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Kingdom Bleach Chapter 3
It was hot and humid in the 11th Division precinct. While the rest of the inhabitants where in the quarters sleeping Ikkaku was on first watch, agitated about the heat.
“Man do I hate guard duty!” said Ikkaku. Guard duty was one of the many chores a Shinigami had to do but was Ikkaku’s least favorite but make matters worse he as on duty with Yumichika which made all the more frustrating.
“This humidity is no good, it’s only a matter of time until my skin toils and begins to fester with oil, cloging my pores, oh the humanity of it all!, what if get a zit? No! I shutter to think off it” said Yumichika. Reaching into his pocket he took out a pocket mirror and checked to see where most the facial perspiration was. Oh thank God! he thought, relieved to see that there was a small amount of excess sweat. With napkin in hand, he dabbed away the wet spots. Yumichika was always putting his looks first before anything, he preferred to look gorgeous on all occasions even in the heat of battle which made his comrades a lot more aggravated to put up with him.
Oh God! Here he goes again, I tell you one these days Yumichika, one of these days Pow! Right in the kisser Thought Ikkaku.
Putting his mirror back Yumichika searched for his skin powder was at a loss when he remembered he had left it in the second drawer at his quarters “O dear I’ve forgotten my facial powder, I’ll be right back Ikkaku” said Yumichika
“What the? Your not leaving me hear” said Ikkaku, frustrated not only at heat and guard duty but that Yumichika was not taking his position seriously and ditching.
“Oh come now, its not like any things going happen”. Suddenly a clay roof tile fell on Ikkaku’s head.
“Ow! Shit that hurt!” yelled Ikkaku clutching in pain at where the piece hit him. “What was that!?”. Yumichika looked up he thought he heard foot steps clicking on the roof. Jump he went to examine. It was quick and sutle but he saw a shadow, blurry but moving quickly, it was heading south east. It was to late to pursue so instead Yumichika taped into his head set to reach south division and warn them of the oncoming intruder and perhaps they might slow the suspect down. “Oh! God! My head” continued Ikkaku wailing in pain.
“Shhh! I can’t hear them with you whining like that, come in Unit Two come in, over?” said Yumichika. The transmission began with static interference but slowly calmed. “Can you hear me Unit Two? Over?” repeated Yumichika.
“This is Unit Two reading you loud and clear over?” said a voice.
“Yes this Yumichika of Unit One, I have an unidentified suspect on foot traveling on roof tops heading your way repeat an unidentified suspect on foot traveling on roof tops heading your way, over? ” said Yumichika.
“Alight Unit Two is on high alert, should Captain Zaraki Kenpachi be contacted about this?” said the voice.
“No it’s only one intruder no need to wake the Captain at this time, me and Ikkaku are pursuing heading your way, will be there in few minuets over?” said Yumichika
“Over and out” said the voice. Yumichika stop the transmission. Looking down from the roof top he called to Ikkaku.
“Ohhh! I’m gonna hall ass on the bustard that did this!” said Ikkaku. They both left and pursued the intruder running as quickly as they could on the roof tops.
Vincent was getting close, according to the map he had to travel southeast about twenty more minuets. Looking around he could see Serretai had changed so much it grew larger then last time he remembered it, several structures had been rebuilt or extended and some were new. He could not lie to himself deep down inside he felt a longing attachment, but those were years long gone and right now. Moving quickly he felt the presence of reitaus behind him, they were faint but were catching up. Dame! They found me thought Vincent. It was very vital that confrontation be avoided all costs lucky for his garments and covered face it would be impossible for anyone to recognize him but that was not what worried the most. Worse case scenario would be going up against one of the Gotai Thirteen, especially his former Captain Kuchiki Byakuya. If he were caught Rufu’s dream would be shattered along with losing his love Rinoa and possibly his own execution. Vincent drew his Zanpaktu. It’s been so long since I’ve summoned you, please let there be no blood shed tonight.
“Agei ego Krpbrpus (Greek translated “Guide me Cerberus”) Vincent Zenpaktu transformed into a gargantuan blade behemothly think but the end was wedged and curved sharp. The hilt of the sword had three silver dog like heads clockwise to each other with there mouths open, for you see each mouth release a spirit bullets as the heads spun clockwise. Lastly the handle was lightly curved with a chrome trigger finish and textured for comfortable yet strong grip. Vincent blade sword was now a gun blade. “Stratiotou Mias” said Vincent (Greek translated “Army of one”) calling on his first yet least deadly ability. Vincent’s shadow against split and replicated around him. The shadows rose from 2 dimensional space to 3 dimensional replica’s of Vincent, each an exact look alike. Except the only difference from the original was that Vincent had a shadow while the replica’s were shadow less. Vincent and the replica’s scattered in random directions. This would hopefully by him some time and by then he would have made it to the Shinigami Research Institute.
“No wear to run now!?” said Yumichika. Both Yumichika and Ikkaku had cornered one of Vincents replica’s but they were aware that they had caught a fake.
“Dame your gonna pay for bruising my head asshole” said Ikkaku. The decoy stood holding it’s Zenpaktou at it’s side looking at then. The replica’s were only for combat use and unable to speak. As they both stared at the intruder they could hardly get a glimpse of his face which was covered by the cape like scarf he wore let alone anything familiar about him from his garments.
“Just who the hell are you and what are you doing here?” asked Ikkaku. The copy did not reply.
“What’s the matter cat got your tongue?” said Yumichika.
“Oh silent tough guy huh? Well will just how tough you are. ‘Grow Hozukimaru’ with that Ikkaku’s Zenpaktu turned into staff like spear. Attacking, the decoy blocked Ikkaku’s strike then disappearing into puff of smoke. “What the! Was it a decoy?” said Ikkaku bewildered at what just happened.
“Maybe, I had feeling it was to easy when we caught up with this guy so quickly, who ever he is, he quit the trickster.” said Yumichika. His communicator rang, they were not the only ones played for a fool, soon other members in 11th Division reported decoys.
“Looks like were not alone other members who fell for the decoy trap.” said Yumichika
“Dame it! I attcked him in my best pose uh! what a waste” said Ikkaku/
“Well looks like will have to keep searching and quick, my napkin is beginning to get socked, all this perspiration is going to oil my complection” said Yumichika.
“Complection?! Hay?! I’m the one with the tumor size bruise here!” said Ikkaku.
“You don’t need to shout I’m right next to you” replied Yumichika. Ikkaku clenched his phis. He could barley contain his anger. Being tricked was one thing but having Yumichika continue to whine about his appearance had crossed the line. Calm down Ikkaku, calm down, tonights the last night you’ll be paired with Yumichika, he though.
“Ikkaku, Yumichika whats going on?” said a voice. It was Zell along with Red X(ten) and . They had been awakened by shouting outside there quarters.
“What’s the status on the situation?” asked Red X. Before either Ikkaku or Yumichika could answer there was loud explosion that resinated through the ground. It came from 12th Division precinct.
Abari Rengi waited for Catpain Kuchiki Byakuya in his quarters. The Captain had wanted to meet and explain a very important mission they were to go on. Rengi sat down his legs sore from standing. Taking out a sword sharpener from his pocket he was about to sharpen his dull Zenpaktu when the door slid open and in entered Capatin Kuchiki Byakuya.
“Captain!?” said Rengi. He pocketed his sharpener and stood up straight in military pose with his sword sheathed and his right hand to his side forehead. Byakuya closed the door behind him. Walking in he passed Rengai without even giving him a glance and headed to kitchen counter and pored himself some tea. With cup in hand Byakuya sat down across from where Rengai was standing and sipped his tea. Why does he always do that?, I’m your Vice Captain, the least you could do is recognize I’m hear . Rengi broke the silence.
“You wanted to talk to me about our mission Captain?” said Rengi
“Our mission will take place in a week, our objective is to bring a felon from the real world into custody” said Byakuya
“May I ask who this Felon is Captain” said Rengi
“The Felon is Kuchiki Rukia” replied Byakuya. Rengai was hit with shock that when from the pit of his stomach straight to his head. It was impossible to comprehend that Rukia was a felon. He had known her all his life, they grew up together, sure she stole when there were orphans living in the street but that had changed when she became a shinigami and was adopted by one of the four noble families in Serretai. From then on they had hardly seen each other because Rukia was at a high statues compared to him. This had made Rengi a little jealous though he was happy for her but now the tides had turned and all he could feel as disappointment in her.
“Captain my I ask what did Rukia do” said Rengi
“That information is classified for the time being but when we have her in custody you will find out.” said Byakuya. Placing his cup down beside him it suddenly resonated from the shock of thundering explosion that could be heard from outside.
It was hot and humid in the 11th Division precinct. While the rest of the inhabitants where in the quarters sleeping Ikkaku was on first watch, agitated about the heat.
“Man do I hate guard duty!” said Ikkaku. Guard duty was one of the many chores a Shinigami had to do but was Ikkaku’s least favorite but make matters worse he as on duty with Yumichika which made all the more frustrating.
“This humidity is no good, it’s only a matter of time until my skin toils and begins to fester with oil, cloging my pores, oh the humanity of it all!, what if get a zit? No! I shutter to think off it” said Yumichika. Reaching into his pocket he took out a pocket mirror and checked to see where most the facial perspiration was. Oh thank God! he thought, relieved to see that there was a small amount of excess sweat. With napkin in hand, he dabbed away the wet spots. Yumichika was always putting his looks first before anything, he preferred to look gorgeous on all occasions even in the heat of battle which made his comrades a lot more aggravated to put up with him.
Oh God! Here he goes again, I tell you one these days Yumichika, one of these days Pow! Right in the kisser Thought Ikkaku.
Putting his mirror back Yumichika searched for his skin powder was at a loss when he remembered he had left it in the second drawer at his quarters “O dear I’ve forgotten my facial powder, I’ll be right back Ikkaku” said Yumichika
“What the? Your not leaving me hear” said Ikkaku, frustrated not only at heat and guard duty but that Yumichika was not taking his position seriously and ditching.
“Oh come now, its not like any things going happen”. Suddenly a clay roof tile fell on Ikkaku’s head.
“Ow! Shit that hurt!” yelled Ikkaku clutching in pain at where the piece hit him. “What was that!?”. Yumichika looked up he thought he heard foot steps clicking on the roof. Jump he went to examine. It was quick and sutle but he saw a shadow, blurry but moving quickly, it was heading south east. It was to late to pursue so instead Yumichika taped into his head set to reach south division and warn them of the oncoming intruder and perhaps they might slow the suspect down. “Oh! God! My head” continued Ikkaku wailing in pain.
“Shhh! I can’t hear them with you whining like that, come in Unit Two come in, over?” said Yumichika. The transmission began with static interference but slowly calmed. “Can you hear me Unit Two? Over?” repeated Yumichika.
“This is Unit Two reading you loud and clear over?” said a voice.
“Yes this Yumichika of Unit One, I have an unidentified suspect on foot traveling on roof tops heading your way repeat an unidentified suspect on foot traveling on roof tops heading your way, over? ” said Yumichika.
“Alight Unit Two is on high alert, should Captain Zaraki Kenpachi be contacted about this?” said the voice.
“No it’s only one intruder no need to wake the Captain at this time, me and Ikkaku are pursuing heading your way, will be there in few minuets over?” said Yumichika
“Over and out” said the voice. Yumichika stop the transmission. Looking down from the roof top he called to Ikkaku.
“Ohhh! I’m gonna hall ass on the bustard that did this!” said Ikkaku. They both left and pursued the intruder running as quickly as they could on the roof tops.
Vincent was getting close, according to the map he had to travel southeast about twenty more minuets. Looking around he could see Serretai had changed so much it grew larger then last time he remembered it, several structures had been rebuilt or extended and some were new. He could not lie to himself deep down inside he felt a longing attachment, but those were years long gone and right now. Moving quickly he felt the presence of reitaus behind him, they were faint but were catching up. Dame! They found me thought Vincent. It was very vital that confrontation be avoided all costs lucky for his garments and covered face it would be impossible for anyone to recognize him but that was not what worried the most. Worse case scenario would be going up against one of the Gotai Thirteen, especially his former Captain Kuchiki Byakuya. If he were caught Rufu’s dream would be shattered along with losing his love Rinoa and possibly his own execution. Vincent drew his Zanpaktu. It’s been so long since I’ve summoned you, please let there be no blood shed tonight.
“Agei ego Krpbrpus (Greek translated “Guide me Cerberus”) Vincent Zenpaktu transformed into a gargantuan blade behemothly think but the end was wedged and curved sharp. The hilt of the sword had three silver dog like heads clockwise to each other with there mouths open, for you see each mouth release a spirit bullets as the heads spun clockwise. Lastly the handle was lightly curved with a chrome trigger finish and textured for comfortable yet strong grip. Vincent blade sword was now a gun blade. “Stratiotou Mias” said Vincent (Greek translated “Army of one”) calling on his first yet least deadly ability. Vincent’s shadow against split and replicated around him. The shadows rose from 2 dimensional space to 3 dimensional replica’s of Vincent, each an exact look alike. Except the only difference from the original was that Vincent had a shadow while the replica’s were shadow less. Vincent and the replica’s scattered in random directions. This would hopefully by him some time and by then he would have made it to the Shinigami Research Institute.
“No wear to run now!?” said Yumichika. Both Yumichika and Ikkaku had cornered one of Vincents replica’s but they were aware that they had caught a fake.
“Dame your gonna pay for bruising my head asshole” said Ikkaku. The decoy stood holding it’s Zenpaktou at it’s side looking at then. The replica’s were only for combat use and unable to speak. As they both stared at the intruder they could hardly get a glimpse of his face which was covered by the cape like scarf he wore let alone anything familiar about him from his garments.
“Just who the hell are you and what are you doing here?” asked Ikkaku. The copy did not reply.
“What’s the matter cat got your tongue?” said Yumichika.
“Oh silent tough guy huh? Well will just how tough you are. ‘Grow Hozukimaru’ with that Ikkaku’s Zenpaktu turned into staff like spear. Attacking, the decoy blocked Ikkaku’s strike then disappearing into puff of smoke. “What the! Was it a decoy?” said Ikkaku bewildered at what just happened.
“Maybe, I had feeling it was to easy when we caught up with this guy so quickly, who ever he is, he quit the trickster.” said Yumichika. His communicator rang, they were not the only ones played for a fool, soon other members in 11th Division reported decoys.
“Looks like were not alone other members who fell for the decoy trap.” said Yumichika
“Dame it! I attcked him in my best pose uh! what a waste” said Ikkaku/
“Well looks like will have to keep searching and quick, my napkin is beginning to get socked, all this perspiration is going to oil my complection” said Yumichika.
“Complection?! Hay?! I’m the one with the tumor size bruise here!” said Ikkaku.
“You don’t need to shout I’m right next to you” replied Yumichika. Ikkaku clenched his phis. He could barley contain his anger. Being tricked was one thing but having Yumichika continue to whine about his appearance had crossed the line. Calm down Ikkaku, calm down, tonights the last night you’ll be paired with Yumichika, he though.
“Ikkaku, Yumichika whats going on?” said a voice. It was Zell along with Red X(ten) and . They had been awakened by shouting outside there quarters.
“What’s the status on the situation?” asked Red X. Before either Ikkaku or Yumichika could answer there was loud explosion that resinated through the ground. It came from 12th Division precinct.
Abari Rengi waited for Catpain Kuchiki Byakuya in his quarters. The Captain had wanted to meet and explain a very important mission they were to go on. Rengi sat down his legs sore from standing. Taking out a sword sharpener from his pocket he was about to sharpen his dull Zenpaktu when the door slid open and in entered Capatin Kuchiki Byakuya.
“Captain!?” said Rengi. He pocketed his sharpener and stood up straight in military pose with his sword sheathed and his right hand to his side forehead. Byakuya closed the door behind him. Walking in he passed Rengai without even giving him a glance and headed to kitchen counter and pored himself some tea. With cup in hand Byakuya sat down across from where Rengai was standing and sipped his tea. Why does he always do that?, I’m your Vice Captain, the least you could do is recognize I’m hear . Rengi broke the silence.
“You wanted to talk to me about our mission Captain?” said Rengi
“Our mission will take place in a week, our objective is to bring a felon from the real world into custody” said Byakuya
“May I ask who this Felon is Captain” said Rengi
“The Felon is Kuchiki Rukia” replied Byakuya. Rengai was hit with shock that when from the pit of his stomach straight to his head. It was impossible to comprehend that Rukia was a felon. He had known her all his life, they grew up together, sure she stole when there were orphans living in the street but that had changed when she became a shinigami and was adopted by one of the four noble families in Serretai. From then on they had hardly seen each other because Rukia was at a high statues compared to him. This had made Rengi a little jealous though he was happy for her but now the tides had turned and all he could feel as disappointment in her.
“Captain my I ask what did Rukia do” said Rengi
“That information is classified for the time being but when we have her in custody you will find out.” said Byakuya. Placing his cup down beside him it suddenly resonated from the shock of thundering explosion that could be heard from outside.
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