...grr.. triple post.... this thread is going to die probably... meh...
???pont of view
This place is not where Riku and the others live just to let you know.
*The snow fell furiosly from the heaven's, trying to break away from the sky that the snow was born from, freezing anything it could, trying to get in a building, it was a slow day for this resturent(sp?)as the waiter was asleep, resting on the counter*
*The store was calm and quiet for the male to sleep until*
*The bell that the manager attached to the door rang it's small annoucment that something had entered the small restuerant, the person looked at the door, at the bell that rang so freely, the person's face was hidden with a white cloak that covered his/ hers face*
*The waiter woke up, he said,"Hello! Is there anything I can do for you?"as he slowly stood up thnking,"WOW! I custumer!"
*The person looked at the waiter, all that was visible was their sea weed green eyes looking serously at the man, he/she put his/her hand in it's(it's too hard saying he/she his/her all the time!)pocket and pulled out a picture, it was a a man wiht brown hair that was more like a kid, he had blue eyes and was on a beach, this picture was hand drawn but was pretty good, it saw the person look at it in confusion, it asked,"Have you seen this man?"it waited for an answer*
*The waiter shok his head,"N-no.."he was nervous wiht this freaky person in his resturuen/ bar, out of all the people! He was better off in the blizzard since the person's eyes did literally glow and there was a strange aura around it*
*The person sighed in disappointment, it walked outside,"Oh Sora, where are you?"asked the person (who was a girl since she had a female voice)sadness in her voice as she looked at the stars,"So many places to check, so little time,"she thought, her train of thoughts were soon caught off when something appeared behind her, it had yellow glowing eyes and had an anttene, there were many of them but instead of screaming, she smirked, she llifted her left arm, and something appeared in it*
*It was a keyblade, but it was made completely out of black angel feathers that were blosely put together and was outlined in white feathers, the keyblade had purple bat wings as the pointy part of it, she, closed her eyes, listening to herself breath, and then dashed at the heartless, she ran quickly and quietly on her feet as she rushed throught the first line of heartless, her body by them as her keyblade went through them,"Easy,"She thought until she felt a pain on her back, she turned her head, she saw a heatless trying to dig into her back, to seek for what it did not had, for what turned it into of what it was, the girl was stunned in pain but then fell to the ground on purpose, so the heartless would be stunned, she then cut through it and prefered sonic blast on some other ones, the heartless then disappeared, leaving the girl by herself*
*She then walked down the road, acting like nothing happened, as she continued her search for the person she somehow knew that was Sora, the keyblade master*
comment:0-0 could of made that longer.. than again, if I continued with that sotry, I might reveal stuff I don't want to yet..
???pont of view
This place is not where Riku and the others live just to let you know.
*The snow fell furiosly from the heaven's, trying to break away from the sky that the snow was born from, freezing anything it could, trying to get in a building, it was a slow day for this resturent(sp?)as the waiter was asleep, resting on the counter*
*The store was calm and quiet for the male to sleep until*
*The bell that the manager attached to the door rang it's small annoucment that something had entered the small restuerant, the person looked at the door, at the bell that rang so freely, the person's face was hidden with a white cloak that covered his/ hers face*
*The waiter woke up, he said,"Hello! Is there anything I can do for you?"as he slowly stood up thnking,"WOW! I custumer!"
*The person looked at the waiter, all that was visible was their sea weed green eyes looking serously at the man, he/she put his/her hand in it's(it's too hard saying he/she his/her all the time!)pocket and pulled out a picture, it was a a man wiht brown hair that was more like a kid, he had blue eyes and was on a beach, this picture was hand drawn but was pretty good, it saw the person look at it in confusion, it asked,"Have you seen this man?"it waited for an answer*
*The waiter shok his head,"N-no.."he was nervous wiht this freaky person in his resturuen/ bar, out of all the people! He was better off in the blizzard since the person's eyes did literally glow and there was a strange aura around it*
*The person sighed in disappointment, it walked outside,"Oh Sora, where are you?"asked the person (who was a girl since she had a female voice)sadness in her voice as she looked at the stars,"So many places to check, so little time,"she thought, her train of thoughts were soon caught off when something appeared behind her, it had yellow glowing eyes and had an anttene, there were many of them but instead of screaming, she smirked, she llifted her left arm, and something appeared in it*
*It was a keyblade, but it was made completely out of black angel feathers that were blosely put together and was outlined in white feathers, the keyblade had purple bat wings as the pointy part of it, she, closed her eyes, listening to herself breath, and then dashed at the heartless, she ran quickly and quietly on her feet as she rushed throught the first line of heartless, her body by them as her keyblade went through them,"Easy,"She thought until she felt a pain on her back, she turned her head, she saw a heatless trying to dig into her back, to seek for what it did not had, for what turned it into of what it was, the girl was stunned in pain but then fell to the ground on purpose, so the heartless would be stunned, she then cut through it and prefered sonic blast on some other ones, the heartless then disappeared, leaving the girl by herself*
*She then walked down the road, acting like nothing happened, as she continued her search for the person she somehow knew that was Sora, the keyblade master*
comment:0-0 could of made that longer.. than again, if I continued with that sotry, I might reveal stuff I don't want to yet..