*is only excited about more Aqua* *wonders where my ps4 1.5 & 2.5 ports be at*
KH HD 2.9 Final Collection, coming soon
*is only excited about more Aqua* *wonders where my ps4 1.5 & 2.5 ports be at*
At this point, I hope any all inclusive KH collection isn't a numbered title. Just make it something simple like "Kingdom Hearts Saga Collection" or "Kingdom Hearts Dark Seeker Collection" and so forth. No more numbers and decimals please. 2.8 is as weird as it needs to get. 1.5 and 2.5 were fine, and the 2.8 + 0.2 thing also makes sense, but pls stahp.
*adjusts my glasses* Well, from what I've read, there's not a real standard way to represent fractions or decimals in roman numerals. Usually, the romans just wrote out the appropriate word, like "tres septimae" to mean 3/7, or used some amount of uncia, which is 1/12, and semis, which is 1/2, but the latter was never standardized. Numerals and decimal points looks really silly, but any other way would look sorta overwhelming, especially since they probably just picked up roman numerals at first to look cool.They also seem to like mixing roman numerals with decimals xD
KH HD 2.9 Final Collection, coming soon
They also seem to like mixing roman numerals with decimals xD
"Kingdom Hearts Collection! Finally the entire series in one place! Everything from 1 to 3 and everything in between!" *announces kh4 for ps5 and kh more days for 4DS*
I'm excited because not only does this mean worlds like Castle of Dreams in PS4 graphics, but haunted destroyed takes on Disney worlds? Hell yes!
Announcing Kingdom Hearts 4.0 HD Shattered Toilets Remix! featuring an exclusive episode about Yen Sid's raging hemorrhoids! only on Xbox One!KH HD 2.9 Final Collection, coming soon
Maybe you should seriously consider making your avatar a Trollface, lol.
Funny thing is, this is even a probable scenario to become reality later...
Sad truth isn't it?
Yep, that's it.
Now the Usertitle should be changed from "-" to "Problem, Fanbase?" or just "Problem?" and you're the Troll Emperor of KHInsider.
It is.
Despite stating concern for the "spread out" of the series, they only lessened it instead of truly getting rid of it.
With x[chi] (both browser and phone version) getting canon too, the spread even got wider again. Which is probably why they include something related to it in 2.8...
Nah. Doing that would just invite a bunch of troublemaker and upstarts to try and take a title I don't care about defending. haha
The spread is definitly still a problem. It's not as wide spread but it's also not spread in a way that's cheap. Hopefully they'll act like they actually care about the spread and port the old remixes. Don't need no fancy collections or 2.9s, just playable discs on ps4.
I also wonder what they'll do for those Microsoft fans that loves and had the ps2 or other games of the series but are only getting KH3. (betting nothing)
They do care to some extent or the remixes would not have been made in the first place at all although Nomura never being happy about having the Final Mix content only in Japan might have also had something to do with it.
Well, they could do something similar like with FFX and FFX-2. It's made by the same company and I doubt that Disney would have any objections.
Square: Should we bring them to PS4 as well?
Disney: Why not? Can only mean more money, can it not?
If I have to be completely honest I do not think Square gives a single crap about any of the Microsoft-consoles (all versions of the Xbox flopped heavily in Japan) or the fanbase belonging to them. Any Final Fantasy title on XBox did totally crappy so far on Microsoft systems (in Europe most people also get FF for the Playstation instead of Microsoft), which is why I was genuinely surprised that when KH III was unveiled at E3 2013 they announced that it would also come for XBoxOne and I'm still convinced that it only happens because Microsoft threw a truly sizeable pile of money into Square's coffers.