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Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue Announced

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Silver Member
Jun 12, 2013
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

I'm super curious to know how long Birth by Sleep .2 will be... as in how many hours of gameplay...
Extremely excited about everything overall though! 8))))
well considing this is kingdom hearts 3 prolgue groud zeros i would same lengh as grondzeros


baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

the soon to be kh 3 graphics look like you watching a disney doesn't?

I mean, that's probably because that background of the Realm of Darkness isn't real. I'm sure of it.


Feb 27, 2013
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

Everybody Hates Tetsuya, the new PS original comedy necessary to understand Kingdom Hearts III coming this spring.

Guest starring Kazushige Nojima and Motomu Toriyama!

But in all seriousness, I'm kinda torn on this news. On the one hand, I'm not the biggest fan of pumping out more story that may or may not further muck up the narrative. On the other hand, MORE MATERIAL FOR MY KH FANFIC!

Plus, all those HD models... I cannot wait to see all those HD models...


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

It's a compromise, but at least DDD has in-game text summaries of the previous games to make up for the lack of two PS4 remasters.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

I'd actually be willing to put down money that this will be answered in an Ansem Report or an interview. If it's answered in game, it can probably be done so in a line of exposition.

We probably won't know the final line up until the fight actually happens, but how much screen time are you expecting? Enough for them to do something in the plot, sure. This doesn't negate what I said about the Foretellers or Ephemera being involved. Since the only bit of plot-exposition we've heard at all in trailers is about what happened during X, I think it's fine if we're finding out more about that lore.

Ansem was on the island at the time and saw one pair of Sora and Riku leave the island. If he watched two pairs of them, he probably pieced it together and went back in time after seeing Sora and Riku enter the sleeping realm. It can be that simple.

That doesn't make sense. He was already there, so the only time he would have seen two pairs was after SR already came back in time to enter the Sleeping Worlds. Which YX implies he was expecting.

Personally, this is the most worthless and boring mystery of the KH series to me BUT Nomura's been so vague about this that I can understand why it's driving people crazy but at the same time it probably doesn't have any actual significance to the overall plot.

It's kind of crucial to understanding the main antagonist's actions before KH1. It was indicated initially he did have amnesia. Now it's being hinted he faked it. That's an inconsistency brought about by a retcon. So, what drove him? Genuine curiosity about darkness and the heart, or working towards some big predetermined master plan? If the latter, then it still makes no sense why he faked it.

Most of what you want resolved seems like it could be wrapped up in a three minute monologue.

Even for the things that can be done quickly, that's a lot of balls in the air, and the writers haven't given me much confidence about their ability to manage such a large number of threads.

We seem to have the opposite problems here. I think all of these subplots and character developments can and should be done easily with good writing

I hope we have some :tongue:

and not have it take up the total of the 40 + hours of gameplay. I can see why you're worried, but I'm going to assume that Nomura and crew have learned their lessons and can juggle everything accurately.

Why? What evidence have they given that the writing will be improved? If anything, 3D showed the writers have basically gone crazy, throwing anything resembling restraint to the wind.

I wouldn't let that preconceived notion of the game hold you back from playing it. It's already been made, it exists, it's not going anywhere, and it has entertainment value. Either you accept that it is something that will play a role in KH3 or be lost when this information comes up in KH3.

I think the first option is the better of the two, especially when you get a fun game out of it. Play it. If you don't like it, then whatever is worth knowing for KH3 will be shown in the Back Cover movie and any other information from chi will be readily available to know about from our website.

To resent a game is really odd to me.

Not really. I resented Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts for being a slap in the face to fans. I resent that new 3DS Metroid Prime for the same reason. Perfectly natural for a game to annoy you for external reasons.

Besides, I was half joking. That's why the ">.<" I don't actually hate it like I do those other games, which I have played. It just rubs me the wrong way more than anything, especially that a game that is so important to KH3 would be relegated to a browser/phone title. I don't usually enjoy those games. Maybe UC will prove me wrong, but I expect I'll just read the synopsis.
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baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

That doesn't make sense. He was already there, so the only time he would have seen two pairs was after SR already came back in time to enter the Sleeping Worlds. Which YX implies he was expecting.
I don't see why it doesn't make any sense, on one hand Xehanort was already there for multiple reasons outside of time travel mumbo jumbo. It's just as easy to say he came up with his own realm of sleep plot at the time.

Of course, this is me going off of memory, but I remember that all Xehanort said was that they expected the Keyblade bearer to be there the night the islands fell to Darkness because they specifically sent Kairi to Destiny Islands to lure the new generations of Keyblade bearers out of the world.

If Xehanort expected them to save the Sleeping Worlds, and he may have only foresaw Riku doing it at this point, then he'd be waiting for a point when Destiny Islands became one. The honest truth with this one, though, is that no matter what reason Nomura gives - which he may not- it will be weird and contrived.

It's kind of crucial to understanding the main antagonist's actions before KH1. It was indicated initially he did have amnesia. Now it's being hinted he faked it. That's an inconsistency brought about by a retcon. So, what drove him? Genuine curiosity about darkness and the heart, or working towards some big predetermined master plan? If the latter, then it still makes no sense why he faked it.
Either he did or he didn't, it doesn't stop him from attacking his cohorts and building the Organization. What cause all the speculation on this anyway? It seems he legitimately had it up until Ansem's experiments woke him up. Or maybe he really did go a little crazy. Either way, the same result happened, so I for one don't think it contributes anything to the plot.

Why? What evidence have they given that the writing will be improved? If anything, 3D showed the writers have basically gone crazy, throwing anything resembling restraint to the wind.
I think 3D's lack of...cohesion was mostly a result of it being unplanned and rushed. The pacing for it and some of its intimate moments were great. I'm hoping that Nomura's been...crafting it better. I think everything we've seen so far bodes well. The lack of story in trailers means they aren't crafting it all early and shoehorning everything else in the middle like they did II.

OathkeeperRoxas XIII

Silver Member
Feb 15, 2009
Destiny Islands
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

I'm pretty sure time travel, multiplication of eight people and four versions of yourself, and the idea of recreate a X-Blade to bring balance or destruction to the very universe now after eight games makes them crazy... Yeah a crossover between Disney and Square Enix, no one saw that coming did they?



King of the Wild Frontier
Dec 14, 2009
Minnesota, United States
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

Ok I'm sure these questions have already been answered in the previous 16 pages of discussion but I'm lazy. Are either Back Cover or Birth By Sleep 0.2 going to be playable or is DDD the only playable game in this collection? Also does this mean that I.5 and II.5 will come to PS4 or has anyone at SE made any statements about this?


baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

Ok I'm sure these questions have already been answered in the previous 16 pages of discussion but I'm lazy. Are either Back Cover or Birth By Sleep 0.2 going to be playable or is DDD the only playable game in this collection? Also does this mean that I.5 and II.5 will come to PS4 or has anyone at SE made any statements about this?
It's like the OP in other threads, but 0.2 will also be playable. No statements about the other remixes on ps4 yet

OathkeeperRoxas XIII

Silver Member
Feb 15, 2009
Destiny Islands
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

Ok I'm sure these questions have already been answered in the previous 16 pages of discussion but I'm lazy. Are either Back Cover or Birth By Sleep 0.2 going to be playable or is DDD the only playable game in this collection? Also does this mean that I.5 and II.5 will come to PS4 or has anyone at SE made any statements about this?

Boo for being lazy

Back Cover-Movie like the Days and Coded movies

No confirm of a 1.5 and 2.5 poet on the PS4


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

Actually it's interesting to note that Days and Re:coded were advertised as "Cinematic Cutscenes" for the HD collections, whereas Back Cover is being advertised as a "Movie". Chi is the first Browser, Smart Phone, and Movie in the Kingdom Hearts series.


Hope Remains
Oct 28, 2006
United States
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

I like how it's called "Back Cover" as in the way books have the summary of their plot on the back cover, further enforcing that whole "Chi is a storybook" theme.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

I like how it's called "Back Cover" as in the way books have the summary of their plot on the back cover, further enforcing that whole "Chi is a storybook" theme.
Not to mention it's covering the final chapter of that story, including that lost page.


Hell yeah
Jul 5, 2015
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

Why? What evidence have they given that the writing will be improved? If anything, 3D showed the writers have basically gone crazy, throwing anything resembling restraint to the wind.
Riiight. Implying that something that has a concept as seemingly absurd as "Disney-Final Fantasy crossover" never threw restraint to the wind in the past? AS IF. If I remember right, when Kingdom Hearts was first announced, everyone thought that Square Soft had completely lost it. Look how that went.

But hey, you're entitled to your opinion. I'll agree wholeheartedly that DDD's narrative could have been presented in a more... organized and cohesive manner. I'm still learning about the things that were shown and implied towards the end of that game because it was so confusing. I guess I just wasn't bothered by it so much, since starting this franchise with Re:Coded and no context had me in a perpetual state of confusion anyways. I've just come to expect it and even enjoy it a bit.


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

Actually it's interesting to note that Days and Re:coded were advertised as "Cinematic Cutscenes" for the HD collections, whereas Back Cover is being advertised as a "Movie". Chi is the first Browser, Smart Phone, and Movie in the Kingdom Hearts series.
and soon the DXD original TV series, Kingdom Hearts X's Nuts

wow how did i miss that video in the OP? thanks for linking btw tinny.


Dec 14, 2011
somewhere near Marseille
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

Gotta share the totally original sentiment that I'm pissed that this is only for PS4 when the other collections have been for PS3. I don't really care about getting Unreal Engine graphics before KH3, in fact it ruins the surprise and mucks up a large part of the anticipation for the real thing, in my opinion.

I am excited for more Aqua material, although that's entirely predicated upon Willa Holland returning to voice her. BBS 0.2 could essentially serve as confirmation that she's either coming back for 3 or she isn't. I don't know how to feel about that. And, honestly, I'm not confident that we need to see what she's been up to in the RoD prior to KH3. It breaks up the story.

As for DDD and X, I'm glad the former is getting an HD remix for its unlikely fanbase because I know they've been waiting for it, but I still wish upon a star that X would have stayed out of the main plot. I guess it's nice of Nomura to give us a cinematic run-down of the plot relevant details, but it only reinforces what a terrible idea it was to relegate significant information about the series' larger mythology to a social web game in the first place. They had to develop Unchained for Western fans to gain access to it (presumably, whenever that happens), and now an HD movie to bring the rest of the fans who don't play that up to speed. As if KH3 even needs more plot to cover.

From the title to the content, this collection's premise is just so characteristic of the franchise's troubled history and penchant for unflattering excess. I guess anything's good for the hype, though.


baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

Gotta share the totally original sentiment that I'm pissed that this is only for PS4 when the other collections have been for PS3. I don't really care about getting Unreal Engine graphics before KH3, in fact it ruins the surprise and mucks up a large part of the anticipation for the real thing, in my opinion.
I can see both sides of this, but if it's really constricted to Aqua in the Realm of Darkness it wouldn't be much of a surprise ruiner.

I am excited for more Aqua material, although that's entirely predicated upon Willa Holland returning to voice her. BBS 0.2 could essentially serve as confirmation that she's either coming back for 3 or she isn't. I don't know how to feel about that. And, honestly, I'm not confident that we need to see what she's been up to in the RoD prior to KH3. It breaks up the story.
Well, Willa came back for Aqua's secret episode last year. I think she's on board for good. But I agree with the last bit, but there are always ways around it. I'm sure Aqua will discover the ruins of Daybreak Town, or meet a Foreteller or discover some Lux or something.

As for DDD and X, I'm glad the former is getting an HD remix for its unlikely fanbase because I know they've been waiting for it, but I still wish upon a star that X would have stayed out of the main plot. I guess it's nice of Nomura to give us a cinematic run-down of the plot relevant details, but it only reinforces what a terrible idea it was to relegate significant information about the series' larger mythology to a social web game in the first place. They had to develop Unchained for Western fans to gain access to it (presumably, whenever that happens), and now an HD movie to bring the rest of the fans who don't play that up to speed. As if KH3 even needs more plot to cover.
It kind of sounds like the stuff we'll be seeing in Back Cover is new content that won't be in X.
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Dec 14, 2011
somewhere near Marseille
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

I can see both sides of this, but if it's really constricted to Aqua in the Realm of Darkness it wouldn't be much of a surprise ruiner.
I guess not, it's more just the principal of it. I really feel like KH3 should properly debut next-gen Kingdom Hearts, and it feels like BBS 0.2 is stealing its thunder. I'm a stickler for execution, but ymmv.

Well, Willa came back for Aqua's secret episode last year. I think she's on board for good.
Hope so, but the femmes in this series have a recurring issue with VA commitment this side of the Pacific lol. Hayden Panettiere's return is still up in the air, after all.

But I agree with the last bit, but there are always around it. I'm sure Aqua will discover the ruins of Daybreak Town, or meet a Foreteller or discover some Lux or something.
My point is that it interrupts the flow of the storytelling. There are ways to make it work and I'll naturally reserve judgment until the time comes, but I'm worried that instead of entering KH3 wondering how Aqua is doing and where we'll find her, BBS 0.2 is going to give us information that would have been better presented within KH3 itself at some point in order to avoid undermining the impact of her return as a revelatory moment. Again: execution. It isn't enough just to give fans what they think they want; an author has to take into consideration the pace and structure of their story. But, again, maybe Nomura has and he'll impress me. It has certainly happened before.

It kind of sounds like the stuff we'll be seeing in Back Cover is new content that won't be in X.
That doesn't improve on the situation, like, at all. Bloat on top of bloat is just more weight in a story that has a lot to carry. X should have stayed self-contained.


New member
Jan 7, 2015
Realm of Darkness, unfortunately.
Re: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue announced

I honestly do wish that Willa Holland reprises her role as Aqua because I genuinely enjoyed her as Aqua.

Also I'm not too sure if this has been said here but what battle system do you think 0.2 will have? I honestly feel that perhaps the Command Deck will return since BbS made it work in my opinion (plus I actually liked it a lot :D) and how would Aqua change from a BBS style of battle to the one used in KH3? Sure this one is like a demo for KH3 and someone I've talked to said something along the lines of, "Well think about this, Sora has changed battle systems before, ex. kH1 and KH2 to DDD and such so Aqua's situation would be no different since game play wise, it's to give us a feeling of how KH3 will play out." I was thinking about this and I figured it made sense but I'm still left wondering whether it'll use the Command deck or not.

Any thoughts?
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