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Fanfiction ► Kingdom Hearts:A new heart.

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...grr.. triple post.... this thread is going to die probably... meh...
???pont of view
This place is not where Riku and the others live just to let you know.

*The snow fell furiosly from the heaven's, trying to break away from the sky that the snow was born from, freezing anything it could, trying to get in a building, it was a slow day for this resturent(sp?)as the waiter was asleep, resting on the counter*

*The store was calm and quiet for the male to sleep until*

*The bell that the manager attached to the door rang it's small annoucment that something had entered the small restuerant, the person looked at the door, at the bell that rang so freely, the person's face was hidden with a white cloak that covered his/ hers face*

*The waiter woke up, he said,"Hello! Is there anything I can do for you?"as he slowly stood up thnking,"WOW! I custumer!"

*The person looked at the waiter, all that was visible was their sea weed green eyes looking serously at the man, he/she put his/her hand in it's(it's too hard saying he/she his/her all the time!)pocket and pulled out a picture, it was a a man wiht brown hair that was more like a kid, he had blue eyes and was on a beach, this picture was hand drawn but was pretty good, it saw the person look at it in confusion, it asked,"Have you seen this man?"it waited for an answer*

*The waiter shok his head,"N-no.."he was nervous wiht this freaky person in his resturuen/ bar, out of all the people! He was better off in the blizzard since the person's eyes did literally glow and there was a strange aura around it*

*The person sighed in disappointment, it walked outside,"Oh Sora, where are you?"asked the person (who was a girl since she had a female voice)sadness in her voice as she looked at the stars,"So many places to check, so little time,"she thought, her train of thoughts were soon caught off when something appeared behind her, it had yellow glowing eyes and had an anttene, there were many of them but instead of screaming, she smirked, she llifted her left arm, and something appeared in it*

*It was a keyblade, but it was made completely out of black angel feathers that were blosely put together and was outlined in white feathers, the keyblade had purple bat wings as the pointy part of it, she, closed her eyes, listening to herself breath, and then dashed at the heartless, she ran quickly and quietly on her feet as she rushed throught the first line of heartless, her body by them as her keyblade went through them,"Easy,"She thought until she felt a pain on her back, she turned her head, she saw a heatless trying to dig into her back, to seek for what it did not had, for what turned it into of what it was, the girl was stunned in pain but then fell to the ground on purpose, so the heartless would be stunned, she then cut through it and prefered sonic blast on some other ones, the heartless then disappeared, leaving the girl by herself*

*She then walked down the road, acting like nothing happened, as she continued her search for the person she somehow knew that was Sora, the keyblade master*

comment:0-0 could of made that longer.. than again, if I continued with that sotry, I might reveal stuff I don't want to yet..


Good to know! Update time!
Chapter 6.(grr... can't think of a name!)
*Thea woke up from where she slept for the night when she very quickly went away from the others, she yawned from the branch in the tree she was in, she didn't have a house so Thea went into the forest where people wouldn't find her, she opened her eyes slowly, seeing that it was still dark, she frowned at this,"Something's wrong.."she thought looking at the ink sky, she jumped down from the tree, and decided to walk into the city*

*Kairi woke up from in her room, she yawned in her bed, and stretched a little, she was adopted ever since she came here since she had no where to go, her room had a plain white wall, and had a fuzzy pale blue carpet*

*She looked out her window, to see what it was like, but she saw it was the same as yesterday, Kairi wondered if she woke up to early but her clock by her bed said 7:00 am, around the time the sun started to come up, she walked towards her closet to change,"Only a day before we leave,"she thought to herself but was worried that a storm might come, sye quickly got changed and headed outside to her boat*

*Thea walked down the road, she had a new pair of clothes on, she had a plain white tee-shirt that had a blue cross on it, her hair was in a pony tail instead today, she had red jeans that were bagy with big pockets and people were able to see the neat stiching on it, it also had a heart through a cross. she had roller blades too, she somehow had money so she bought some clothes and some food, just fish and milk*

*She continued down the deserted road on her roller blades, something was wrong though, why would everyone be inside? There was no lights on either in any house,"Why's the street so deserted?'she asked outloud, suddenly, something appeared behind her, she heard breathing and felt warm air touch her arms, she quickly turned horrified to see it was the creature from the ocean*

*She was frozen, it seemed like an eternity that Thea stood there, looking at the creature made of darkness, her eyes were wide, the creature had bandages on it as well, a word came into Thea's mind so suddenly, Thea grabbed her head, the word repeated itself until Thea could understand it,"heart..less..?"Thea said slowly, wondering where she heard it*

*Her thoughts were cut short when the creature of night swiftly pulled it's hand towards Thea, she swiftly stepped back, dodging the hand, and thankfully remembered she had roller blades on, she turned around a slided down the hill of the road, the air hit her hair, flying it back, more heartless appeared behind her, she was panicking out of fear*

*one grabbed her hair but only for a second since Thea went to fast for it, but it got her pony tail but Thea could care less, the leading shadow jumped ahead of the other ones, catching up, she tripped and fell face first on the cemet(thanks to a crack on the road)her cheeks gave out a red liquid, a liquid people needed to live so they wouldn't die*

*The leader grabbed Thea, seizing her so that she wouldn't get away from him this time, Thea's face had a mixture of blood and tears, tears of being afraid and anger*

*The girl continued to run, down the darkened hall, trying to reach outside before it was too late, she was older now and looked around 10-12, the girl hurriedly went past the people in the house, she looked outside to see what she feared, the town was burned, people lay on the ground as a creature of darkness took the hearts of her mother, the girl quickly went forward towards it,"Get away!"she exclaimed, with a steel pipe, the creature looked at the girl, smirking to itself, watching the girl, them disappeared*

*She ran to her mother, crying her name. Until she disappeared,"NO!"she said, crying as she watched the sparkled from her mother disappear in the sky*

*The shadow held Thea's neck and lifted her up, chokin her, there was no way Thea could get away this time, she waited for her demise as it's other claw was ready to take her life, she closed her eyes expecting to feel the claw go through her flesh, digging deep into her flesh, instead, she felt something in her hand*

*The clouds disappeared, showing light that rightfully should be seen from the sun, Thea fell, knowing she'd faint, but before she was swept from her mind, she heard someone say,"Oh no! I need to get help!"

*Kairi was just walking towards the shore to go to the island until she saw Thea,"Oh no! I need to get help!"she exclaimed then thought,"She's been having the worst luck.."(it's getting a little ridiculos xp)but there was no one around though*

*Kairi didn't know what to do, she couldn't just leave her! but she had to get help... Kairi was about to panic until she saw two boys, one with brown spikey hair, the other with silver short hair, Kairi hurridly rushed up to them saying,"Thea got hurt!....(again)"

[COLORS=]"She's hurt again?!"exclaimed Sora.[/COLOR]

What happened?"

"I don't know! I was just walking when I all of a sudden saw Thea falling to the ground!"

"... She has the worst luck, doesn't she?"

"Sora, there's no time to joke around."Riku said seeing Thea had a bright purple mark around her neck and that she was bleeding*

"Let's get her to the hospital!"Sora exclaimed.

*They all nodded, Riku went closer to Thea, grabbing her and put her on his back, giving her a piggy back ride to the hospital*


The girl continued down the path, gravol moving as she took a step on this outlined area, her boots sqeaked from the melted snow,"Grr.... I hate winter.."she muttered to herself*

*She was surprised that the climate changed so quickly, one moment it was a blizzard trying to freeze everything, the next it was raining in a feild, she moved more quickly down the road, seeing something that she reconized,"My gummi ship!"she thought joyosly(sp?)happy she could get off this world*

poor Thea! She has the worst luck, doesn't she! I'll make it so she won't be a damsel in distress!
Last edited:


Nice to hear commets!=^_^=...*was going to say something else but forgot*


Chapter 7!
*Thea woke up, her head hurt so much, it felt like she would faint again,"That's the last thing I need"she thought to herself, she also felt immense pain where her throat was, it was completely unbearable, Thea let out a silent scream off pain, only loud enough that the air would be able to hear her cry of help of what happened to her*

*She slowly got over the pain in her throat, she realized she couldn't really talk much or else her throat would be in worse pain, she slowly opened her eyes, regretting that action when light entered her vision, it was too much light to bear since she was in complete silence of darkness..," the only benefit of being in it is that it's quiet-... what am I thinking?"she wondered, moving her hands infront of her, to save her from the light that threatened to blind her*

*The only thing that could be heard was the air moving, trying to mimic Thea's move or try to go against her, her breath was deep,"What happened?"she wondered, but regretted it when a flash of memories came by to answer her,"Oh yeah.."she thought to herself.*

"Awake I see,"said that familiar voice.

"Riku!"Thea for some reason said joyously(sp?)but then blushed at how she said it. Thea was glad that Riku didn't say anything, she looked into his eyes for the first time, she felt like she could get lost in them surprisingly enough, the silence was broken when she heard some other voices.

"Thea! You're awake! I thought you might die when I saw you on the road and you were barely breathing and-"said frantic Kairi it seemed, she said everything to fast for anyone to understand, Kairi was glad Thea was okay or she'd probably blame herself since she found her first.

"Uh Kairi?"asked Sora, stopping her from her mumbling of fast words.

"Yeah, Sora?"

"I think you're speaking too fast since my brain hurts!"Sora wasn't kidding, for somre reason, his eyes were dizzy from what Kairi was saying, it was too much for him to take in all at once*

*Sora fell to the ground wiht a big thud,"Ow,"he said as anime sweat drops formed on everyone, Sora quickly got up though since he was quick on his feet, to an extend, Sora and Riku were even on that*

"Uh, how long have I been here this time.."she asked, processing what happened,"I wonder why they disappeared?"she wondered in the back of her mind, where she wasn't even aware that she thought that*

"a couple of hours,"replied Riku, he wondered why he wasn't as talkative as he usually was, he shrugged and just waited for everyone else to talk*

*Suddenly, they heard a crash outside, it was a big crash, the air moved swiftly towards the open window as Kairi and Sora peered(sp?)through it*

"WTF?"Sora exclaimed.

"What is that!?"

*Riku went to check, Thea slowly got up, glad she was in her own clothes, she looked outside and saw what they were looking at, it didn't look like a car, that's for sure, it had two nitro cannons on it's back, it was wheel less and was replaced with wings, everyone was looking ati t wide eyes, and there was a glass entrance for a person to go on, Riku then realized something, he said,"Something's coming out!"

*The girl woke up, laying on the ceiling of the ship,"Oi, that's the last time I drive.."she muttered to herself, she remembered seeing the island then she thought was carefuly landed on the island, she went to the dor and realized she crashed right where traffic was(she then had a look when the Teen Titans are surprised about something, it's quiet a funny look)"Oh my- I'm not paying for the damage!"she exclaimed then spotted Sora,"Ha! I've finally found you Sora!"she, instead of going in the building, grew something on her back, her back was hunched and it look like she was shedding skin or even bones, but then the coat she wore ripped and demonic wings were spotted, she looked happily as she came to the window*

*Sora was freaking out, first he sees what looks like a ship land in the street, and then he sees a girl who had glowing eyes look at him, Sora thought that was weird enough until he head her call him and grow wings! Sora was stuck there until he heard Riku say*

"We should get outta here!"in a leader voice Riku said it in, he waited for Sora, seeing that he was frozen in the spot, he exclaimed,"Come here!"and grabbed his shirt's collar*

"Hey! Your choking me Riku!"Sora said trying to grib the collar that Riku had grabbed*

"Then run Sora! You lazy bum,"she whispered at the end, she couldn't resist*

*Thea asked,"Are we going to go, or just talk?!"she exclaimed, but it was too late, the winged girl landed right next to them, and grabbed Sora's shoulder, Sora looked up terrified, wondering what she was going to do*
_________________________________________________________________end of chapter!


Couldn't resist with the cliff hanger xp
Gem:She likes to make cliff hangers or stop when it seems like a good ending for the chapter.
Thea:Well, Tao(not her real name)will be gone for a couple of days.
me:Starting tommorror,
Gem:She'll be gone for the weekend.


Gem:YAY! That car rise was long -_-
Thea:Well, Tao(not her real name)shall try to write and update today.
me:possibly!(if anyone cares T_T)


A Chagrined Fool.
Aug 3, 2005
People's Fragile Dreams, Relinquished from Anixiet
Chapter 8!
"Hey! Your choking me Riku!"Sora said trying to grib the collar that Riku had grabbed*

"Then run Sora! You lazy bum,"she whispered at the end, she couldn't resist*

*Thea asked,"Are we going to go, or just talk?!"she exclaimed, but it was too late, the winged girl landed right next to them, and grabbed Sora's shoulder, Sora looked up terrified, wondering what she was going to do*

*The girl looked at Sora happily and yet, confused why he was trying to escape, he should of known from all this time he knew her that she wouldn't hurt him, she blinked, seeing Sora struggling, she asked teasingly and confuingly,"What are you trying to do Sora?"

"Trying to get away from you and-hey! How did you know my name is Sora?!"he asked confused, he had never seen this person in his whole entire life, she acted like she was a old friend of some sort, like they were through a lot together, and told their secrets to eachother, he shrugged it off, he had never known this woman in his life!*

*The woman rolled her eyes, her green sea-weed eyes moved up as she carefuly put down her hood, revealing black, raven hair that seemed to have a glow to itself somehow, like something was around it, she had a small nose and a scar on her cheek, the most weird thing about her was that she looked.... 12?!*

*Sora struggled to get away, Kairi, Riku, and Thea tried in vain to reach Sora from this.... young girl but, something was around both of them, like an invisible wall or to fit it better, like a glass wall you didn't notice but somehow, you walked right into it and couldn't get past it no matter how much you try.. wait a minute, that didn't fit the describtion of this glass wall, it felt more like energy, energy that gathered in one place, where if energy was matter tightly stacked itself close together, or more like working together to make no one pass*

*The girl looked at Sora, she was completely confused, her eyes showed it, she hated to be confused though, if she was confused, she would be zoning into her mind, if she zoned into her mind, it would tear her apart, piece by peice until she might lose her sanity, and if that were to happen... she shrugged off the thought, her hand still on Sora's shoulder, she accidently tightened her grip on him, seizing the now tender flesh she had held and would soon make him bleed*

*Sora yelped in pain, closing his eyes tightly to show how his nerves felt, his muscles tensed, feeling claws dig into his shoulder, a wet mixture came from his eyes, tears came down, only a few though, determined not to cry not only because of this feeling in his shoulder, and because he was a little scared*

*The woman let go of his shoulder, something hit her, something she feared, after searching so far, this thought taunted her, she bit her lip, and looked down on Sora(surprisingly enough, the only reason why she was taller was because she was wearing shoes that were about 2-3 inches high thus making her taller by Sora a little)she asked, sorrow and fear in her voice,"Don't you remember anything?"

"W-what do you mean?"he asked, as confused as she looked a minute ago, his blue eyes blinking*

"Don't you remember me? Don't you remember Donald or Goofy or any of the other worlds we went to?! DON'T YOU REMEMBER ANYTHING?!"She was having a break down for osme reason, she let go of Sora, and slowly fell to the floor, her knees broke her fall, The girl put her hands on her ears, as if trying to ignore this as streams fell down her face*

"What are you talking about?!"Sora asked, he didn't know of this Donald or Goofy of which she spoke of, and he didn't know of this.. other worlds?! Were there really other worlds?!

The girl couldn't believe this, but, then noticed something strange, these thoughts has haunted her,"Why would Sora go back to Destiny Islands anyway?! Last time I saw him, he was hit by that strange explosion as was me, Goofy, and Donald were hit by, so he couldn't have gotten his hands on a gummi,"she looked at surprisingly, Riku,"What? But, we were looking for him when the Kingdom Hearts door closed..... unless..."Now horror was on her face, she got up and had desperation in her eyes,"D-don't you have the Keyblade or don't you know of the heartless?"she asked.

*Sora shook his head and looked at her,"No, I don't know about any of these thing!"he exclaimed, he didn't mean to, but, he just couldn't help it*

*The horror was real, she remembered that before that explosion occured, Sora said something to her, she looked at Sora, Kairi, and Riku in sympathy and yet pity,"You don't know what's going to happen, do you?"

"Who are you?"Thea asked calming, it was surpring she could after all that had happened, she looked at the young girl, her eyes were emotionless as she stopped trying to break through the energy that held Sora and seperated him from them*

*The girl was surprised to see her,"I don't remember her.."she thought, there was something strange about this girl, heck there was something strange about all of them as it seemed energy surronded them all, the thing that could give people peace or discomfort if they could sence that thing that made a person a person, their aura, but, the girl thought she might tell them, she walked away, but hit the wall she put up and since she was walking fast, she fell backwards,"Ow.. gotta stop putting that damn force feild on all the time,"Sora heard her mumble, anime sweat drops found their way on Sora as he saw her get up, and with a snap of her finger, the ,"wall,"that prevented from the others entering closed, and Riku and Kairi soon found themselves falling on the flloor*

"At least I stopped trying to get in that wierd energy *sweat*,"the less mature, back of her mind said but right now, she was concentrating on the girl instead, she wanted to know who she was, it was something she needed to know to correct, you could call it curiosity that got her*

*The girl came next to the window, she looked at her and replied,"Taomi(Tay=oh-me)"and with that, she flew out the window, beckoningherself to her ship, hoping that no cops would see her go back in and give her a ticket, not that she coudln't get away that is*

*Thea watched the girl leave, only her and Sora were standing until they noticed Riku and Kairi, Sora and Thea didn't notice that happen, Thea looked down and to her humor... er horror! She saw Riku on the ground

Sora, lost his mature face that was deep in thought and yelled,"KAIRI?! ARE YOU OKAY!?"he said, rushing to her, Kairi nodded after a minute or so and looked at Sora, whom helped her get up*

*Thea went next to Riku, bending down, putting her hands on her knees so that she coudl be close to eye level wiht him,"Are you okay?"she asked calmly, watching for the reaction that Riku woudl give her that woudl reassure her*

"Yeah,"Riku said rubbing his forehead that was bleeding from the fall, Kairi was bleeding too a little, Riku wiped the blood away from where he had been wounded for some strange reason, the blood still continued to trickle down his face to his eyes, it made him look like he was crying tears*
Me:You probably know a lot of stuff about Taomi now, and probably have a guess where she's from :ninja
Gem:*cough*TaomiisTaoandonlyhereyesarekindathetruthsincehereyeshaveasparkofgreenandalittlebitofbrownormaybethat'sthecoulorofallpeoplewhohavegreeneyes*cough* *gasps for air from saying all that super fast*
Thea:... that is the fastest I've ever seen you talk 0_o
Me:*Gasp* you have that weid face that we sometimes have!!!


A Chagrined Fool.
Aug 3, 2005
People's Fragile Dreams, Relinquished from Anixiet
Thea:.... ....

*A stary night was shown through the cloudless sky, showing it's glory for all who see, the stars shined brightly, not wanting themselves to be forgotten, a perfect night... if it wasn't for what was too happen that no one was aware pf in Destiny Islands, the stars faded one by one, people didn't notice, they never cared, unaware of the danger that came, Thea ran with Sora, Riku, and Kairi, she fell, like the stars, left behind, Thea just stayed there, unable to move, knowing that she would die from what was behind her, she closed her eyes, the heartless struck her, she expected to feel claws slash her tender flesh, instead, she felt a hand on her*

*She looked up to see Riku... or a form of him, his hair was black, his eyes were no longer green but a dark blue, his hands had long nails, like they were claws, his clothes were torn for some reason, no sound came from Riku, there was no sound at all to be correct, time froze, Riku's hand was stretched out, waiting for her to grab it, Thea looked up, and took his hand, but, the once dark Riku in Destiny Islands changed, his hair was silver again but it was long, to his ankle, his eyes were orange with a touch of red in them, their clothes were strange and had, to Thea's horror, the heartless symbol, Riku was no more, the thing looked at her, smiling as darkness consumed the person, it spread to Thea's hand, also to consume her, she looked around, everything was black, she knew she couldn't escape, it was hopeless*

*The person said something,"So.. I finally meet you, princess,"it replied, it's voice was neither cold nor comfort, neither girl nor boy, Thea looked at the person terrified, but had to act brave*

"What do you mean?"she asked with no emotion in her face.

"I've been searching for you, you and me are the same, you can get out of the darkness, if you enter there, to the light, but, you are afrais of the light and despise the darkness, am I right?"said the figure

*Thea looked at them, shocked, she would of tried to make the person believe she was not but the look in their eyes told her that this thing was no one fool, she asked,"How did you know?"

"The one who made the , and the one who made the (sp?)"it continued, ignoring her.

*Thea said nothing, waiting for it to continue*

"You and I are both nothing and something, we are incarnations of her, the one who denied their own fate so people could live and die, only one person witnessed the fall of her,"

"Who's she?"Thea asked, for some reason, she didn't like how she said she.

"The leader of nothing, you should know who she is, everyone thought she died but,"it smiled,"She never did, she lives somewhere where no one would no where,"

(Gem: *cough*youdon'tsoundpoetic*cough* Me:>.>)

Thea was about to ask something else, she noticed when the person talked though, the place changed, , it was not light nor dark she looked around, she should of been scared but she felt peaceful, she looked at the person questionly*

"Your destiny is yet to come, Thea,"and at that, it disappeared, absorbed into light, but the heart was left, and it was surronded by darkness, it then disappeared*

*Thea woke up from her dream?"What.... was that about?"she wondered to herself, she was back in the park, sleeping on a tree branch, she was going to fall asleep again, to find out if she would have a dreamless sleep or see that person again, but her thoughts were cut short when she saw the shadows again,"heartless,"she thought.
Me: Writers block >.>
Gem: >.>
Thea: ... ....


A Chagrined Fool.
Aug 3, 2005
People's Fragile Dreams, Relinquished from Anixiet
Falling in for a eternity.
Through the hole in my heart.
I pray to mysefl siletly.
Hoping that someone would come.
But in my battle.
Nothing can help.
No matter what is is.
Or who they are.
I hold my breath.
For my death.
That is close at hand.
I die on the land.
I hold my head.
As I wake up, in my bed.
Realizing it was only a nightmare.
I was bored, sorry for.. 5 posts in a row..
Gem:If anyone iis here..
Thea: ... ....


New member
Jul 11, 2005
Hiding from the people inside my head.
Wow....that was soooo cool....one of my friends at school writes like that. not fair, mine always seem stupid. great chapters!! i am here now, but i won't be for the rest of the week (darnit! i'm gonna be behind on everything....)


A Chagrined Fool.
Aug 3, 2005
People's Fragile Dreams, Relinquished from Anixiet
Same here, I won't be here since The only computer we have is my Mom's and it's going upstairs so we have to wait for the original computer we used to get fixed. or something like that, unless it isn't , moved tommorrow.
Gem: Tao's poem was stupid
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