–What about a 358/2 Days Final Mix?
Nomura: There aren’t plans for a release. One of the reasons is that the voices for the English version aren’t out yet.
So...Does this mean there definitely will be a FM for days?
–What about a 358/2 Days Final Mix?
Nomura: There aren’t plans for a release. One of the reasons is that the voices for the English version aren’t out yet.
but since 358/2 Days is in 3D originally, the possibility is low.
Dollface, that was in reference to a remake, not a Final Mix.you answered your own question before you asked it.
Dollface, that was in reference to a remake, not a Final Mix.
A Final Mix is highly likely.
you answered your own question before you asked it.
Why would a final mix be highly likely?
Because there was no remake, nor a secret ending. Also, there is so much more they can do with that time line, with regards to the other org. members
Oops, meant to click edit, not quote.
and for the kicker...I was hitting edit saying "I don't wana double post"...ehhh...
that hardly makes sense, there needs to be a remake in order to have a final mix? it also needs a secret ending?
COM had no secret ednign, just an epilogue,
by this logic, i would saay remake is much more likely but it will come with a final mix. maybe a BBS final mix+.
Because it's Nomura. The man can't help but to make second editions to games.Why would a final mix be highly likely?
Should be "won't"...And since it was already in 3D, they will make a remake.
Should be "won't"...
I hope, and think there will be a Days Final Mix.But seriously, how could they pack more onto that little DS card?
Also, the original didn't have a secret ending, so this is an opportunity to put one in there... hopefully ...
I hope, and think there will be a Days Final Mix.But seriously, how could they pack more onto that little DS card?
If the Final Mix is released after BBS, the new secret ending could expand upon the one in BBS.Secret Ending would show... what, exactly? KH2 follows hard upon Days with literally no time in-between. Secret Endings always hint towards future games in the series, and they wouldn't make another one hinting towards Birth By Sleep, what with it already coming out so soon and all. If they hint towards another game, what would it be? Seriously, there isn't much they'd make a secret ending for, if there's anything at all.
It's likely to happen.I'd hate to see a Final Mix. I've hated every single one of them so far, due to them never being released outside of Japan (really really really bugs me, especially KH2's...). This being my favorite game so far in the series, I'd be extraordinarily pissed off if they went and made a Final Mix for it. -.-
Did Nomura decline it? No. In fact he left it rather open ended as a possibility. Thus, it is likely to happen, given his track record.how is it "likely to happen" you never really answer that. maybe it's just opinion.
By using a card with more space.I hope, and think there will be a Days Final Mix.But seriously, how could they pack more onto that little DS card?