and not the KH 3DS though, which is a shame, means I can only get one of the two. >.<Unforunately the 3DS is region locked, so if you buy a Eurpean or Australian unit you're stuck with buying PAL games, NTSC-U games with the US and NTSC-J games with the Jap unit. :/

This. If it comes to the US (I think it is a 50-50% tossup right now, the 10th anniversary item is real convincing, but at the same time, systems don't ever come overseas anymore).

If it doesn't come overseas, do I just get this bundle and play all my games in Japanese and wait until someone can possible un-region lock the system (people haven't been able to yet, they did it for the DSi), or do I not get it and cry myself to sleep at night?

Wow this is amazing! There are three things that worry me though. 1) The likelihood of anyone but Japan getting the 3DS bundle is fairly high. SE has never done us any special favors before why would they now? 2) The price... $79!!!! That's outrageous!!! and 3) This is starting to look like the extra-special 10th anniversary thing we've been promised, especially with the release date being March 29th (the original JP release of KH was March 28th). This worries me because the NA anniversary is September 17th and PAL is November 15th. I don't want to have to wait for September for this game!!!!!!! ASAP SE!!!!! Give it to us ASAP!!!!!!!

1) They would do it now because it is KH's 10th anniversary everywhere, not just Japan. However, they could easily just release something else stateside that Japan is also getting that isn't the system or mysterious box.

2) It is inflated because the yen is worth more than the USD currently.

3) I doubt they would make us wait that many months for it, and look at it this way, if we have to wait till September to get the game, but they release the system with it, I think I will definitely wait and I think it will be worth it. A couple months for a collector's item that will last a lifetime?

They probably wont considering none of the other Kingdom Hearts themed handhelds haven't been released outside of Japan, but one could still hope it will!

The Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories Deep Silver GBA SP was released in European territories as well as Japan.

I'll cry if this 10th anniversary package is amazing and it doesn't come over here.

I'm with you on this one...if that happens we'll all plan a place to meet up where we can just cry ourselves a lake.


New member
Jul 15, 2011
Henderson, CO
Man oh man. I'm really curious as to which bundles will release outside of Japan (if any);; Some of my friends and I have been discussing this and it's just hard to pinpoint what Square is gonna do.


New member
Jan 19, 2012
^^Whoa whoa, where'd you hear that? To my knowledge, we haven't heard anything about an HD rerelease yet.

I believe there was some mention that they were doing "HD technical tests" for the anniversary and a possible remake. However I'm not sure how long things like that take...


We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
I believe there was some mention that they were doing "HD technical tests" for the anniversary and a possible remake. However I'm not sure how long things like that take...

I believe Nomura said he was "looking into it," which doesn't mean he is making it ;D


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
My 3DS is dead to me now. But now that I think of it, I hope that I get that Dream Eater DLC and AR Card for pre-ordering. But do you think they'll release Dream Drop Distance in September in America for the aniversary? God, I hope not.


We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
My 3DS is dead to me now. But now that I think of it, I hope that I get that Dream Eater DLC and AR Card for pre-ordering. But do you think they'll release Dream Drop Distance in September in America for the aniversary? God, I hope not.

I don't think so. I think people would rather get the game earlier instead of having a release date that just happens to coincidentally fall near the anniversary date.

sasuke 189

May 15, 2005
I vote we adopt the rule from Days/BBS' release where we automatically ban anyone on sight who posts spoilers without tagging them.

So start learning your tags. There is even a convenient spoiler tag button in Advanced posting :3

Also I think that we should make a spoiler section and make it a rule that spoiler topic titles (such as the identity of the final boss or anything revolving the ending or secret ending) should not be allowed.


New member
Jan 15, 2012
Also, I doubt Disney Stores will recognize KH merchandise soon. Considering they are all over the US, I think we have a better chance of just Disneyworld or Disneyland selling KH merchandise first, since they are a smaller place and would require less of that item to be produced, not to mention they could see just how popular those items are because many people visit both parks everyday.

I keep forgetting to post this, but I posted it in another Disney forum I'm apart of! Don't know if you guys know yet, but I was at Disneyland in early December and I saw in tomorrow land that they sold some KH keychains! I was so excited I just bought them right away! The CMs said they just got them in the week before, and as some may know Disneyland hasn't sold ANY KH merch since the first game came out! This could be good news! We might get more KH merch in the parks!^^

I totally squalid when I saw all of this! SUPER excited about a bundle! They better release it over here! I'd honestly also would be fine with just Decals, I just want a 3DS with KH something on it! Haha! This game can't come out soon enough!

Also thanks for the info on the HD games. I was wondering weather I should get the FM versions of the games, but was holding off to see if maybe they might rerelease them in HD and(I know, I'm naive) the FM versions in the states. But it looks like it will be a while and I've been wanting these for a while so I'll just go ahead and buy them and the hacking stuff so I can play them on my PS2! ^^


New member
Jan 10, 2012
I really wish we see some English trailers next month or sometime in march. Would make a great bday present ^^ But, the anniversary I'm thinking has an art book or something along those lines. Could be a possible music cd too with popular songs from all the KH games? Probably asking for too much though XD


Dec 28, 2006
I don't know if this has been brought up before, but there was a Birth By Sleep PSP Bundle that came out in North America.

Unless they have been making it in secret, since this coming out the same day as DDD, I can't imagine there will be an HD Remastered game in the 10th anniversary box. However, what I am hoping for is that the box will contain a trailer (or better yet a demo) of an upcoming HD Remaster game. That is assuming this box is a separate entity from DDD.
Last edited:

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
I don't know if this has been brought up before, but there was a Birth By Sleep PSP Bundle that came out in North America.

Unless they have been making it in secret, since this coming out the same day as DDD, I can't imagine there will be an HD Remastered game in the 10th anniversary box. However, what I am hoping for is that the box will contain a trailer (or better yet a demo) of an HD Remaster game. That is assuming this box is a separate entity from DDD.

The Birth By Sleep PSP Bundle was not like the bundle in Japan. It was just a silver PSP that came with decals to put on your PSP (which many did not receive because the decals were not in the store yet, or it was just forgotten) The BBS PSP Bundle in Japan had the actual decal design on the PSP.

SE is known for not releasing their special bundles outside of Japan. :\


New member
Jan 15, 2012
Yea, i got that bundle, it was kinda crummy, in that it didn't come with any special designs, it was just silver. Oh well, SE doesn't really care about us NA fans :(


Bronze Member
Jun 18, 2010
near the Moon
My 3DS is dead to me now. But now that I think of it, I hope that I get that Dream Eater DLC and AR Card for pre-ordering.

Doesn't the AR card hold one rare Dream Eater? I wouldn't call it a gift from god *aka Nomura, god of KH*

Your 3DS is trash? Can I have it then?


New member
Sep 24, 2009
Chamber of Repose
hey i just saw in gamestop that Kingdom Hearts 3D is already avaible for preorder with a release date for the US of october 15th, is this confirmed??


Silver Member
Jan 2, 2007
hey i just saw in gamestop that Kingdom Hearts 3D is already avaible for preorder with a release date for the US of october 15th, is this confirmed??

No, that's just a placeholder date.


&#7435;&#618;&#628;&#610;&#7448;&#618;&#628; &#743
Mar 30, 2010
hey i just saw in gamestop that Kingdom Hearts 3D is already avaible for preorder with a release date for the US of october 15th, is this confirmed??

Did you see this in the store or on the website? Unless it's officially confirmed, they're probably just using that as an estimated date.

Plus that's a Monday...
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