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Kingdom Hearts II: Battle of Destiny (SIGN-UP/OOC THREAD)

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Who in face are you?!
Jan 24, 2009
Now I get that job I hope! If not I'll just beat the hell out of...Cid.

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
I like to accept this, if ya don't mind i will be using my org. XIII temp..^_^
Name: Kuraiox

Age: Kuraiox looks like he is 40, but as time passes, so has

Time&Space: Being the controller of space and time, this is no surprise where Kuraixo can use it also as a weapon, so he can basically call upon the stars and alter the basic thing we call time, and use It to his advantage.

Taros-Tarosis a double sided scythe that has the appearance of what it says a double sided Scythe. It has a 6ft pole and two black curved blades on each end.

The way that he summons it is not like the usual way any org. member summons their weapon, usually you would see them just hold out their hand out and pop their weapon comes. Well for Kuraixo his weapon appears by him actually pulling out a small leather pole and with the help of the cosmos. When he calls upon of the cosmos the two sides of the scythe become immediately surrounded by a magnetic field aura that is always surrounding it.

The main power of the blade is able to generate shadows of stars, then by Kuraixo transforming his Scythe into a double bladed sword, he can then use a twin beam which consists of magnetic field processors, and mini particles of space mass that take the form of a purple colored beam which is fired out of both ends of the blade then turned to a horizontal beam, it has the power to almost completely destroy a whole town.

Gender: So many years of being part of the worlds Kuraiox has developed his own form and sex, but he has always remained Male, for the obvious reason. .XD

Element: Kuraiox doesn’t really have an element, but he does control the very fabric of space and time, he can control any and all space objects and use it to his will.

Bio: Long before there was any known Nobody in any of the worlds connected by the keyholes, even before the time of the key blade even being discovered. There was one trace of a powerful being that has been about the worlds for as long as time has been active. This beings name is a feared title or all of the worlds, Kuraixo. He is the nobody of the mighty being known as Kairo. The time that Kuraixo came into the face of the universe, was about the same time where the birth of the Keyblade was born. But for some reason as soon as the key blade was made, that is when Kairo was completely transformed into an Unbirth and out came Kuraixo from that transformation.

As the time passed and the evolution of reality, so did Kuraixo’s abilities. When he was first created, he was just a lonely nobody looking for his place in the universe, but that Is when he found out that his place was within the galaxies surrounding all life. For every year that passes by the ability of Kuraixo to gain control of the fabric of time and space grows stronger each time. Until one year where everything had been surrounded in complete darkness, stars falling, and planets at the fear of one power source that conflicts all worlds in utter chaos, was the power of Kuraixo, discovering his true element of power; the power to control the very fabric of time and space.

This for sure caught the attention of most powerful nobody’s who called themselves the Organization XIII. While Kuraixo was enjoying his new found power as the basic controller of time and space, a warning of some sort caught the attention of Kuraixo. By what he was reading, is that his invatation to a special group was wanted. “ This seems to be interesting, sure why not I will take you up on your offer..Siax” Kuraixo’s lips spoke as the matter that once surrounded him had dispersed and he now was on his way to the World That Never Was. Then he came across with some Lesser nobodies that inhabited the area, to test his strength the leader of the Org. XIII at that time ordered Kuraixo to destroy all of these guys in less then 1 minutes, so tomake quick work of all of them, Kuraixo just got his glaive out and swung it, which it had been surrounded by a massive galatical aura, which instead of destroying them, they all vanished and not ever coming back to any worlds for the remainder of time.

“Very well done, welcome to the Org XIII, being the most powerful member besides me, I will give you the number 2.” Siax had said to Kuraixo. Having a look of satsifaction on his face, Kuraixo took a deep breath and said with confidence in his voice..” I Kurixo shall claim the name the Assassin of the Stars” Kuraixo said while he took his robe and put it on.

Now officially into the Organization, Kuraixo had gotten his first order, he would go on a mission with the new leader Slexif, but later kuraixo would find out that this was a somewhat of a trap. He knew that this was a trap, so in a desperate time of need; he created a portal of his own and went into slumber; until the time came where he would be needed for his power once again. Never again showing his face, until two years later, where a new breed of beings came into play; The Unborns. This meant that Kuraixo would be reunited with his unborn counterpart, Kairo…this meant that the reunition would be more than personal. This would mean a very violent confrontation

personality: Kuraixo loves the pure pleasure of fighting, just like his other counterparts; he enjoys the thrill of blood and violence. The fact that he is a being of chaos really rezents the fact that Kuraixo really enjoys violence, and destruction. but that is not always a good thing. This love for fighting can be really un-neccessary for him, since his temper is always on a short fuse his lust for fighting is pushed even past the normal limits of others.

Lesser NobodyThe ability of a organization member of controlling a weaker nobody comes from their own abilities, but as for Kuraiox he has no specific nobody that he can control, that is because any lesser nobody he comes in slight or contact with becomes his servant forever.

But there is a certain type of a nobody that is really unique and that only Kuraixo can control. This nobody is quite terrifying with it taking the form of a quite terrifying creature. The form and shape of this evil being is completely black, with no face, but a full body-scale of pitch black. It comes with a massive tail that has a dark black nobody symbol, also a Glaive of some sort. And on its arm looks like it has a sheild for an arm, but in reality it is another Glaive of some sort. And this lesser nobodies name is the Dark Knight Nobody.

The power of this nobody, was unknown, but with the influence it had on Kuraixo the power was revealed, to transform into any other lesser nobody. With a simple look it is able to take the form and copy the exact specific detail of any lesser nobody. But there is a flaw in this, for if it does this more then 10 times a day then the transformations it does will become unstable and become really dangerous to the nobody itself.


Flaws(weaknesses): The ultimate power of controlling space and time comes with a price, for if over used then Kuraixo’s own life could be in danger. Like if he uses it just to play around, then the dangers of him being erased completely could be entirely permeate, so there will be times where Kuraixo is variable to the simplest attacks, but this rarely happens. Only because he has trained himself to control his power really well, and nearly has no problems controlling, it but as said he rarely has troubles maintaining its power to where he can control it completely.

There are time where Kuraixo's power to control time and space completely goes away for one night. this event happens on every new moon night. When there is no moon, his powers to contol space and time completely goes away. That means for one whole night, a complete fourteen hours he cannot use any special moves, the only thing he knows how to do is the basic fighting techniques.

Intro Song: YouTube - Final Fantasy X Music - Auron's Theme
Battle Theme: YouTube - The March of the Swordmaster - Rhapsody (Of Fire)
Victory Theme: YouTube - Rhapsody - Dawn of victory
Defeat Theme: YouTube - Sad Naruto AMV- Inuyasha OST

Just to clear it up, Sol gave me permission to use this form of the template..:D
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Who in face are you?!
Jan 24, 2009
So I can beat the hell out of him? Sweet! Nelox away! Kicks Ryu in the nuts. "Why would you do that?" "Wouldn't you like to know, Now drink my diabetic blood! Just kidding." Kicks him again. "Take that O.J Simpson! Wait...you're not O.J...You must be Elmo!" Takes out gun. "Die Elmo!" "What the hell? Who the hell are you?" "Nelox! Killer of Elmo!!!!MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"................................................................................................................

I am done now.


The last Soldier
Apr 15, 2006
Walking this earth.
.......................And I thought I was werid ;D. Which I am, wel Ryu won't be doing as many stupid things anymore but he still is the same person, just a lil more grown up.

As for you King ya temp is acpptee with grace, that picture though is beging to creep me out. Anyway there's a reason I let your character in the rp but I'll tell you when this ones over.


Who in face are you?!
Jan 24, 2009
Tell me. Is the Org gonna return? Can I make it? Can I make the Organization for the Advancement of the Death of Elmo? Just kidding. But say why.


Call me Love, love.
Jun 5, 2008
We all remeber, she beat the hell out of Ryu allot in the first one.

Meh. Your typical girl. Thats how I she it anyway, lol.

Well besids her there was his brother Kage, Slexif when they first met, Loen in there past and of course there was Boots ;D inside joke who Boots is.

OMG! BOOTS! I almost completely forgot! Okay I forgot all about him. But nawhhh :love: We have to have him in the Rp as well. It wont work without Boots. :36:


The last Soldier
Apr 15, 2006
Walking this earth.
Meh. Your typical girl. Thats how I she it anyway, lol.

OMG! BOOTS! I almost completely forgot! Okay I forgot all about him. But nawhhh :love: We have to have him in the Rp as well. It wont work without Boots. :36:
Boots is comening back, Ryu gave him to her after kingdom hearts was closed.

I think I should start working on the fanfic based off the first rp now. though I'll post Kage's temp now. Wait to see this post edited since I have the feeling my comp will shut down soon.

Original Name: Kage Kenyaka

Age: 22

Nobody /Human/ Unborn: Human

Powers/ Abilities: Darkness is Kage's power, since he was young and taken from Twilight Town Kage was always someone who could control the darkness for his own needs, though that would end when his nobody would find and defeat him, thus taking over Kage's body with a unknown darkness, after he took his own body back in Kingdom hearts Kage's power over darkness is twice as strong as it use to be, it's even know to Ryu that at the moment Kage is even stronger than him.

Hand of death: The darkness comes to Kage's hands, making them the drainer of all light and life in those hands, it's power can drain most users of darkness and kill anyone users of light it touches, though if the power of the enemy can match Kage's attack it will only drain them of energy instead of life.

Soul's of the damned: Kage can absorb souls of those he has killed and use them later as his own allied, this attack drains his own soul of energy but each time he drains another soul it adds on to his own, thus repeating the circle.

Darkness wave: As the name would suggest Kage will call upon a great deal of his own power to summon a giant wave of darkness capable of killing many of whom he choose, the effects of this attack are very draining it they slow Kage down after using it.

Side: Darkness

Special Abilities: Kage will absorb all the souls that he has ever took, combining them with his own power over darkness and his life energy in general in one horrific explosion of death, anyone in at least a five mile zone of this blast will be killed. Though extremely powerful this blast is also a subsided attack, there is no way for the user to survive this and after it is over the user's body will turn to soiled stone and his soul will be brought to Kingdom hearts.


A young man of the worlds, Kage has a average build though his body has become very toned from many years of trained but it has also suffered effects from the darkness inside him. Kage's eyes are pure yellow, eyes given to him when his nobody came back into him, these eyes are the ones given to him by kingdom hearts, they give Kage the ability to see all darkness in someone’s heart but it also is Permanente, there is no way for Kage's eyes to go back to there once blue orbs.

For cloths Kage wears simple brown pants with some straps attached to his right leg, he wears black boots with a gray plates on them with the symbol of a three pointed symbol. Kage also keeps a necklace around his neck with the same symbol like on his boots, With a sleeveless black shirt and a brown and black jacket on his chest and finely fingerless gloves. Kage has shoulder length brown hair like his younger brother but it is clearly less spiky but the same kind of un kept that runs in there family.

Personality: Kage's ways of changed a great deal than that of his nobody had given him, He is in more a light hearted mood and his know to joke around more around his friends or give people odd nicknames that have to do with the way they look. It is also clear that he shows his love for Rysto, when there nobodies were alive they had been very close so after they became real it had only been a matter of time before Kage and Rysto fell in love. Besides her though Kage also has a soft spot for his younger brother, treating him like a war buddy and always looking out for him, also he is know to take car of Ryu's friends.

Though there is still darkens inside him from his other half's life, it eats away at how he thinks and acts sometimes. Kage's hatred for what Slexif caused two years ago also runs his darkness and now that it seems that trouble has started up again it looks like to help his younger brother save the worlds he must come to grips with his darker half and crush all his enemy’s.


Kage, the older brother of Ryu and keeper of the darkness. This young man grew up as a bright and hard working warrior in Twilight Town, know for his great battles in the struggle tournament and also his good grades in school. He was one of those brothers that you always wanted to be like. It would all chance for Kage though once he found a darkness portal inside the clock tower, this was also the portal that would latter take Ryu's best friend Loen down the line, this portal took Kage to the world named the Dark city.

It was in this world that Kage was given his keyblade from a man named Slexif, trapped in this world Kage looked to Slexif for help, it was a good friendship for awhile till Slexif had took Kage's heart, he would later find out that the man had only trained Kage as hard as he did so he could create a even stronger nobody. After those events Kage's nobody joined the Organization and caused trouble around the worlds, even helping destroying his home world and almost killing his little brother on more than one occasion. It wouldn't be till after Ryu managed to bring Kage' heart back from the darkness that he could retake control and make things right for what his nobody did.

Two years after those events Kage lives in Traverse Town with his girlfriend Rysto who had been Systox but was given her heart back like most of theorganiztion members, things were going smoothly till Kage started to have flashbacks of his nobody's life, it was then that he realized threw those flashbacks that a new evil was comeing back, at first he didn't believe but after his brother arrived with a symbol of the Unborns Kage was sure, something evil would come soon.


Forsaken Soul, has the ability to drain the life energy of its target, adding it to that of its wielder. However, its use is a double edged blade, as use of the Forsaken Soul slowly drains the life energy away from the user, which is why it constantly demands the energy of others. Once it has drained enough energy, it ceases to drain away from its wielder for a certain length of time, until it again demands more. Also, once it has drained enough energy, the strength and magic power of its wielder is increased. However, if it is used excessively WHILE it is filled with energy, it will use up its energy reserves faster, and the process will start over sooner. This unique ability has led Kage to resent it even more, adding to his resolve.


Aura: Dark red

Hand preference: Left

Theme Music: Linkin park - Leave out all the rest

Battle Music: Skillet - Falling inside the black
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Call me Love, love.
Jun 5, 2008
Boots could get hit by the Gummi Ship? xD

:eek: NO! :cry:

He was a Moomba that Loen and Ryu found in the first rp after twilight town was destroyed, he hoped on ryu when he was sleeping in a inn while he was in traverse town.

And now Lerane and Larxene own him together.

Man, I can just picture Larxene putting up with Boots.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Solar I hate you.
I make my temp and look at yours. And yours his so much better.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Original Name: Loen Athol AKA: Keyblade Master of Darkness

Age: 17

Nobody /Human/ Unborn: Human

Powers/ Abilities:
Hells Flames- In this attack, Loen spins his keyblade around while summoning energy of darkness. Just as he gets enough he stabs his keyblade into the ground. Then around him and under his enemy, dark flames appear. This is quite a spectacular sight

Beast of Darkness- In great times of need Loen uses this attack, he will fired a beam of darkness from the end of his keyblade which forms into a dragon like tiger.

Side: Light

Special Abilities:
Pure Darkness-Only used at his greates time of need, Loen summons all of the dark energy he has, then, as a dark aura appears around him he floats above the ground. Then throwing his arms and feet out he "explodes" out of darkness.

Appearance: Link

Personality: Loen has changed quite a bit from his encounters two years ago. Though he still has his dark sides, he has cheered up alot. Before the incident two years ago he always had a smile on his face and talking. Then once he was thrown into darkness he changed. He barely talked, ate, smile, or even look at his friends.

It wasn't till the end of their jouney did he start to cheer up. A light was some how sparked inside of him. Being around his friends made him feel better. Though he is better he still takes his friends safety as his responsibility.

Bio: Loen was born and raised with his friends, Lerane and Ryu. The three we almost unseperable. At a young age he and Ryu would enter struggle tournaments. Some how Loen would beat him, only by a bit.

Then the day that changed his life forever happened. He was only fifteen at the time when he woke in the middle of the night. Looking out the window he saw a portal and his two friends standing just outside of it. He quickly raced outside just as they were pulled through by a man in a cloak.

Jumping into it he called for them but they were no where to be found. The man stepped out of the shadows and told him his name was Xannos. At the time he worked for the Organization, though he didn't fully agree with them. Out of rage Loen demanded he tell him what he had done to his friends but he refused.

As tears of hate and anger grew in his eyes a keyblade appeared in his hands. With only his expirience from struggle battes he fought this strange opponent. He moved with speeds so fast you could barely see him. Cut after cut he hit Loen. At last he stopped leaving Loen bleeding in the darkness.

He lay there until a spark inside him lit. Darkness grew in his heart, and he used it to grow in strength. Battle heartless he learned to weild the blade and use his new abilities. As he fought day after day he finally reached a door. Using his keyblade to open it, he stepped through where he was reunited with his friends.

As he and his friends battled through worlds, and meeting new friends like Max, Huey, and Boots their journey finally ended. By now Xannos had turned against the Organization and now fought for light.

Since the end of their journey Loen and Xannos have wandered around strange worlds training and fighting anything that got in there way. He knew his friends were out there and we was determined to find them.


Misfortune is said to be the keyblade for the master of darkness, with light in his heart. The legend behind it says that the wielder will have to choose to save the world of darkness, killing himself or dooming the world in it.

Aura: Dark Purple

Right Handed
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KKL & Don't You Forget It
Nov 6, 2007
I have no idea XD
Original Name: Aura

Age: ?

Powers/ Abilities: Wielder of telekinesis and twlight Aura has a unlimited amount of special attacks that he can us. Aura also has the ability to bring out the worst fears of people cause most of his enemies to freak out.

Side: Twilight

Special Abilities: Chain Smash: This attack involves the chains on his arms to completely wrap around him and his opponets sending them into a twilight cage in which the chains then strike the hell out of the opponet until they can not stand to take anymore causing the cage to disappear.(This move can only knock out someone not kill them

Appearance: http://images.quizilla.com/A/AC/ACC/AccexberElex1/1191100398_blue-boy.jpg thats what he looks like besides the fact the chains are under his sleeves.

Personality: Aura has no true past but is well known be almighty figures as the harbanger of Death for that is what Aura

Bio: Aura has no true past but is well known be almighty figures as the harbanger of Death for that is what Aura

Weapon: Two chains that wrap around his arms.

Extras: (Theme and Battle music, and anything you would like to add, you don't have to do this but if ya wanna ya know ;D)

Theme Music: Steady as It goes

Battle Music: Nowhere But There

will finish later
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