The concepts of worldlines has me intrigued... if it only it was explained during the game itself as opposed to being regulated to Secret Reports.
I just realized another thing I hate about the Zettaflare scene.
Donald not only killed Terranort, he killed Terra in general thus making him lose any chance of reuniting with his friends until the rewind.
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its unfortunate that Terra had to die before the rewind but at the same time I can hardly fault Donald. Terranort was slaughtering everyone else and he could just stand there and do nothing.
Anyone else think the way Aqua says “Good morning, Ven†is kind of hot, or am I just a sick person?
The concepts of worldlines has me intrigued... if it only it was explained during the game itself as opposed to being regulated to Secret Reports.
Well the internet seems to agree with you. I did not notice it on my first play through.
I'd definitely ship this over Aqua/Terra if only because it confers a different dynamic to the usual het romance and I can already see what's coming down the line by positioning her romantically with Terra. But then I saw what was going to happen with Aqua the minute she was turned into trailer bait so that would be in keeping with this new tradition for her.Anyone else think the way Aqua says “Good morning, Ven†is kind of hot, or am I just a sick person?
Haha truth. I mean while we're assigning mental health diagnoses to the KH cast, the BBS trio gives me a lot of Adult Children of Alcoholics vibes. Terra's whole demeanor and lack of understanding as to the consequences of his destructive actions put the lives of his family and potentially the entire universe at risk but Eraqus just keeps rewarding him for it, like in BBS he sees that Terra is struggling with the darkness so instead of addressing that and having an honest conversation he sends him away to prove himself by taking on a role he isn't prepared for. And Eraqus knows Terra isn't so he sets his children against each other by making Aqua (the more capable but less personable and therefore less loved sibling who always has to earn his praise) follow Terra around and babysit Ven, a task she clearly resents given how she passive aggressively sabotages the mission by refusing to make sure Ven goes home when told. Then he actually tries to kill Ven, the youngest, when he fails to stay in line with the parental authority Eraqus needs to assert in order to make himself feel like a man.Terra’s the favorite kid that gets all the love and attention and privileges, while Aqua and Ven do the work and have to routinely hear Eraqus ask “Why can’t you two look up to Terra more? Now there’s a REAL master!â€.
It's an utter mystery given that Roxas is clearly a Kakkoi Buaiso and Toshishita Seme while Ven is all Tennin Genki Uke, and one would think yaoi tropes in KH characters derive from the heart's spiritual phenotype just like appearance and vocal register. I guess it says something about the kinds of genetics Roxas inherited from Sora. But what does that mean for Sora considering he's been brushing hearts with three people! No wonder he thinks about Riku all the time even though Nomura keeps trying to nudge him another way.This discussion is of much greater intrigue and delight to me than figuring out why Roxas and Ven are twins!
Nah, it's silly, hackneyed and distractingly unearned. Ventus embraces his would-be murderer without even a mention of how "wildly inappropriate" that is, and the fact that Aqua isn't ever acknowledged by Eraqus given how much of a burden he placed on her is also wildly inappropriate. If the intent behind the scene was to relieve her of that and bring closure to her struggle (which it obviously wasn't), then that needed to be addressed and brought into focus through her, because only Aqua can effectively convey that sense of liberation. Instead, the scene is clearly centered around Eraqus and Terra, and then it's about Eraqus and Xehanort: Ven and Aqua are relegated to observers, not participants in the moment, and that means neither of them are done any justice by it.It would have been wildly inappropriate for Eraqus to tell anyone else there to take care of them. Terra absolutely is the favorite child and that's why before this he had no real burden or responsibility placed on him beyond Eraqus's basic expectations of all their students. Meanwhile Eraqus thrust everything upon Aqua, he told her to bring back Ven, watch over Terra, and protect their home. That's a lot to throw onto one person and he paid no mind to how unfair it was to expect her to do that. I can't express how plain terrible it would have been to ask Aqua to continue looking after the other two after all that, telling Terra to take responsibility is the nicest and most thoughtful thing he's ever done for Aqua. As for Ventus he's the youngest of the group and still very much a child in general, he's not in a position to be the caretaker of anyone let alone to adults who are supposed to be HIS caretakers, and this isn't even diving into how utterly inappropriate it be for Eraqus to request Ventus do ANYTHING for him. Meanwhile Terra's biggest issue was that he believed Eraqus had no faith in him, that Eraqus didn't trust him, and so hearing Eraqus trust him with something as important as caring after Aqua and Ventus is huge to Terra and exactly the kind of thing he needed.
Aqua ended up getting some of her burden lifted and Eraqus finally acknowledging how much he put on her
Ventus ended up hearing how Eraqus was remorseful for what he put Ven through
Terra ended up finally being given a shred of trust and responsibility by Eraqus
That was the perfect way to end their story with him IMO.