i agree since its KH's 10th anniversary they should announce something special, but i just don't see people shelling out 40 bucks for just just improved graphics and trophies, so they should give us the FM's or at least new secret endings for KH1 and KH2.
But as far as Hd collections do you think we'll see BBS at all? We would obviously get KH1,2, and Re:com since they were made for the PS2. But BBS was on the PSP, would it be hard to put it on the PS3? And do you see the HD collection being multi platform or just for PS3?
I hope to hell we get BBS. I had to borrow someones psp just to play it(i bought the game without a psp, die hard fan). KH1,KH2, AND BBS. Yeah il take that if its not KH3(most likely it isnt)
I'm almost positive it's an HD collection. I really don't think there's any more stories left untouched (other than the dark realm BBS2 stuff) for them to touch on before 3. Honestly, I haven't minded getting all these games and following along in the slightest, but if they announce another game before 3 that isn't BBS2/dark realm related, it'll have gotten ridiculous and I'll have reached my limit.
And those who are getting a system for one game like DDD or the mystery game, really dumb. Not saying you are, but your choice of actions sounds really bad.
I've been doing that for every portable KH game to release. After getting a PSP, I bought it again after they announced the BbS bundle. I have no regrets.![]()
And you didn't have others games for the PSP and 3DS to get?
For me, no. But my brothers do, so I don't mind letting them borrow them.
Well that's your problem, you bought one game for a system. That's the problem with everyone getting a KH game for a system without planning other games to get for it. There a lot of goood games out for both systems, get those as well.
@Hillboy, Ever played one the God of War HD collections, one of them ported two PSP games onto the PS3, so it's not that hard.
And to anyone thinking it would out be another game getting in their way of 'their' KH3, chill anout it and find something esle to wait or play. And those who are getting a system for one game like DDD or the mystery game, really dumb. Not saying you are, but your choice of actions sounds really bad.
There's an interview with Tetsuya Nomura in the KH3D Ultimania that went on sale today! From the interview:
They don't have any plans for BBSv2 right now, trust your imagination with the ****** message, there's no plans for an FM for this title, the mystery kh project is stopped because they did kh3d, please look forward to whether the * ****** are those * people, lots of things have already started happening for a new title in the kh series, and he thinks they will be able to make some kind of announcement in a relatively short time.
(The blanked out parts are only blanked out by this blog because of spoilers, they aren't blanked in the actual interview. Goldpanner thinks the words are 'secret message' and 'whether the 7 lights are those 7 people'
There you go! In the interview there's also 'impressions upon seeing the 3DS, the way we brought in free flow action, the title 3D, choosing which worlds to use, about the new black coated people in organisation xiii' etc. I also really really recommend 'Ask Mr Tetsu everything! Scenario Mysteries' for Nomura's detailed commentary! KH3D's Ultimania is pretty big, very much worth reading, go and buy it for sure!