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KH3D Premiere Event: Photos and Videos from the Event!

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Bronze Member
Jan 4, 2010
But he doesn't have the key that will release hearts like last time, so he'll have to find another way. Maybe something not as sacrificial, even though that scene is still my favorite one in the entire series. I think if Ven gets out, MX will probably have something to do with it?

Someone did mention that the wall that broke around that keyblade was white, could it be the white walls of CO? Only Aqua is supposed to be able to find Ven *theoretically?*, so could the breaking = literal forced entry?

And I think that the clock stuff is pretty darn important in this game if it wasn't obvious already. Braig shot 12 bullets in a circle for which 12 dudes appeared, the MF(who is the "yellowed eyed person" whom I assume is YMX) from BbS had time travel, and finally, we have the light around the keyhole on the wall Sora breaks looking almost just like a clock face. *probably missed more references in there somehow*

Hm... maybe they will find Ven in this game, I mean, in that teaser a while ago, Ven goes missing from his chair and Sora goes missing from his tree. Could that just symbolize MX getting them like he apparently wants?

Edit: Started rambling... sorry about that.


Haddyn Slayer
Feb 23, 2011
But he doesn't have the key that will release hearts like last time, so he'll have to find another way. Maybe something not as sacrificial, even though that scene is still my favorite one in the entire series. I think if Ven gets out, MX will probably have something to do with it?

Someone did mention that the wall that broke around that keyblade was white, could it be the white walls of CO? Only Aqua is supposed to be able to find Ven *theoretically?*, so could the breaking = literal forced entry?

And I think that the clock stuff is pretty darn important in this game if it wasn't obvious already. Braig shot 12 bullets in a circle for which 12 dudes appeared, the MF(who is the "yellowed eyed person" whom I assume is YMX) from BbS had time travel, and finally, we have the light around the keyhole on the wall Sora breaks looking almost just like a clock face. *probably missed more references in there somehow*

Hm... maybe they will find Ven in this game, I mean, in that teaser a while ago, Ven goes missing from his chair and Sora goes missing from his tree. Could that just symbolize MX getting them like he apparently wants?

Edit: Started rambling... sorry about that.

Some people theorize that Keyblade Masters can free hearts with any Keyblade (like how Xehanort freed his own). If Sora becomes a Master, and the theory is true, he wouldn't need the Keyblade of People's Hearts. And even if he doesn't become a Master, another Master could perform the same task on him. So maybe Ven could be freed that way?

Like I said, this is just stuff people have speculated on. I'm not sure if it's accurate, but it's something to consider because of what Xehanort did.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
It's not a theory so much as confirmed by Xehanort himself in his reports.

Xehanort Report IX
We Keyblade Masters have a special gift. We can extract a heart, be it our own or that of another. By continuing this cycle, it is possible to remain in the world of the living forever.


Too many games too little time
Sep 15, 2011
Mesa, AZ
When I read that, I wondered about the Keyblade of People's Hearts, the one that Riku has in KH1, and how it relates to that gift of the Masters.


Haddyn Slayer
Feb 23, 2011
When I read that, I wondered about the Keyblade of People's Hearts, the one that Riku has in KH1, and how it relates to that gift of the Masters.

Sorry if I confused you. LOL. It seemed to me that Kirabook didn't think Sora could release Ven's heart without the Keyblade of People's Hearts. I meant to show that he might be able to without it. Once again, I apologize for the confusion.

@Sign Did the reports confirm it? It's been awhile since I read them, but I'll take your word for it. I miss my PSP! I have no idea where it is, sadly, and I want to play BbS again. Anyway...


Bronze Member
Jan 4, 2010
Yes, I realize it's possible to do it, but thus far I don't think Sora can do it. Not yet anyway, unless he randomly pulls the ability out of nowhere, which by now isn't far fetched I guess.


We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
I hope it's foreshadowing, too. I hope Kairi's there and we just didn't get to see her in the video. I want her to be in the final battle, but I don't want her to be a warrior goddess or anything like that. That wouldn't make sense.

Keep in mind this isn't the final battle, the Xehanort saga won't end until KH3, so the final battle will take place then, and then I presume that the rest of the cast will be there. As for Kairi, Xion, Lea, perhaps Yensid told Lea to protect Kairi considering she was open, and during this final battle Xion and Lea are off, far away protecting her.

Some people theorize that Keyblade Masters can free hearts with any Keyblade (like how Xehanort freed his own). If Sora becomes a Master, and the theory is true, he wouldn't need the Keyblade of People's Hearts. And even if he doesn't become a Master, another Master could perform the same task on him. So maybe Ven could be freed that way?

It wouldn't necessarily have to be Sora, what about Riku, or...dare I say it...YENSID?!?!?


Haddyn Slayer
Feb 23, 2011
Keep in mind this isn't the final battle, the Xehanort saga won't end until KH3, so the final battle will take place then, and then I presume that the rest of the cast will be there. As for Kairi, Xion, Lea, perhaps Yensid told Lea to protect Kairi considering she was open, and during this final battle Xion and Lea are off, far away protecting her.

It wouldn't necessarily have to be Sora, what about Riku, or...dare I say it...YENSID?!?!?

Actually, that makes a lot of sense. It would definitely explain Lea and Xion's absence in the scene (unless they were there and weren’t shown). It would also get Kairi involved with the plot somewhat...

I just wonder how Naminé will fit into the final battle. I just don't ever see her fighting. At all. At least Kairi has the teeniest, tiniest bit of experience in combat (she also seems to have a Keyblade and the desire to fight). But I guess Naminé could use other methods. Like, when she smashed Repliku's heart? Honestly, her power over memories could be a great weapon. It would be mental attacks rather than physical.

If Sora becomes a Master he might get the ability. But another Master could do it, too. Frankly, I want it to be Yen Sid. I actually meant to say that before, but didn't. It would be nice to see him use his Keyblade without coming out of retirement. And he'd know what he was doing, and keep things from becoming disastrous. Sora? Not so much. Who am I kidding? I swear Sora's going to stab himself and it'll be like KH1 all over again. It'll be bookends. Anyway...


The prince of Tides
Dec 26, 2009
Yes, I realize it's possible to do it, but thus far I don't think Sora can do it. Not yet anyway, unless he randomly pulls the ability out of nowhere, which by now isn't far fetched I guess.

Sora quite powerful for no reason, and you dont need the title of master to extract somones heart, as shown with terra . Itmay just be an instict thing


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Sora quite powerful for no reason, and you dont need the title of master to extract somones heart, as shown with terra . Itmay just be an instict thing

Terra didn't extract anyone's heart, unless you're referring to the Aurora incident where the culprits were revealed to be Maleficent and Master Xehanort.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
When I read that, I wondered about the Keyblade of People's Hearts, the one that Riku has in KH1, and how it relates to that gift of the Masters.

The keyblade of People's Hearts can release hearts like any other keyblade when it is used for it. What makes the KoPH special compared to other keyblades is that it also unlocks the heart it is aimed at (see Maleficent for an example, and her heart did not get released!) and causes it to be overflown with its own darkness.
This unsealed Maleficent's dragon form and caused Sora to turn into a heartless.
In the case of Sora and Ven though we don't know if using a Keyblade is even needed. Sora's and Ven's heart have a special connection, when Sora's newborn heart came inside Ven's during the Prologue of BBS to offer its help it also didn't need to be released by a keyblade afterwards.
It's therefore entirely possible that when Ven's heart is finally healthy enough and awake again the only thing Sora needs to do is to carry it to the Chamber of Waking and their hearts simply disengage like already shown before.

Sorry if I confused you. LOL. It seemed to me that Kirabook didn't think Sora could release Ven's heart without the Keyblade of People's Hearts. I meant to show that he might be able to without it. Once again, I apologize for the confusion.

@Sign Did the reports confirm it? It's been awhile since I read them, but I'll take your word for it. I miss my PSP! I have no idea where it is, sadly, and I want to play BbS again. Anyway...

That would be indeed an error, the KoPH isn't the only keyblade that can release hearts, all keyblades are capable of that.

Keep in mind this isn't the final battle, the Xehanort saga won't end until KH3, so the final battle will take place then, and then I presume that the rest of the cast will be there. As for Kairi, Xion, Lea, perhaps Yensid told Lea to protect Kairi considering she was open, and during this final battle Xion and Lea are off, far away protecting her.
Indeed, it would depend though when this scene actually happens. The scene with Sora unlocking that "clock"-keyhole and the scenes where Aqua, Terra & co. show up are definitely unrelated since in the former scene Sora has his DDD clothes on while in the latterr he has his KH2-outfit, indicating a scene in the RoL.
Kairi, Naminé and Lea have no place there anyways. The first two aren't fighters and the latter isn't a main enemy of Xehanort, unlike all the others shown in that scene.
One gotta has to wonder about Xion though, since Roxas is there and she can fight (and also was more or less "created" by a form of Xehanort) it would make sense for her to be there.

It wouldn't necessarily have to be Sora, what about Riku, or...dare I say it...YENSID?!?!?

Sora was the one who allowed Ven to stay within him and he was actually the one who reached out to the guy's broken heart when he was just born just because he got distracted by his light and pain and wanted to help.
So it would only be logical that Sora is also the one to give Ven his heart back when it is finally healed, what have Riku or Yen Sid to do with it? This is a personal issue I would say.

I just wonder how Naminé will fit into the final battle. I just don't ever see her fighting. At all. At least Kairi has the teeniest, tiniest bit of experience in combat (she also seems to have a Keyblade and the desire to fight). But I guess Naminé could use other methods. Like, when she smashed Repliku's heart? Honestly, her power over memories could be a great weapon. It would be mental attacks rather than physical.

If Sora becomes a Master he might get the ability. But another Master could do it, too. Frankly, I want it to be Yen Sid. I actually meant to say that before, but didn't. It would be nice to see him use his Keyblade without coming out of retirement. And he'd know what he was doing, and keep things from becoming disastrous. Sora? Not so much. Who am I kidding? I swear Sora's going to stab himself and it'll be like KH1 all over again. It'll be bookends. Anyway...

The answer is easy, she won't. Having Naminé in the final battle would be more of an obstacle than an asset since she would always need to be protected, same goes for Kairi.
Kairi does not have a keyblade, she has the ability to wield one but no own keyblade has chosen her yet.
Naminé has only powers over Sora's memories and those closely connected to him, so her "mental" attacks would probably only serve to wipe out the good team and Xehanort will laugh his ass off.

That will all not be necessary if Sora can just guide Ven's heart back where it belongs when its healed. I don't see why their connection wouldn't work both ways.


We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
Indeed, it would depend though when this scene actually happens. The scene with Sora unlocking that "clock"-keyhole and the scenes where Aqua, Terra & co. show up are definitely unrelated since in the former scene Sora has his DDD clothes on while in the latterr he has his KH2-outfit, indicating a scene in the RoL.
Kairi, Naminé and Lea have no place there anyways. The first two aren't fighters and the latter isn't a main enemy of Xehanort, unlike all the others shown in that scene.
One gotta has to wonder about Xion though, since Roxas is there and she can fight (and also was more or less "created" by a form of Xehanort) it would make sense for her to be there.

Sora was the one who allowed Ven to stay within him and he was actually the one who reached out to the guy's broken heart when he was just born just because he got distracted by his light and pain and wanted to help.
So it would only be logical that Sora is also the one to give Ven his heart back when it is finally healed, what have Riku or Yen Sid to do with it? This is a personal issue I would say.

You don't know if Lea is a main enemy of Xehanort, though it may not seem like it, we do not know his backstory besides the little tidbit in BbS so say he doesn't want revenge. If it is revealed that Lea was forced into having his heart taken perhaps, I think he should have every right to somehow be involved, but then again, who knows, he may not be there for the same reason you just said.

Also, are you implying that there is a wrong time to give Yensid a keyblade? GASP?!?!? O_____O jkjkjk but I meant more along the lines of Sora wanting Ven's heart to be taken out, but not being able too considering he isn't a master, thus allowing Yensid to do it.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
You don't know if Lea is a main enemy of Xehanort, though it may not seem like it, we do not know his backstory besides the little tidbit in BbS so say he doesn't want revenge. If it is revealed that Lea was forced into having his heart taken perhaps, I think he should have every right to somehow be involved, but then again, who knows, he may not be there for the same reason you just said.
Granted, yet he did play quite some time on Xehanort's team nonetheless. The Organization XIII is/was pretty much just Xehanort's quirky miniboss squad.
Judging by the tidbit we see of him from DDD so far he will most likely more involved than he ever was since CoM, yet I would not be so fast to warrant him a place in the main Xehanort punishment team. TAV, Sora, Riku and also Mickey to a degree were pretty much screwed over badly by Xehanort personally while Roxas was always only used as a tool and not as a living being, so them being all there makes pretty much sense.
I am clearly somewhat on the fence about Xion though, technically she should be there too, especially if Donald and Goofy also join the fray.

Also, are you implying that there is a wrong time to give Yensid a keyblade? GASP?!?!? O_____O jkjkjk but I meant more along the lines of Sora wanting Ven's heart to be taken out, but not being able too considering he isn't a master, thus allowing Yensid to do it.

Yen Sid is retired, he is no more a keyblade wielder, I thought that was made clear? 0_o
And I gave the proposal that it may not need to be "taken" out because it can go by itself when the time comes when guided by Sora. We saw in BBS in the prologue and also in the end that hearts can enter and leave other hearts without a keyblade even involved.
Furthermore I could also imagine Sora considering that his own task that he doesn't want to delegate, along the lines "I protected this one for so long, so I will also be the one to give it back."
If any person outside Sora and Ventus themselves should be allowed to partake in the process at all it should be Mickey. He is also a Keyblade Master and also a friend of Ven.


Haddyn Slayer
Feb 23, 2011
The keyblade of People's Hearts can release hearts like any other keyblade when it is used for it. What makes the KoPH special compared to other keyblades is that it also unlocks the heart it is aimed at (see Maleficent for an example, and her heart did not get released!) and causes it to be overflown with its own darkness.
This unsealed Maleficent's dragon form and caused Sora to turn into a heartless.
In the case of Sora and Ven though we don't know if using a Keyblade is even needed. Sora's and Ven's heart have a special connection, when Sora's newborn heart came inside Ven's during the Prologue of BBS to offer its help it also didn't need to be released by a keyblade afterwards.
It's therefore entirely possible that when Ven's heart is finally healthy enough and awake again the only thing Sora needs to do is to carry it to the Chamber of Waking and their hearts simply disengage like already shown before.

That would be indeed an error, the KoPH isn't the only keyblade that can release hearts, all keyblades are capable of that.

Indeed, it would depend though when this scene actually happens. The scene with Sora unlocking that "clock"-keyhole and the scenes where Aqua, Terra & co. show up are definitely unrelated since in the former scene Sora has his DDD clothes on while in the latterr he has his KH2-outfit, indicating a scene in the RoL.
Kairi, Naminé and Lea have no place there anyways. The first two aren't fighters and the latter isn't a main enemy of Xehanort, unlike all the others shown in that scene.
One gotta has to wonder about Xion though, since Roxas is there and she can fight (and also was more or less "created" by a form of Xehanort) it would make sense for her to be there.

Sora was the one who allowed Ven to stay within him and he was actually the one who reached out to the guy's broken heart when he was just born just because he got distracted by his light and pain and wanted to help.
So it would only be logical that Sora is also the one to give Ven his heart back when it is finally healed, what have Riku or Yen Sid to do with it? This is a personal issue I would say.

The answer is easy, she won't. Having Naminé in the final battle would be more of an obstacle than an asset since she would always need to be protected, same goes for Kairi.
Kairi does not have a keyblade, she has the ability to wield one but no own keyblade has chosen her yet.
Naminé has only powers over Sora's memories and those closely connected to him, so her "mental" attacks would probably only serve to wipe out the good team and Xehanort will laugh his ass off.

That will all not be necessary if Sora can just guide Ven's heart back where it belongs when its healed. I don't see why their connection wouldn't work both ways.

I think there are some ways you could argue Kairi was chosen (not saying I believe it, but I've heard some interesting points). I don't really want to get into that, though. Either way, she can wield a Keyblade (even if she’s not the master, she can temporarily be given one).

I just want her to be part of the final battle in some way. It's supposed to be the end of the series, after all. Seriously: Kairi needs to grow. That's the one thing that irks me about KH. She's supposed to be the main girl, but everyone else is more important than her. She's barely even in it, and even when she is she's just there (or comatose or something). I still think Nomura might be trying to make her the "Aqua" of her group by giving her a Keyblade (and Destiny's Embrace, no less). Maybe not in this saga, but the next one. There's really no reason that she couldn't learn to fight... I'm ranting now. Sorry!

And I don't really care if Nami's not there, honestly. But wouldn't she be able to manipulate Xehanort's memories since he's deeply connected to Sora? I want to know people's thoughts on this. Can Naminé manipulate the memories of anyone that knows Sora, or just the people that were close to him? Was that ever specified? I'd imagine she could affect anyone that knew him. After all, minor characters like Selphie even forgot him, so...


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
I think there are some ways you could argue Kairi was chosen (not saying I believe it, but I've heard some interesting points). I don't really want to get into that, though. Either way, she can wield a Keyblade (even if she’s not the master, she can temporarily be given one).
She is a chosen one, albeit accidentally. No one can deny that, yet that doesn't change the fact that she has no keyblade of her own and that she has close to no combat prowess at all. She would need a quick-blitz training like Hope did get in FF XIII when trained by Lightning. Even then she would probably only be able to beat opponents like Pete or idiots like Demyx, yet not stand much of a chance against bigger bads like Vanitas or Braig, let alone Xehanort.

I just want her to be part of the final battle in some way. It's supposed to be the end of the series, after all. Seriously: Kairi needs to grow. That's the one thing that irks me about KH. She's supposed to be the main girl, but everyone else is more important than her. She's barely even in it, and even when she is she's just there (or comatose or something). I still think Nomura might be trying to make her the "Aqua" of her group by giving her a Keyblade (and Destiny's Embrace, no less). Maybe not in this saga, but the next one. There's really no reason that she couldn't learn to fight... I'm ranting now. Sorry!

And I don't really care if Nami's not there, honestly. But wouldn't she be able to manipulate Xehanort's memories since he's deeply connected to Sora? I want to know people's thoughts on this. Can Naminé manipulate the memories of anyone that knows Sora, or just the people that were close to him? Was that ever specified? I'd imagine she could affect anyone that knew him. After all, minor characters like Selphie even forgot him, so...

It's not the end of the series, lol, only the end of Xehanort. And for that sucker, the ones who suffered the most under him should get the honor to send him to Oblivion.
I think many people will agree with the fact that she is underrepresented in the series, but that has to do with her total lack of proper development. Just tacking a keyblade on her and making her an Aqua-clone won't make her character better.
Of course there's no reason for her to develop and learn to "fight", but in the current saga which is steering towards the climax she would just get in the way, leave that up to the next arc.

As for Naminé manipulating Xehanort's memories...I doubt that'll be possible, like strongly doubt, lol. Also, as shown in CoM, Days and KH2, she can only manipulate other's memories which are related to Sora, not more.


The prince of Tides
Dec 26, 2009
Terra didn't extract anyone's heart, unless you're referring to the Aurora incident where the culprits were revealed to be Maleficent and Master Xehanort.

Oops yes tha what i meant, but i believe somone said terra has the power of the masters alredy, he just lacks the title

So i was watching the video again an i was suddenly remided of the dissida the last 12 seconds of the video where the hereoes gather to one side before clashing with the villains, did anyone esle get that, ? [video=youtube;CpOEOj79Amk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpOEOj79Amk[/video]I know all we have seen in that grave yard is Master xheanort but i doubt he is facing them all alone, to many masters. I hope we can get a hd version of tha video soon.......21 days
Last edited:


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Oops yes tha what i meant, but i believe somone said terra has the power of the masters alredy, he just lacks the title

And that's absolutely true.


We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
Granted, yet he did play quite some time on Xehanort's team nonetheless. The Organization XIII is/was pretty much just Xehanort's quirky miniboss squad.

Yen Sid is retired, he is no more a keyblade wielder, I thought that was made clear? 0_o

I think there are some ways you could argue Kairi was chosen (not saying I believe it, but I've heard some interesting points). I don't really want to get into that, though. Either way, she can wield a Keyblade (even if she’s not the master, she can temporarily be given one).

Just because Axel was in the org. and worked under Xemnas, doesn't meant he necessarily was okay with him though. As Saix and him said in Days, they did plan on taking over the Org. so I think there may have been some hostility between Axel and Xemas, perhaps stemming from problems between their somebodies? Now this is all theory, but it is a possibility nonetheless (one of many). Also, Axel was among the group of people who needed to be saved, and those were all major characters, I don't see why Nomura wouldn't just add all the people who need to be saved to the final battle.

Also, just because Yensid is no longer a keyblade wielder doesn't mean he has no idea how to use one. I understand it is highly unlikely that he would do such a thing, but I don't think it is impossible given the only people we have as candidates right now are Yensid, Mickey, and possibly soon-to-be Sora and Riku. Yensid has a 25% chance...COME ON!
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