Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 Strategy Guide (Spoilers)
You unlock the secret ending by completing ALL of Jiminy's Journal 100%. That means you must complete ALL the mini-games, complete all the Mission Logs, and find all the kinds of heartless and nobodies. This happens if you're playing in normal mode.
Now for Sark and mcp, i don't really see a "need" to use a form, but if you want to you can. The first part of the battle is most likely no problem to most of you. Although if it is, that's the time to use a form or limit, only if you need to. The second part of the battle is actually pretty easy if you know how to play it.
The first thing you have to do is disable Sark by constantly slashing at his shins until he kneels over, giving a free easy target towards the MCP. Another way to disable Sark is to simply run away from him. Keep running until Sark summons a wall to block Sora's path. This provides a double reaction opportunity to pwn his head, knocking him unconscious.
Of course, to attack the MCP's head you must first attack the outer wall. The more walls that break, the easier it is, but remember, time is valuable. Don't just spend a whole round attacking walls. Keep in mind that your main objective is to destroy the MCP, not savagly attacking walls. When a wall is destroyed, perform the delete reaction button with Tron nearby. Depending on how fast you press, this will inflict massive damage to the MCP. When those friggin lazors appear out of the walls, just simply run with the rotation of the walls, but carefully time your movements. If there are signs of a lazor, move. Repeat this process and you will eventually win, but remember to keep you health at a decent level. The second part of the battle has no needs for limits and forms, though you may use them if you wish.
Lol, well this may be a little late, but it can still be used for future reference. XP.