Now the list of stuff which you already have, but might require a bit more information:
The tutorial will begin now. If you do not understand Japanese, feel free to skip it.
Um, what if people want to complete the tutorial even if they don't understand it? You can leave
this link to tutorial guide, should solve the problem!
1) You have two gauges, AP (Action Points) and BP (Battle Points)”
You could add that:
Maximal additional AP for party members is 29 - just in case somebody accidentally counts themselves too

And maximum AP that a player can reach is 180
Also, if your Union scores 1st out of five - you will get a few timed missions for that, including and AP Plus item. (I guess I should add those missions to my guide, too D
The maximum level a character can reach right now is 300. The best EXP to AP ratio heartless at the moment is Fat Bandit in Agrabah - costs 10 AP to fight him and gives 330 EXP when defeated. Just in case someone will be looking for a quick level up
Also the player should note, that the heartless level up with him as well, in +5 or +10 level increments. So powerleveling early on is not advised, because the person would not be able to build a strong deck fast enough
One can also get cards from Missions, Mog Trade Shop and Charge Money Shop
A new team is formed every Monday. This team will consist of all the members in your party. If your party is not full, then random new solo players will fill in the spaces in your team for that week. So by joining a new party, you still have to wait till Monday to be in their team
If you don't acquire any LUX you will still be in the party, but not on the Raid Boss Team
And now the stuff you currently don’t have information about, but might be working on, but I will still list 'em, just in case

And I will be writing some of it in "how I would explain it" form. So, here goes:
● Raid Boss - the results screen
I think I had an old screenshot of it somewhere... the problem might be that it is already outdated :/ Just to point out which Damage is Total and which is done by player. Other fields there can be of interest to other people as well
● Avatar
You can change how your character looks whenever you want. And you can get new outfits, hairstyles and headdresses from Mog Trade Shop, Missions and Charge Money Shop.
● Skills and Moogle Stamps
Skills can greatly increase your battle performance. You can attach them to both Attack and Assist cards. There a few ways to get skills – completing missions, buying them in the Charge Money Shop, from Raise Draw Tickets cards that come with skills attached to them sometimes, from Ripe Kupo Fruit draw and from buying them from special event shops. Drawing cards with Moogle Points, Bronze/Silver/Gold Tickets or Kupo Fruit (the unripe ones (maybe you should add a screenshot of Kupo Fruit Draw as well

will not get you a card with a skill attached to it.
For more information refer to
Zeke’s Skill and Moogle Stamp Guide
● How to use consumable items (maybe join it with the “1) You have two gauges, AP (Action Points) and BP (Battle Points)” part?)
Consumable items are generally divided into two types – restorative and character strengthening. The restorative ones are as follows:
■ Potion – restores 10 AP
■ Mega-Potion – restores all AP
■ Ether – restores 1 BP
■ Mega-Ether – restores all BP (5)
They can be used either from the Field Menu (needs a screenshot?), Raid Boss Battle Screen or from Item Menu. The strengthening items are:
■ AP Plus – adds 1 AP to the character’s maximum AP (up to 180)
■ Card Deck Plus – expands the card deck capacity for 5 more cards (maximum is 350)
They can only be used from the Items menu (maybe a screen for this too?).
“So, what happens if you have 180 AP and try using an AP Up?” Good question! ..I don’t remember D: Kazr! Halp! ^^; I remember that the update which stated that AP maximum capacity has been increased from 120 to 180 mentioned something about this.. And something about the AP that you get from the party members. I you quit a party and increase your AP to 180, then enter a full party and leave it again afterwards, then your AP would be back at 151 or something… But like I said – it’s quite foggy, I’ll try finding that update…
And what happens if you have a maximum Deck Capacity? The games does not allow you to use the Card Deck Plus item saying that you have already reached the maximum capacity. The item will not be used.
You can check your material amounts from the Items menu as well. To do that you need to click on the Materials (素材アイテム) tab of the window
● How to recognize limited and refreshable items in the Moogle Trade and Charge Money Shop
Moogle Trade Shop, also known as Mog Medal Shop, holds both limited and refreshable items. When you buy out a limited item it is excluded from the shop and if it’s a Yen Sid, then it will be restocked on the next shop update. If it’s an Attack or Assist card, then it was the last you saw of them – every time the shop is updated it comes with a new set of such cards. As for the refreshable items such as Potions, Ethers, Munny, Mythril etc. – they are refreshed every day at midnight Japanese time. Even if you didn’t buy all of the refreshable items in stock, they will still refresh. So, how to recognize a limited item from a refreshable one? The limited ones have red text under them with date and time when they disappear. And refreshable have only time indicated there - usually 29:59. There's also a number next to 残り交換可能数 - that is the Number of Items Left
● Limit Cutting and High Purity
You can Limit Cut a card by synthesizing two same cards together. N, N+, R and R+ cards have 4 Limit Cuts, SR – 5 and SR+ has 6. When you level up your card to the maximum level, then, depending on its rarity, it will get a boost in stats. R+ gets a 1.1 boost, SR – 1.2 and SR+ will have a 1.5 boost.
● Card Medals and the Refurbishing System
So, what can you do with an R+ card that has reached High Purity and which you no longer need? You can go sell it (card selling guide?) and get a Card Medal SR as a bonus! Same goes for the SR Cards you have no use for anymore, but you will get a Card Medal SR+ instead! What do these Card Medals do? Well, they allow you to draw a random SR or SR+ card from Attack or Assist roster. (Card Medal Exchange guide). For the players that can’t buy Charge Money and use it to build their decks, this will be a main substitute for it.
● Backyard
So, what’s the back yard for? It’s a place for cards to crawl away to die because you haven’t loved them enough! Er, I mean, the backyard is like a reserve Card Deck.

Wonder what happens when your Deck is full and you are still getting cards? Well, that’s where they go. Be careful though – the Backyard can only hold up to 60 cards and you can’t choose which one to get from it first! What you can do is look through the list of card that are there and that’s about it. They will get added to you main Deck as you free it up, starting from the upper left card and moving right. If you even have your Main Deck and Backyard full at the same time, then the game won’t allow you to draw more cards. Chi doesn’t allow any kind of overflow for that matter – if you have 51 cards in your Backyard and try to do the 10-card draw, the game will tell you that your Backyard is full and drawing more cards is a no-no. You won’t lose any Tickets or Moogle Points though
I don't know if there is a time limit for how long card can stay in the Backyard though :/
● Present Box has a maximum amount of items it can hold
Present Box can hold a maximum of 120 items, but I don't know for how long either... and it can hold a maximum of 999 999 999 Munny D: Like somebody would have those amounts in their present box! D:
● Other Draws
Bronze/Silver/Gold Ticket Draw have their own card roster and respective card rarities:
■ Bronze: N, N+, R, R+
■ Silver: N+, R, R+, SR
■ Gold: R, R+, SR, SR+
You can draw either one ticket or from 2 to 10 at a time, depending how many you have left
(Buttons screenshot)
You can also draw cards with Mog Points - either one card for 200 points or 10 cards for 2000
● How to input Serial Codes and where to get themselves
Click that Serial Code button in the menu, enter the code and press 送信する - Send. The items should appear in your Present Box
● And speaking about Unions here's a possible explanation:
“You will then be brought to this page. This is the part where you get to select a Union which you would like to side with. So, how do Unions work anyway? First of all they divide the players into 5 groups. Those groups are then divided into teams and they compete with each other in Raid Boss Battles (more on that further down the guide). Every week the total wins of the Unions are calculated and ranked – the better place an Union gets, the better the rewards. But don’t let that be the deciding factor for you – after all their strengths always shift! All you need to know right now is that if you have friends in some Union you could decide whether you want to play alongside them or compete against them. Be careful though – once you’ve selected an Union you
cannot pick another one!”
As for the yellow arrow… I don’t remember if it was just to show which Union you have currently selected or the Union with the least players or active players. Can’t think… brain is …fried D:
*sigh* back to work :< <-which doesn’t really matter right now because I will be posting this after I get back in 4 hours *double sigh* somebody get me out of here! T^T
*actually 5 hours later* yay, I'm back! Yay! It's weekends! :3 ... Gah! Σ(0Д 0)It has suddenly become a big deal D: