Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 24 posted)
Ehehe, a ton to say and a ton to answer for, me likes.
1. Err, in this case, if you check back on chapter 16, Donald does drive the new gummi ship because Sora is unfamiliar with the new controls up to now (and as Sora says, he slept most of the time during the journey). Goofy also mentioned that the ship acts wacky sometimes because it is so new, so the navi-gummi flickering a bit isn't that problematic or a grave danger...but Donald having a fit and pounding at it causing it to malfunction because of the flickering, well, that's just Donald being Donald, lol.
Haha, great I managed to capture that feeling with Riku, that was exactly what I aimed for.
2. Thanks, and yeah, I choose to deepen that trait of Sora which was only scratched upon in KH2. Him not wanting others to worry about him is only a secondary reason though, the main reason is something else, but this will be only addressed later on, as being this adamant about it is nonetheless a bit untypical for Sora.
Of course I won't spoil the surprise, so we'll just leave it at this right now. It's obvious that Sora plans to somehow get in contact with Roxas as he suspects the "harbingers of torment" coming from him. What comes of that we'll see when the time comes, I do have to bring back into the picture though that earlier, in chapter 1, Roxas noted that he also tried often to reach Sora and failed.
Nonetheless, the focus in the next few chapters will first concentrate on Riku, and then on Kairi who has an interesting meeting in store for herself.
3. Nope, Riku still can't get some break time from all the crap, after all, he's also part of the "heart-network" that surrounds both Sora and Xehanort.
It's great that I can successfully pull them off to create that suspense. I'll try to put up chapter 25 this weekend.
Glad you like it, *ggg*, we really had a lot of fighting in the last few chapters, so I might have brought this change of pace exactly at the right moment.
Well, the gummi ship travel from Destiny Islands to Disney Castle was a welcome excuse to put the focus on other characters, as while SRK may be the main trio, I don't want them to hog the spotlight too much, especially as long as many of the different plotlines are still separate.
Donald and Goofy are always the main opportunity for comedy, which is why they shouldn't be ditched completely in any way, as those little tidbits also serve to not drown the reader in all the serious and/or dramatic episodes. There will be enough drama and heartwrenching later on, so these small lighthearted spots will surely be welcomed I assume.
Of course it's going to be different reading a chapter looking for errors or just concentrating on the story, and as you noticed, both sides get certain advantages out of it. I see where I might have messed up and can correct it while you get to know the continuation a bit in advance.
Heh, writing Riku in this mode is often a bit of a challenge since the context has to be watched. If I don't do this, Riku could come over sometimes as mean.
This time around I also wanted to emphasize Riku's lack of patience when people start to mess around at the wrong time (like Sora and Kairi bickering while Mickey expects to be filled in on what happened, Donald only spilling out the truth half-heartedly and also because time is short).
Since these people are all his friends and allies, he does make his disapproval clear in the sarcastic, humorous way though.
That he's worried about Sora this much is only natural after what happened at the breakfast table in chapter 14/15, but what bothers him on top of this is that Sora refuses to let others help him because that's untypical for his friend, more like Riku himself acts often and what Sora asked him to stop in KH2.
Ah yes, Mickey, so what is it that makes you like "my" version of KH-Mickey better than the actual game-Mickey?
Maybe because he's more active? We partly see his thoughts and actions?
As for the background of his character in HiU: Mickey surely has a lot on his plate right now, he knows that Xehanort will return and their current power levels are no match for him. Then there's of course Yen Sid's warning that they may face not a "single Xehanort" (and no, this doesn't include DDD spoilers, my story was planned before DDD was out in Japan) and he himself still feeling bad inside for being unable to save the BBS-Trio ten years ago.
Furthermore he's uneasy with having to place more burdens on SRK, especially since he has a suspicion where Ven's injured heart might be but doesn't yet know how to verify his assumption without possibly harming Sora.
Haha, yeah, it is evil, and creating so much suspense. *ggg*
What the heck could this darkness be? Riku clearly says it's not his own...and then there was that specter of Ansem SoD in the stone quarry in chapter 15/16, hehehe. Could that be somehow related?
Chapter 25 will be posted this weekend. ^__^
Me loves evil cliffhangers, har,har,har. ;P
Seriously, I'm flattered I manage them so effectively.
This chapter indeed had a bit of everything, a clear departure from the battle-filled chapters before.
Donald's hot temper is legendary, lol.
I imagined him jumping up and down on the pilot's seat while quacking and pounding the navi-gummi, lol.
In the beginning Riku is actually genuinely annoyed by the antics of his companions while the King stands there understanding nothing, but they get a hold of themselves fast enough so that instead of scolding he opts for teasing them with some sharp remarks he's so good in doing.
I am deliberately not just lining together one main plot point after another and make this seem like a walk in the park. FanFics who do this often have either an entire new plot unrelated with the actual act of saving the tormented ones or defeating Xehanort or are just rushed.
I'm going to show also the way how they get there to the point of saving someone, and it's surely not the same for everyone.
Not to mention there are other factions besides Xehanort opposing Sora's group, but that I already stated in the very first post of the story-thread, *ggg*, this is a big tale that takes its time to illuminate and explore some things instead of directly jumping to the most important conclusions like i.e. "go into the RoD and save Aqua".
Chapter 25 is due this weekend, lol. ^__^
This was an awesome chapter as usual. Let's take it step by step, because there is a ton I could say on this one to make up for my last review:
1. The comedy was brilliant. Donald doesn't really drive the gummi ship anymore since Sora has taken the wheel, so him having a fit over the controls is just too hilarious. I was also able to hear Riku's comments spoken with his voice in my mind, which just made it even better. He has that dry sense of humor and it comes across very well in that part.
2. I love Sora's rather characteristic show of bravado and being able to (or at least trying to) take care of himself without worrying anyone else. That's something that you see in the games but is often considered just Sora being an idiot, so it's nice to see that really fleshed out here as him caring more about keeping everyone happy than worrying them needlessly. I'm sure you won't spoil the surprise, but I'm thinking Sora will be having a little conversation with Roxas and, if he's capable, Ventus very soon.
3. Riku's situation was a "gasp!" moment. He just can't seem to catch a break, can he?
Suspense is part of what makes a great story, so I'm loving these cliffhangers! They are evil, but the waiting is part of the fun. ;D Thanks so much for updating so quickly this time, and I'm looking forward to the next one!
Ehehe, a ton to say and a ton to answer for, me likes.
1. Err, in this case, if you check back on chapter 16, Donald does drive the new gummi ship because Sora is unfamiliar with the new controls up to now (and as Sora says, he slept most of the time during the journey). Goofy also mentioned that the ship acts wacky sometimes because it is so new, so the navi-gummi flickering a bit isn't that problematic or a grave danger...but Donald having a fit and pounding at it causing it to malfunction because of the flickering, well, that's just Donald being Donald, lol.
Haha, great I managed to capture that feeling with Riku, that was exactly what I aimed for.
2. Thanks, and yeah, I choose to deepen that trait of Sora which was only scratched upon in KH2. Him not wanting others to worry about him is only a secondary reason though, the main reason is something else, but this will be only addressed later on, as being this adamant about it is nonetheless a bit untypical for Sora.
Of course I won't spoil the surprise, so we'll just leave it at this right now. It's obvious that Sora plans to somehow get in contact with Roxas as he suspects the "harbingers of torment" coming from him. What comes of that we'll see when the time comes, I do have to bring back into the picture though that earlier, in chapter 1, Roxas noted that he also tried often to reach Sora and failed.
Nonetheless, the focus in the next few chapters will first concentrate on Riku, and then on Kairi who has an interesting meeting in store for herself.
3. Nope, Riku still can't get some break time from all the crap, after all, he's also part of the "heart-network" that surrounds both Sora and Xehanort.
It's great that I can successfully pull them off to create that suspense. I'll try to put up chapter 25 this weekend.
Once again I must say that I love the change of pace that this chapter brought into the story. Especially when it involves Sora, Riku and Kairi, whom I've missed quite a lot, I'm one happy reader. I liked the way you added humor in it although it has some serious elements as well. A really nice, versatile chapter I must say. All in all I enjoyed this chapter very, very much~
I actually noticed this time that it's totally different for me to read the chapter in Word than here, in the thread, haha. Most likely because of the fact that I can read this freely without searching for mistakes and errors, lol. Even though I don't mind the latter, I get to read the chapters in advance, hoho. c:<
Anyway. First of all, I liked the way you wrote Riku in this chapter. I really like dry (side note: and sarcastic and cynical type of humor even) so I definitely enjoyed his remarks. Especially when he calls Sora and Kairi an old couple. Loved also their reaction to that, haha. I can imagine it very easily. I also like the way that he is worried about Sora (and I also like how Sora is worried about him, as he should be).
I'm not the biggest fan of Mickey in the world. I don't really care for him in KH as a character in general (shame on me~ ´3`) but I really do like the way you write him in your story. To be honest, he has really grown on me.
And need I say more about the, yes, indeed, evil cliffhanger? That was so unexpected that I considered it almost mean.
Can't wait that you post chapter 25 as that's a great chapter as well.
Glad you like it, *ggg*, we really had a lot of fighting in the last few chapters, so I might have brought this change of pace exactly at the right moment.
Well, the gummi ship travel from Destiny Islands to Disney Castle was a welcome excuse to put the focus on other characters, as while SRK may be the main trio, I don't want them to hog the spotlight too much, especially as long as many of the different plotlines are still separate.
Donald and Goofy are always the main opportunity for comedy, which is why they shouldn't be ditched completely in any way, as those little tidbits also serve to not drown the reader in all the serious and/or dramatic episodes. There will be enough drama and heartwrenching later on, so these small lighthearted spots will surely be welcomed I assume.
Of course it's going to be different reading a chapter looking for errors or just concentrating on the story, and as you noticed, both sides get certain advantages out of it. I see where I might have messed up and can correct it while you get to know the continuation a bit in advance.
Heh, writing Riku in this mode is often a bit of a challenge since the context has to be watched. If I don't do this, Riku could come over sometimes as mean.
This time around I also wanted to emphasize Riku's lack of patience when people start to mess around at the wrong time (like Sora and Kairi bickering while Mickey expects to be filled in on what happened, Donald only spilling out the truth half-heartedly and also because time is short).
Since these people are all his friends and allies, he does make his disapproval clear in the sarcastic, humorous way though.
That he's worried about Sora this much is only natural after what happened at the breakfast table in chapter 14/15, but what bothers him on top of this is that Sora refuses to let others help him because that's untypical for his friend, more like Riku himself acts often and what Sora asked him to stop in KH2.
Ah yes, Mickey, so what is it that makes you like "my" version of KH-Mickey better than the actual game-Mickey?
Maybe because he's more active? We partly see his thoughts and actions?
As for the background of his character in HiU: Mickey surely has a lot on his plate right now, he knows that Xehanort will return and their current power levels are no match for him. Then there's of course Yen Sid's warning that they may face not a "single Xehanort" (and no, this doesn't include DDD spoilers, my story was planned before DDD was out in Japan) and he himself still feeling bad inside for being unable to save the BBS-Trio ten years ago.
Furthermore he's uneasy with having to place more burdens on SRK, especially since he has a suspicion where Ven's injured heart might be but doesn't yet know how to verify his assumption without possibly harming Sora.
Haha, yeah, it is evil, and creating so much suspense. *ggg*
What the heck could this darkness be? Riku clearly says it's not his own...and then there was that specter of Ansem SoD in the stone quarry in chapter 15/16, hehehe. Could that be somehow related?
Chapter 25 will be posted this weekend. ^__^
Evil, evil, evil, evil cliffhangers.But despite that, (which makes me want to read the next chapter even more), this chapter was great to read. I have to say that the dialogue really made it shine. It was lighter hearted, it was cute (in some parts), and it was a joy to read.
Donald was seriously hilarious in this chapter; lol, hitting the console just because it was flickering. Riku's sense of humor is always nice to read, just because he's so serious and then BAM! he hits everyone with a dry-humored joke.
I like the way this story is going. It's great that you're taking it a little bit slower, because in a lot of fanfics they're like, "Sora passes the MoM. Finds Aqua like a day later. Finds Ven about a week later. Beats the crap out of all the big enemies during that time. And then Roxas and Xion are freed with basically the amount of time it takes to snap your fingers. And then they have Terra coming in and being like, "Well, I was stuck with Xehanort but I freed myself and yeah, it was hard, but I'm free now."
And I'm like:
Anyways, great job! I look forward to the next chapter.![]()
Me loves evil cliffhangers, har,har,har. ;P
Seriously, I'm flattered I manage them so effectively.
This chapter indeed had a bit of everything, a clear departure from the battle-filled chapters before.
Donald's hot temper is legendary, lol.
I imagined him jumping up and down on the pilot's seat while quacking and pounding the navi-gummi, lol.
In the beginning Riku is actually genuinely annoyed by the antics of his companions while the King stands there understanding nothing, but they get a hold of themselves fast enough so that instead of scolding he opts for teasing them with some sharp remarks he's so good in doing.
I am deliberately not just lining together one main plot point after another and make this seem like a walk in the park. FanFics who do this often have either an entire new plot unrelated with the actual act of saving the tormented ones or defeating Xehanort or are just rushed.
I'm going to show also the way how they get there to the point of saving someone, and it's surely not the same for everyone.
Not to mention there are other factions besides Xehanort opposing Sora's group, but that I already stated in the very first post of the story-thread, *ggg*, this is a big tale that takes its time to illuminate and explore some things instead of directly jumping to the most important conclusions like i.e. "go into the RoD and save Aqua".
Chapter 25 is due this weekend, lol. ^__^