If I had the $700 for a plane ticket to LA I would be there too. :\
Welp, I'll still be here forwarding all of the news to you guys!
Welp, I'll still be here forwarding all of the news to you guys!
Fuck you guys. Fuck you guys and everything you all stand for.
*throws tantrum*
Practical question, when is the Square Enix conference?
There isn't one. Square Enix doesn't have conferences at E3.
then what involves kingdom hearts there?
The Nintendo Conference? The Square Enix booth? :\
If you guys aren't going to be by the computer 24/7 during E3 (which many of us can't), make sure to follow us on Twitter! I'll make sure that every news update and photo will make it's way onto there so no matter where you are you can keep up with the rest of us.
Had no idea KHI had a twitter. time to play some catch up.
I know this sounds a little stupid, but I'm just wondering, how do you guys get to go to E3?
Btw you are gonna have an amazing time, I'm sure of it. I so wish I was there.