I'm expecting it, to be a new trailer
LOL, I see people are using the Gif I made on Gifsoup already.
I'm expecting it, to be a new trailer
The title honestly sounds like something right out of a fanfic.
Meaning Soriku will totally happen.
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what happen to muh konata smiliez D/????
From the look of it (Sorry if this has been said) But it looks like this game is taking a closer look at how big the worlds Sora visits actually are. If you watch when he's in the clock tower (ANother place we've never been) you can see the whole city. I'm hoping this is a theme they visit. I was always curious if the worlds were bigger and more developed then they showed. If so I hope they do it with every world.
The speed of the game is amazing! It's as if Sora and Riku finally have all of there abilities instead of working from scratch.
(I understand I'm late..haven't been on the side in a while)
Wrong..wrong wrong...the "clock tower" as you call it, is indeed a place we've never been.....but the reason we've never been there is because it's the EFFING Bell Tower from Hunchback of Notre Dame!!!!!!!!!!!! It's an effing new world not an expanded version of an old world!!!!!!!!! Sheesh!!!!!
Is that actually confirmed or do you just want to believe that?