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Fanfiction ► Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 68 posted)

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Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 28 posted)

Oh, man! I can't wait for next weekend already! xD It's going to be epic! Sephly, have you ever thought it would be nice to dive deep into your own heart.. Wonder what our own Awakening panel looks like?


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 28 posted)

Oh, man! I can't wait for next weekend already! xD It's going to be epic! Sephly, have you ever thought it would be nice to dive deep into your own heart.. Wonder what our own Awakening panel looks like?

It's not exactly the weekend, but I finally managed to squeeze enough time together to work in the improvements. ;)
To be honest, nope, I actually contemplated for a long time if I even should let Kairi make that dive voluntary or not. lol.

But on to the next continuation of the story:


XXIX. Artistic Revelations

Kairi could feel her heart pounding faster as she turned her head towards other paintings hanging there in anticipation. Would more secrets be revealed on some of them?

There was one painting which showed an impressive, armored warrior with upward pointing, dark grey hooks on his knees and a wide, burgundy colored cape connected to the silver shoulder pauldrons which had ornaments on top that looked quite similar to the wing-like blade of the Soul Eater.
That's...yeah, that's Riku! He wields his Way to the Dawn and wears some pretty ornate armor. Jeez, I didn't know Namine can draw that stunningly.

Riku stood in an attention-pose in that picture, Way to the Dawn raised over his head with a pretty focused expression.
The armor itself was colored in different shades of silver, grey and dark blue, with some yellow lines tracing Riku's lower ribcage while the silver chestplate depicted Riku's symbol, a dark heart with red outline ending at the bottom with a stylized fleur-de-lys, similar to the Heartless emblem but without the jagged cross.
On his elbows were two parallel curved thorns pointing upwards in the same burgundy color as the cape, apparently part of the dark blue gauntlets which covered his entire lower arms.
The background was a dark, rocky area with many high pillars, dark clouds roaming overheard and apparently a thunderstorm coming.
Kairi couldn't help but to gape at the painting for a few seconds. The quality was really good and Riku looked imposing in that armor.
Still...why did Namine draw him like that...Riku never owned or gained such an impressive armor!?

Unable to take her glance away for a time the Princess of Heart took in more details on the impressive sight.
The base of the armor was entirely in that dark navy blue color, covering Riku's complete body from ankles to the neck. The actual metal parts scattered around it were mostly held in that same dark grey as the hooks on his knees while silver was predominant in the chest- and backplate, the shoulder pauldrons and on the waist-armor of the silverrette. Beside the cape, inside of the wing-like potrusions on the shoulder pauldrons and the thorns on the gauntlets the burgundy color was also present in parts on Riku's boots and the additional thorns curving upwards sideways from these boots.

All in all, while that armor surely looked like it would grant the boy more protection, it also looked light enough to still provide quite some freedom of movement.
As she further noticed that those yellow lines were not only tracing Riku's lower ribcage but also other parts of his body, she almost blushed a bit.
Just what moved you to draw like this?

Casting her eyes aside finally, they were immediately ensnared in another painting of the same type, but this one depicting Sora.
Holy sh...Namine!!!

Now Kairi's cheeks were definitely burning red at the sight of Sora wearing such a tight-fitting armored suit as well.

The underlying layer of it was plain black, as opposed to Riku's navy blue.
Unlike Riku's steel boots, who covered only half of his lower legs with the dark grey hooks attached to a piece of armor right below his knees, Sora wore high metallic boots to his armor which reached all the way up to his knees, his crown charm in golden color at the top whose elongated three spikes served the same manner as Riku's "hooks". The boots themselves were held in a shining silver color, brighter than Riku's, with gold linings around the edges, visibly contrasting the black base layer that covered Sora's body.
Two parallel Royal blue lines extended upwards on Sora's upper legs from above the knee, running from the front to the outer side of the leg right to the hips, visually "connecting" the boots with the waist armor which was colored in the same silver color as the boots and sported a golden sort of "buckle" shaped like a five-pointed star right on the same height where Sora's navel would be.
The upper point of that "buckle" touched directly to the lower point of a steel blue, sharp looking but elastic, V-shaped armor plate which covered the boy's abdomen, connecting to the thick, silver chestplate even further up which was lined with the same steel blue color at its edges.
The center of the chestplate sported again Sora's crown charm in gold, augmented by two small, white feather wings extending to both sides from the base of the crown.
Similar to Riku, three lines, also in Royal blue like those on the legs, traced Sora's lower ribcage below the chestplate, all six eventually connecting to the V-shaped abdomen armor, leaving only a hand's width of room on Sora's hips and lower abdomen where the black base layer was still visible.
Totally different however where Sora's shoulder pauldrons compared to Riku's. They were way smaller, more rounded and steel blue like the abdomen armor and the edges of the chestplate, with no further decorations at all. The cape was held in a bright golden color, like the edges of Sora's boots and the crown charms while the gauntlets had the same color scheme as the chestplate, silver with steel blue edges. While Riku had the two burgundy thorns, Sora's gauntlets each sported a single, half-folded white wing extending from the wrist up to the elbow, the end acting the same as the thorns on Riku's gauntlets.

To Kairi's surprise, Sora was not wielding the Kingdom Key on this painting, but the Ultima Weapon.
As Namine realized how captivated her other half was by the paintings on the left side of the wall she got up and slowly made her way towards joining the Princess at the wall.

Finally able to avert her sight from this stunning image as well, the redhead sported more paintings depicting scenes. Memories or dreams given artistic form.
There was one depicting a ravaged and destroyed playground island on Destiny Islands, with Sora, Donald and Goofy facing off against a hovering, silver haired figure with a dark familiar behind him.
Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. She recognized him immediately in her thoughts.

Another one depicted a white, strange hallway with Axel running through it, apparently intensively searching for something.
The third had again herself as a child, running away from a pack of Heartless while two other persons, a young woman with bright pink hair tied into a ponytail at the left side of her head and a black man with a funny afro brandished their weapons, a futuristic looking bow and two pistols, against the Heartless trying to shield her.

Kairi now heard the soft steps of sandals, indicating that Namine was about to join her.

Taking in the look of the next picture she felt a weird sensation. It depicted a white room with a flower-shaped pod in the middle where Sora was floating inside asleep, with Namine herself standing beside it.
Riku was there too, in a black Organization coat and blindfolded, putting one hand on Namine's shoulder in a reassuring manner.
What was so unsettling about this picture were the pained and regretful expressions that both were displaying to the viewer. Namine's was a bit deeper than Riku's, but his nonetheless was also clearly noticeable, which to Kairi was even more unsettling because she knew that Riku was not normally a person who liked to show intense emotions so openly like this picture did.

Sensing her other half's soft steps getting nearer she sighed, so much to see, so many questions and surely not much time to address them all.
Namine surely had not contacted her just to show off her art collection.
Three last other pictures were between them before they would meet up, and despite all questions floating through her mind already, she could not keep herself from looking at them as well.
The first showed a guilty-looking Namine standing on the right side on what looked like an awakening platform, hands tightly knit together with eyes cast down.
Opposite of her stood a very bewildered looking Roxas in his civil clothes.

The second showed the playground island again, with a young Sora about four or five years old watching a scene together with the viewer of the picture, his back facing the viewer. On the beach there was an equally young Riku, with a young brown-haired man on one knee before him extending a Keyblade handle-forward to Riku, who grabbed the handle with his little hand.
What is that supposed to mean? Who is that tall, brown-haired guy?

The last one let Kairi gasp in a low tone, as it depicted the same blue heart-shaped moon that was on the ceiling of the room, only this time among a dark swirling vortex of clouds. At the sides on some rock pillars, face turned to the viewer, were Riku and King Mickey, brandishing their Keyblades with a serious look. In the middle, right below the blue heart-moon, stood three boys with their backs to the viewer, all three holding hands with each other.

What is this...did Namine made an error here, or!?
Kairi couldn't resist taking this painting from the wall to take a closer look at it.
As she took it and let her fingers softly slide over the heart-moon Namine had reached her by now.
"You're quite taken in by the drawings I made over time in here I see. Many of them show memories I could see glimpses of, some are also about weird dreams I had."
She gave the Princess of Heart a small smile which was an odd mix of warmness and sadness.

"Yes, your style, is surely amazing. How did you learn to draw that realistically?" Kairi raised the picture in her hand now to get another close look.

The blonde girl at first looked a bit pleased about the praise her art was given, but quickly changed to a more serious expression again.
"Well, I had plenty of time to improve my skills, and it helps me to better understand and control my powers."

"I see. Many of those outright either confused or intrigued me, but you surely didn't contact me because of those, right?"
She looked her other right into the eyes now, the picture with Kingdom Hearts and the three boys beneath it guarded by Riku and Mickey still in her hand.

"Yes, and no. I actually expected the pictures to affect you somewhat since they are all either related to you or people close to you, even if you don't remember some of them."
Namine folded her hands before her chest, tilting her head a little and making a very cute expression.
"This night isn't over yet so we may have a bit more time to talk, don't you think?" She added in a warm tone.

"Yeah, sure." The redhead shot back a wide smile. "People close to me I don't remember, most likely because I either met them only once or my memories of them are sealed away, right? Like this woman I offer the flowers on that picture...she must be important since she's also depicted in one of the circles on my awakening platform."
Namine nodded. "Yes, some are both, some are neither because they're close to you not because of yourself but through others connected to you."
Taking the picture in one hand only Kairi scratched her head shortly.
"Uh...sometimes your statements are really confusing, Namine."

The memory witch giggled shortly at this.
"Apparently...I say quite the mysterious stuff sometimes. Nonetheless, we have to start somewhere so why not do it with this scene: It's really part of the memory-set of your original home world, this young woman there is very important to you, Sora, Riku and the others connected to Sora. I could see the memory and heard her introduce herself as Aqua. I don't know the exact specifics but she may be part of the reason why you ever even met Sora and Riku in the first place."

"...Aqua..." The Princess let the name linger on her tongue, trying to grasp if the name would trigger any memory, her eyes widening.
"Part of the reason I met Sora and Riku, you say?"

"It appears so." Namine raised her right hand, pointing at the charm on Kairi's necklace.
"More I can't say I'm afraid."
"I understand. But she- Aqua, she must have the full answer! I need to talk to her if I want to shed light on my own past at least on some parts."

"If that will be possible or not lies in the hands of Sora, Riku and that little King." Namine whispered.

Kairi looked at her in bewilderment shortly before the realization hit her. "She's one of them, right? One of the people in torment!"
Another small nod from the blonde girl followed.

"I hid some information about the torment I found while piecing Sora's memory back together in the journal of Sora's first journey. I believe the wise little King has it deciphered by now. But I can sense you have more about the paintings that troubles you, so let's get on with this first."
Namine gave away another small smile, making Kairi feel slightly uneasy as she perceived herself and her lack of understanding to be a bother right now.


So, there we are again, in this chapter there are actually two more "hidden non-KH-characters", I'm intrigued who spots them. ;)
Kairi is also slowly getting some insight on what is actually going on.
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Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 29 posted)

YAY, new chapter!! :D

Geez, I got goosebumps reading this.. so amazing!

And again, another cliffhanger?! You're so evil, sephly!! But It's an must to keep fans hooked, hehe. ^_^

I'm so ready for more.. xD

And that was Serah and Sazh! :O

Key Wielder

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Traverse Town
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 29 posted)

a young woman with bright pink hair tied into a ponytail at the left side of her head and a black man with a funny afro

Definitely Serah and Sazh--it was awesome that you included them! :D (I honestly would have expected Light before Serah, though!)

Anyway, it was a great chapter, and I once again really love the detail you provided about the pictures. I could almost see each one, and the one with Kingdom Hearts in it sounds a bit ominous. I can't wait to see what you've got planned next. Great job, Sephiroth! :)


Keep Holding On
Nov 6, 2008
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 27 posted)

Awesome job on this chapter. I really liked your descriptions of the paintings. Riku's and Sora's armor sounds so cool. I also recognized the two mystery characters. Ah a cliffhanger! I look forward to the next chapter. :)


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 27 posted)

YAY, new chapter!! :D

Geez, I got goosebumps reading this.. so amazing!

And again, another cliffhanger?! You're so evil, sephly!! But It's an must to keep fans hooked, hehe. ^_^

I'm so ready for more.. xD

And that was Serah and Sazh! :O

It's actually funny how much suspense you can create by just let a character look at some pictures. The kicker with this is that Kairi feels roughly the same way with slight goosebumps as the readers, lol, since she was often left out of the important stuff in the games before.

Well yeah, rofl, there are some more pictures to discuss after all, and raising anticipation for Naminé's further answers was an opportunity I just couldn't let go to waste. *ggg*.

Hopefully next weekend will be the arrival of chapter 30.

Yep, more intriguing stuff, huh? ;)

Definitely Serah and Sazh--it was awesome that you included them! :D (I honestly would have expected Light before Serah, though!)

Anyway, it was a great chapter, and I once again really love the detail you provided about the pictures. I could almost see each one, and the one with Kingdom Hearts in it sounds a bit ominous. I can't wait to see what you've got planned next. Great job, Sephiroth! :)

Heh, thanks. Yup, Serah and Sazh were once also citizens of Radiant Garden, that I can already disclose without revealing too much.
(As for Lightning, her personality does not really match up with Kairi's, while Serah would get along more with her I'd imagine, if that is enough of a hint. ;) )

Describing even the pictures (or other environmental issues like Naminé's room) in such detail is another reason why this story gets so long, but seeing the reactions I am by now convinced this is a good thing. ^___^
Good observation skills, that picture with Kingdom Hearts in it while Mickey and Riku stand at the sides has indeed some deeper meaning, although not in the sense that most people might expect (gosh, I sound like Nomura, don't I? :p).

Awesome job on this chapter. I really liked your descriptions of the paintings. Riku's and Sora's armor sounds so cool. I also recognized the two mystery characters. Ah a cliffhanger! I look forward to the next chapter. :)

Ahaha, thanks.
Yep, I contemplated for a long time on the armors, and they are really in there only for story purposes (in the actual canon, I would like the armors to remain unique to the BBS-trio, Sora and Riku do not need to copy everything from the other characters cause that would make them redundant).
It's only a small cliffhanger though raising suspense on Naminé's further answers, as we already know all pictures Kairi saw. ;)


Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 29 posted)

Hey, selphy! :D I just wanted to say, I'm ready for next weekend!! :p and also, my time will change for winter next week as well starting on the 4th of November!

Keep the story rolling on toward to the end!

Lanydx reborn

The Superior Lanydx
Jun 14, 2009
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 29 posted)

Glad your story is still going, the last chapter was good keep it up.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 29 posted)

Hey, selphy! :D I just wanted to say, I'm ready for next weekend!! :p and also, my time will change for winter next week as well starting on the 4th of November!

Keep the story rolling on toward to the end!

I was ready as well, lol, but it seems that Nov wasn't since I haven't got chapter 30 proofread yet. Then a cold hit me, and I was more interested in my bed than in my computer. <__<

Time change? That one we got here already as well, got one hour back that they stole from us in spring.
Stupid summer time...*ggg*

Glad your story is still going, the last chapter was good keep it up.

I'm trying to keep a sort of schedule, but when you have other people working on stuff for it you're on their mercy after all. :D


Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 29 posted)

Aw.. :( I'm sorry you got sick.. I know it's not fun! And Nov must be busy, huh? Well, I hope she can finish it up and give it to you so you can post it here for us fans to read! :)

Edit: It has been a long time since the last chapter.. Where is everybody?! ;_;
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Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 29 posted)

Aw.. :( I'm sorry you got sick.. I know it's not fun! And Nov must be busy, huh? Well, I hope she can finish it up and give it to you so you can post it here for us fans to read! :)

Edit: It has been a long time since the last chapter.. Where is everybody?! ;_;

Thanks, and guess what, I got some sickness hit this December-weekend again, only this time it wasn't a cold but stomach problems. <__<

Nov was very busy indeed, and this postphoned the next chapter considerably.
But now, after I'm finally resonably up running again I can finally give out chapter 30 after an overlong gap of over a month which I'm truly sorry for:


XXX. Warnings of the witch

"Uhm, ok...although I do really feel a bit stupid having no clue or whatever." She whispered more directed at herself, but Namine heard it nonetheless.
"Lack of knowledge is not a real problem...willful ignorance or unwillingness to change that state is."
Namine stepped another step nearer, now closely beside Kairi and displaying that encouraging smile again.

"Alright then, let's see. These two paintings with Riku and Sora in armor...how could you draw them so detailed? Both of them never had any armor."
"Those...those are not pictures formed from any memories I saw. It was either a vision or a dream in which I saw them. The mere fact that I could remember the layout of the armors in so much detail led me to believe it is important."

"Clearly strange...could it be that you have some sort of limited clairvoyance?"
Namine shrugged her shoulders, looking somewhat uneasy. "I don't know...and if it would be like this I could not say that I would be very happy about it. The powers I already possess are unsettling and creepy enough."

"Unsettling and creepy? You mean your memory powers? But you saved Sora with them..."
Kairi was a bit baffled.
The blonde girl shook her head vigorously.
"No! I only repaired the damage I did to him with those very powers in the first place...and even that brought so much more suffering to others. In order to save Sora, I had to hurt other beings despite not wanting to. My powers always only brought upon misery and suffering."

"What the heck are you talking about? Were it not also your powers that brought the information of all the people who are suffering so badly into the light? Isn't there a chance now to heal that pain somehow because of this fact?"
The Princess's voice was louder than she wanted, but she couldn't just let her other half blame herself for everything when it wasn't truly her fault.

Ignoring the louder tone, Namine's bitter expression didn't change. "Yeah, that's true...as is the fact that some of all this suffering was nonetheless caused by my powers..."

"You really loathe them..."
Kairi could not do more than stating the obvious, unsure what to really make of Namine's outburst.
"...guess I shouldn't have mentioned that clairvoyance-thing." She whispered, biting her lower lip a little.
A drawn out sigh was heard as Namine shook her head again. "Let's change the topic ok? To sort out this we really have no time for now."

The Princess did not want to let it slide just yet, seeing how it obviously was so painful for the other girl.
Still, Namine's expression clearly indicated that she was neither willing nor able to talk about her own issues now.
Grudgingly, Kairi nodded to that, changing the attention to the pictures again.
"These next two pictures...the first one depicts memories of Sora's fight against "Ansem" at the remains of Destiny Islands together with Donald and Goofy, that's clear. The second one though...why does it show Axel out of all persons, and then running through strange white hallways?"

"That one is a tricky piece, since I saw it only as glimpses. The tricky part is that this one apparently is only a faint copy of one of Axel's memories, which got through whatever means accessible to Sora's heart. I suspect it has to do with Roxas...but I'm afraid more information is not available."
"So you don't know what he's doing there or where it is?"
"The place, according to the layout, could be Castle Oblivion, but I can't give full ensurance for that." Namine turned slightly to the picture, narrowing her eyes at it.

The redheaded girl gave away another nod at this, turning to the big picture that depicted her younger self running away from Heartless.
"This one...another of the forgotten memories of my original home world? It has to be...and those two people...their statures are familiar, but only by a faint margin. I can't remember names nor faces."

"Yes, these belong also to your forgotten past. I don't have any names nor better appearances of those people either."
"Okay...the next ones, with Riku and you before Sora's sleeping pod and you opposite Roxas are your own memories I assume...you look so guilt-stricken there..."

"You're right, the first one is an actual memory of me while the second one is a recurring nightmare I have...but that's not the point now."
Hearing directly that Namine didn't want to disclose anything more about these things regarding herself Kairi didn't press on further, despite Riku's pained expression in the first of those two bothering her.
Instead she turned to the last one still hanging on the wall which depicted little Sora, Riku and that tall brown-haired guy.

"From the perspective I would say it's one of Sora's memories, but what does it mean?"
"It is. Although it is a buried memory Sora has no recollection of and he apparently also couldn't understand what the young man and Riku were doing."
"It looks like that guy offered little Riku a Keyblade." Kairi whispered, eyes also narrowed.

"Maybe the most sure way to shed light on that would be to ask Riku himself." Namine said warmly.
"Yes...if it isn't a buried memory for him as well." The Princess retorted.
"That will be only shown if the question is asked. Even then, asking about it may trigger that memory to come to the surface."
"You're right, thanks Namine. Now, for that one I have in my hand here...it's certainly strange not only because it depicts Kingdom Hearts. I understand Mickey and Riku there...but, why did you draw Roxas twice there?"
Kairi raised the picture in her hand again, showing it to Namine by extending it on one hand, the other girl gripping the border with her right hand, causing both girls to hold it together.

The Princess tapped shortly on the part where the three boys holding hands stood below Kingdom Hearts, the one on the right being clearly Sora with his spiky brown hair.
He was holding the middle boy's right hand with his own left one, who had the same flaky blonde hair as the third boy on the left who held the middle boy's left hand with his own right one...they were identical.

Namine sighed again, making a concerned face.
"I...I did not draw Roxas twice here. That third boy isn't Roxas, it's another boy who is very deeply connected with Sora, possibly more deeply than anyone else. Look closely and you'll see some slight differences between them."

Now that she took a closer look Kairi could see it, while their hair, stature and the red pleated collar was exactly the same, their other clothing and the wristbands they wore were different.
The boy in the middle sported a checkerboard-patterned wristband with black edges on his left arm while the left boy had one with white edges. The middle boy's upper clothes also were plain white with several checkerboard-patterns on it while his pants went down all the way to his sneakers in colors of black and beige.
The boy on the left had a jacket split between black and white without checkerboard-pattern and a strange piece of waist-armor. Another armor piece was situated on his left shoulder as well as two intersecting black straps on his upper back.
His pants were a mix of dark grey, beige and white and ended just halfway down his lower legs, ballooning out like caprice pants, leaving his lower legs partly bare.
That kid's shoes were also sneakers, but armored ones which looked quite different from the ones the boy in the middle had.

"It's...amazing and yet also strange. That boy on the left looking nearly exactly like Roxas..." She mumbled in awe.
"Actually, I would rather say it is the other way around. Roxas looks like that other boy, which is most likely due to the special connection between that boy and Sora. It affected Roxas." Namine answered in a low tone, her expression still concerned.
"Special connection with Sora? More deeply than anyone else? What's that about, Namine. What's going on with Sora and that boy?"

"I won't jump to conclusions...yet one thing is very clear. Roxas, as well as this other boy and also that brown haired young man are also part of those who are suffering. Since both Roxas and that boy are the closest to Sora, their pain is also the most dangerous to Sora himself."

Kairi stiffened at this, looking more intensively at the two blondes. "Who is that other boy? What's his name or the nature of his deep connection with Sora?"
Namine shook her head sadly. "That I can't yet say. His name was never mentioned in any memory...nor did I see him in any more than one memory so far. This picture is also made from a dream I had. The only things I could decipher was that nearly all of his memories are inside Sora and that they are inaccessible, which could mean that Sora is harboring this boy's heart inside his own...or what is left of it."

The Princess visibly shaked at this. "...what's left of it...? Could mean that..."
"I have no proof, it's only speculating with what little information I have. As is this..." She made a short pause.
"...come over here." Namine said then, leading the redhead over to another big painting which was split into three sections.

The top most section depicted a dimly lit dark abyss with an orange-colored, glass-like wayfinder floating in the middle.
Under the item there was the brown haired young man, flanked by both Ansem, Seeker of Darkness and Xemnas, the Superior of the In-Between a bit above him.
Over the item there was a third silver haired figure with piercing golden eyes, spreading out his arms in what looked like a puppet master holding Ansem's, Xemnas's and the brown haired guy's strings.
That silver haired guy had a smug, gleeful unsettling expression, Ansem looked mockingly and self-confident, Xemnas almost bored and uninterested while the brown haired guy had a look of terrible sadness, pain and anger.
The right section showed the blue haired girl, Aqua, with a brandished Keyblade in what seemed a world full of darkness surrounded by what looked like thousands of Heartless, her face showing exhaustion, grim determination but also sadness and pain. Over the scenery floated another wayfinder, colored in blue.
The left section had what looked like a totally shattered awakening platform, the boy who looked identical to Roxas sitting there with an agonized, pain-stricken expression, his eyes strangely glazed and clasping his bare chest with one hand on the left side while holding a green colored wayfinder in the other, above him floating a sharp, glowing "X".

"That looks all...horrible." Kairi only managed to utter with Namine nodding slowly.
"Getting these glimpses of their vast torment is mostly possible due to the connections forged between these people's hearts and also memories. All of them, Aqua, Roxas, these other two male Keyblade wielders and possibly even people who no one can remember are somehow connected with Sora's heart, and by extension also with yours and Riku's heart. Some of the connections even go over another heart before actually being connected to Sora, for example, I suspect this brown haired young man being more closely connected to Riku, but getting connected with Sora also through Riku and the small ties he has to Sora himself."

Hearing all those explanations made Kairi getting a bit dizzy again. "Uh...I think...I understand...not fully."
Namine gave away a sad smile again. "It can be really somewhat hard to understand, but it is nonetheless important. Kairi, the forged bonds between all our hearts and memories, even of those who don't have an own heart like Roxas and me, are of uttermost importance since these bonds can be taken literally on this plane of existence here. Our very most essences are tightly connected like in a network, it can be of much help for us, especially considering Sora's ability to connect with anyone naturally and preserve the lives of beings otherwise doomed to disappear completely.
However, there's also the danger of these connections being misused which brings about much danger for everyone...and that's the main reason I contacted you. I can feel there's something strange going on in both Sora's and Riku's hearts."

The Princess of Heart jumped like stung at this, the picture with Kingdom Hearts and the three boys slipping from her hands.
"What? What is going on there? We saw a strange darkness seeping from Riku's arm today...and he insisted it was not his nor "Ansem's". Sora too...gracious...tell me more, Namine. What's going on there...?"
Kairi was now shaking Namine tightly by the shoulders, upset.

"Ugh...I...I can't say any details...I only noticed an alarming increase of darkness in both of Sora's and Riku's hearts which is not due to them doing anything...there is someone or something interfering, and that may also hold dire consequences for the wounded beings Sora is housing inside himself. Please stop that now...it hurts."


This chapter holds some subte hints of what will become an important plot point later, beside some more things Namine found out about those who are tied to Sora in torment.
I sincerely hope the gap between chapter 30 and 31 won't be as long as the last one. <__<
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Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 30 posted)

Wow.. I can actually feel the important need to hurry up and set them free from this torment, but at the same time, I don't know how to begin.

I really liked how you described that picture about all of the characters we know and it gave off a deep chilling cold feeling coming up on your back and you shiver from it. It kind of shows you how things is coming and is to come.

Keep it coming, Sephly! :DD

Edit: It has been a while.. Lol, time for a new Chapter, Sephly!
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Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 30 posted)

I really hope Kairi can find a way to bridge the gaps between the tormented, and help Sora and Riku with the trouble brewing inside of their hearts. I'm just as curious as Kairi about what Axel was doing inside of that white hallway, and what he could possibly be searching for. Namine is really receptive to the memories, dreams, and visions from those around her. I'd like to know more about her problems that she was unwilling to come forth about with Kairi. Why she finds them so creepy. In any case, I look forward to seeing what happens next, like always, Sephy. The details, and amount of work you put into these chapters are incredible by the way.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 30 posted)

Wow.. I can actually feel the important need to hurry up and set them free from this torment, but at the same time, I don't know how to begin.

I really liked how you described that picture about all of the characters we know and it gave off a deep chilling cold feeling coming up on your back and you shiver from it. It kind of shows you how things is coming and is to come.

Keep it coming, Sephly! :DD

Edit: It has been a while.. Lol, time for a new Chapter, Sephly!

Yep, there's actual danger for Sora's heart (and Riku's as well), although of course not in the way that DDD portrayed. I think the real reasons behind all this might become quite a surprise. ;)
Guess what, the characters also don't know how to begin, lol.

I kind of intended to let the pictures give off an eerie feeling, also since Kairi is mostly clueless about all this, yet still feels the importance and is eager to be of some help.


I know, I will probably post the beta-version of the next chapter on new year's eve, lol.

I really hope Kairi can find a way to bridge the gaps between the tormented, and help Sora and Riku with the trouble brewing inside of their hearts. I'm just as curious as Kairi about what Axel was doing inside of that white hallway, and what he could possibly be searching for. Namine is really receptive to the memories, dreams, and visions from those around her. I'd like to know more about her problems that she was unwilling to come forth about with Kairi. Why she finds them so creepy. In any case, I look forward to seeing what happens next, like always, Sephy. The details, and amount of work you put into these chapters are incredible by the way.

You're quite on to something there as Kairi will indeed become a sort of connector/mediator, although not in the sense one might first assume.The trouble brewing in Sora's and Riku's hearts is in fact the work of the first main antagonist and his partner. They are not in league with Xehanort, quite the opposite actually, but Xehanort knows about what transpires and chooses not to interfere.

About what Axel is doing there, it was alluded to in Days what he did there, on orders of both Saix and Xemnas. This painting is an allusion to that, but why it is there has another meaning which is related to Axel's memories, as well as the relation between Naminé, Ventus, Kairi and Roxas.
Yeah, since Naminé is inside Kairi she has unintentionally access to the vast light of Kairi's heart, and therefore the connections are even clearer which amplifies her powers.
Then there's of course the question if Naminé really has no heart, and her problems have to do with this and of course the question if Roxas has a heart or not.
As for why she finds her powers creepy, they're immensely intrusive to other people's privacy, aren't they? Then there are of course still much guilty feelings hidden...

In the next chapter we will clear up the first Kairi arc and also give a (tentative) conclusion to the cliffhanger we got in the argument between Sora and Riku.
Well, as for after that...we'll take a short look at what Roxas is up to before we explore what Terra experiences in Riku's heart with the "foreign darkness". ;)


Keep Holding On
Nov 6, 2008
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 28 posted)

I finally got to read chapter 30! Again I must say I love your descriptions of everything. It really gets me into the story. I feel sorry for Namine feeling so guilty. I suspect she does have genuine feelings. And Kairi must be so worried about everyone. At least Namine is aware of most of those in torment even if she does not know everything about it.


Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 30 posted)

@Selpy: Um, Where's the new chapter?? It has been like almost a week.. I hope you didn't forget about it! xD

I'm looking forward to the rest of it!


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 30 posted)

Roxie, you need to keep waiting patiently. I'm sure Sephy is working on it but, you can't rush these things. If you do, it adds pressure to the author. x3


Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 30 posted)

Roxie, you need to keep waiting patiently. I'm sure Sephy is working on it but, you can't rush these things. If you do, it adds pressure to the author. x3

I get it, okay? Just tired of waiting like a month for a new chapter to be released.. What happened to the 2 week release? We were doing so well.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 30 posted)

I finally got to read chapter 30! Again I must say I love your descriptions of everything. It really gets me into the story. I feel sorry for Namine feeling so guilty. I suspect she does have genuine feelings. And Kairi must be so worried about everyone. At least Namine is aware of most of those in torment even if she does not know everything about it.

Glad you like the developments.
Yeah, I thought I give that part of the deal with Namine a bit more attention than the actual games did. It was implied in Days that Namine feels actually very bad about to having to end Roxas' (and Xion's) existences in order to save Sora, but this part of the issue was never really elaborated upon. I think it was a pretty good idea to make that actually a part of Namine's own torment.
Kairi is pretty upset right now, and it'll show in the next chapter as well as finally disclosing why Sora is so hellbent on doing things alone by adding another level of sensitivity to Sora's ability to connect with other hearts without even realizing that power himself.

@Selpy: Um, Where's the new chapter?? It has been like almost a week.. I hope you didn't forget about it! xD

I'm looking forward to the rest of it!

Bahaha, alright, alright. I said I would post the beta-version this Weekend, didn't I?

Roxie, you need to keep waiting patiently. I'm sure Sephy is working on it but, you can't rush these things. If you do, it adds pressure to the author. x3
I get it, okay? Just tired of waiting like a month for a new chapter to be released.. What happened to the 2 week release? We were doing so well.

It's not so much my own time that's the problem atm I'm afraid, but rather November Rain's time seems to be especially short so that in terms of the proofreading of the next chapter there is a severe delay.
But since I am also not interested in having too long gaps between the chapters I'm going to change the policy on posting in this year anyways. I will keep the two-weeks schedule starting this month no matter what, proof-read chapters will then be incorporated later, the corrections and changes made directly in the post.

Now on to chapter 31 (written version without any proofread changes):


XXXI. All prepared

Realizing what she was doing Kairi stopped immediately. "Uh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...I..."
She shook her head in distress, frustrated.
"...and again I am just able to worry and not doing anything to help..."
The yell and increase in volume came so sudden Namine took two steps backward in surprise.
"The work towards the true objective of the new adventure hasn't even started yet and they are already in danger again...and I am useless again!"

On that Namine's expression went to a stern one.
"What nonsense are you saying? You are anything but useless especially in this case. Not only did I give you this information because you can act in the real world and inform them of the danger, I also contacted you to ask you to keep your eyes and ears open for more additional information from King Mickey. Don't be so upset about not being able to truly fight, there are things that require other qualities than battle power."

Calming down a little, Kairi shot her other a small thankful smile, still sighing loudly. "I know...but still, even outside battle, what can I do? Just being the envoy between you and the real world? Is that all?"
Getting closer Namine picked up the fallen picture and placed it on the table before lying her right hand on the redhead's left shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Being the "envoy" will just be the beginning, trust me. You are a Princess of Heart, you do have powers and you will learn to get a hold of them in time...just be a bit more patient."
"Funny. Riku said just the same thing..."

"Because it's true...you can't expect becoming a super-fighter just by flipping a coin...and I fear fighting ability won't even help that much in deciphering what's wrong with Sora and Riku." Namine continued, her smile deepening.

"May it be true tenfold, but it still doesn't change the fact there isn't much time for learning slowly...apparently our main enemy is back as well..."

"...and you don't need to face him personally or play the great savior of your friends yourself already. Let me tell you this as a first parting advice: You will get a hold on your own powers and abilities with patience just in time when it's really needed, if you only have the strong enough will for it. Will and determination are also important parts to take into consideration.
Now, I think with all the stuff you learned now here you will have much to contribute...combine all this with the things the King learned and you might be all prepared a bit better." Namine interrupted softly while getting two steps back again, nodding encouragingly at Kairi.

The redhead looked on dumbfounded, but slowly calming down.
"Remember, haste invites making errors." Namine added to her first statement.

"Yeah...you're right. Last time my rash decisions did bring more trouble instead of helping. I'll try to hold in my temper, being more patient. Thanks Namine, for everything."
By now Kairi had reminded herself of the plans she had made with Sora and Riku...learning with Queen Minnie, that would be the first step.
She also felt a bit ashamed that Namine had to put up with her somewhat childish behavior while being obviously one of the tormented ones herself.

"My pleasure!" Namine answered, having that cute smile again. "I have to thank you as well, for coming here and keeping me company, also for admiring my art and simply giving me some reprieve of the loneliness."

Gulping shortly, Kairi forced herself to make another nod.
"It's ok. You and I really need to talk more often, don't you think?"
She continued warmly.

On this Namine's eyes got a real glimmering shine, her expression changing to eager and hopeful.
"Yes, that would be really nice. Also on the topic on keeping me updated on developments in the physical world."

"Promised then. I'll disclose everything learned to the King this morning. See you soon, Namine." Kairi slowly backed away, waving while Namine just nodded again, her mood lifted up quite a bunch.
The Princess of Heart walked actually backwards until she had reached the door of the room, only then she finally turned away from the blonde memory witch.
It was time to return to the physical world.

Riku had finally regained his composure, struggling to find appropriate words to get Sora up again.
"Now I understand what you tried to do, and it was very thought out at that. Still, it is obvious that it doesn't work! So why do you still insist on getting on this issue alone? Why do you do the exact same thing you called me out on earlier when we reunited at the Castle that never was? It's not like you to scorn help from your friends...especially with someone who might have sufficient knowledge on this topic which could help much like King Mickey."

Sora looked back at him without saying a word. Grunting annoyed he ferociously wiped the single tear from his cheek.

"...and now also that face and mood. May I remind you of your own words from back before we went to the stone quarry: "but with the help of my friends we will find ways to put things right."! These were your own words back then, do you need me to recite more?"
Riku pressed on in a somewhat harsher tone, cringing on the inside at Sora's obvious stubbornness on the issue.

Blue eyes met aquamarine ones sternly and firm as Sora slammed his fist against the top end of the bed. "I know what I said! I still have everything of that clear in my mind and I also mean it...for the actual task of healing the enormous pain and finding the suffering people."

"Then what? What is so different this time and with these harbingers of torment? They impair your ability to function correctly and Mickey might know how to remedy that!" The older teen tried to ignore his friend's snappy tone as best as he could.
If he would only finally confide to me what bothers him this much...

"If you would let me finish..." The brunette growled.
"...I already said it several times that I appreciate the concern and that I'm willing to rely on my friends on the actual greater tasks...but not this one. It's not anything against Mickey, on the opposite actually. I do regard the King as a real trustworthy ally and friend, but I consider this issue as very personal to me and I simply don't want, as I also repeatedly stressed, it to be discussed and theorized about with me sitting there having again no clue...it's embarrassing and hurtful. Furthermore, the King has to keep his sight on the greater picture which probably won't help here at all..."

Riku sighed at this.
"Yea, I know that...and I refrained from telling Mickey anything this evening out of respect of your wishes, but your plan did not only fail to work, no, it also becomes more dangerous due to something very creepy shutting you out of your own heart! Do you even realize the severity of that? It isn't just the source of the harbingers of torment anymore or the current state of your nobody, there is more at stake! By shunning the help of those who might have a better overview on the matter you actually endanger the ones you want to help more, not to mention yourself!"
He clenched both hands, looking at Sora with an imploring expression before speaking on.

"No one will blame you if you are clueless on it. Do you think I can explain what the heck is happening with that weird darkness inside me? No, in fact I don't believe that is all that there is to it...you already aren't clueless anymore since you made a solid theory on what these harbinger's of torment might be. That already shows you thought deeply on the matter. So what else is there still bothering you? You can go and investigate for yourself all you want when the way for it is paved, but let your friends at least help you in doing just that!"

Sora answered this with a plain pained look, letting more than half a minute pass before he finally spoke.
"That weird darkness...we certainly need to bring that to Mickey's attention as fast as possible. I don't want to have you being possessed by something again. Then...I might not be clueless anymore but I am already indebted, so I want to give something back first before I take help for me again."

Now it was Riku's turn to slam his fist against something, in this case one of the wooden panels on the wall. "Don't divert the topic to me again...!!!" He snarled angrily. "...and what the heck do you mean by "indebted"? You encourage others to accept help from outside but now won't allow the same thing for you? What is there still...???"

Clenching his fist again in frustration, the silver-haired teen suppressed a yell. Why won't you be clear for once...you damned spiky-haired jerk....???
Realizing now that his best friend was upset and still not understanding what he implied, and that he won't let go until he spilled out the entire thing Sora sighed again, his painful expression remaining.

"The thing is this: I don't know the details since no one, not even you, bothered to tell me about it, but I DO know that several others already have helped me much in order so that I was even able to save the worlds a second time. Damn it! Every time I think about that my heart aches a small bit, which is NOT a harbinger of torment but the secret facts my heart knows...facts that there were even made vast sacrifices just for my cause which I can neither show gratitude for nor even acknowledge them because I don't have a friggin' damn clue!!!"

The brunettes' voice increased at the second part of the last sentence and Riku was shaken deeply by the whole issue the younger boy had stated.
The older teen was on one hand simply amazed at the sensitivity of his friends' heart, that he could vaguely feel that bad things had happened during the year he was asleep. On the other hand he felt a small part of his own heart aching, as he knew only too good what happened and that Sora's statements were entirely correct.

Before he could voice any answer though Sora spoke already on, his tone still bitter.
"I know that part of the suffering also comes from these things...and who am I to encroach continuous help from others while I haven't even paid back the slightest for the help I already received?"

Now it dawned on the older boy what the real problem was. The fear to sit clueless before his allies regarding the torment was only a small part. Sora feels like he has no right to receive further aid because of the sacrifices and help that were already made for him, and him not knowing anything about it makes him insecure, but...what good is that attitude if not even the first step can be taken because of it?

Riku stiffened again, the small aching of his own heart increasing shortly as his mind or subconscious apparently played a very macabre prank on him. Slightly behind Sora he saw now a half-transparent image of Roxas, staring at him with accusatory eyes and a scornful expression.
Ghh...no...no more hallucinations.

Shaking his head shortly before looking again the illusion had disappeared.
"Believe me Sora, I know better what your problem with this is than you know...at least you now finally trusted me enough to tell me about it. Still, your chance to make up for things comes when you actually can heal the pain and rescue them. If the first step towards this is however already closed off or hidden due to special circumstances, the way may not be clear at all...so don't you think it would at least be acceptable to get your friends help in opening that way? If you truly want to go that way alone for a while no one will object I think...but let us at least help to open it!"
Realizing Riku's stubbornness on this as well Sora let out another sigh, followed by a low chuckle. "Alright, how about this: We inform Mickey tomorrow about both occurrences that happened this night, then look how I can investigate that by myself...and then find a way to remedy all that pain together!"

"Sounds like a fair deal, just remember not to overdo it. Repaying for help and sacrifices doesn't mean you should go down yourself. Remember at all times, the key is you!"
"Same goes for you as well." Sora answered dead serious, with an annoyed, pouting expression. "No more doing it all alone and repenting loner-attitude!"
The older teen couldn't help but smirk at this. No matter now dire the situation and how important a topic was for Sora, once he gets a working way out of it he would quickly change back to his upbeat, cheerful attitude.
"Ok, ok, I'll try that as well now. So how about we try to actually sleep the rest of the night now?"

"Good idea." The brunette let out a small yawn. Nodding, Riku stood up and turned to go.
As he reached the door, Sora called out one last time. "Riku...thank you."
"I have to...give out thanks...for you finally disclosing your problem to me. G'night." He answered in a low tone before finally leaving for his own room.


So, there we are, both Kairi's first arc and the current Sora-Riku argument has been resolved.
Next time, we'll take a small peek on what Roxas is doing before we will focus on Terra! ;)
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Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 30 posted)

Wooo!! That was an awesome chapter! I feel for Sora since he can't repay for those has happened during the year he was asleep; he knew something was up, yet he can't give it back.

I'm looking forward to Terra's side of the story! :) And uh, I'll be more patient for sure. It was kind of hard to follow this one, but easy enough to get the gist of it.
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