Like we haven't thought of that. I doubt any of the Monster Inc. gang knows about Vanitas' ability to travel through darkness. I can't fault them for ignorance of Vanitas and his powers.
If only there was someone to warn her that she hasn't fully recovered from falling to darkness yet and how this was all a rash and impulsive idea and ... oh wait.
My sentiments exactly on lore dumps, but Demyx and Larxene have never been the most mature members of the Organization. It's perfectly in character for them while Marluxia, Luxord, and Xemnas kept their composure.
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It's not that I'm blaming the Disney characters for not knowing better, it's that their plan apparently works when it shouldn't and that means the writers forgot or ignored the internal mechanisms of their universe. If Vanitas shows up five minutes later in a cutscene we didn't see like, "now where we," fine, but as is its lazy storytelling which gives the impression that Vanitas is both weak and stupid.
Patching a bad plot point with characters who verbally acknowledge that it's a bad plot point is not good writing. That's a cop out which is supposed to retroactively justify Aqua's actions when they make no sense for her as a character. She has never been a showoff or a braggart and at that moment the most important thing was to save Ven, she spent years trying to get to him and now she's going to risk HIS wellbeing so she can look cool in front of Sora? This is character assassination just like Anti Aqua because she doesn't even beat Vanitas, they're setting it up so she once again fails and Ven has to break free with the help of Sora and come save her. Damsel'd not once but twice in the same game, it's just sad at this point. Not to mention that whole dialogue prior to Vanitas showing up makes no sense, Vanitas straight up told SDG what happened with Ven's heart in Monstropolis, they KNOW where his heart is so why is Aqua sitting there moping and asking where his heart went. You're telling me SDG traveled all the way to LoD with her and didn't tell her? Messy.
I have no problem with Larxene being scathing and sarcastic like she was in CoM but she's just petty and annoying in these scenes. Her insults are childish and they go on for way too long, it actually degrades her villainy because it seems like she's trying too hard. In CoM it all came naturally, she utilized her wit to manipulate other characters and hit them where it hurts, here she just seems clueless like she doesn't even understand that Demyx is blowing her off. In KH1 when the villains squabbled it was over important questions like how best to proceed with incapacitating Sora, gathering the PoH and dragging their respective worlds to darkness, and it was always in character. Here it's just time wasted on one note character dynamics that do not matter to this game. Scenes like this were prioritized over the FF crew smh
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Not to mention how it's just casually revealed that Larxene lied to Sora about having all the Darknesses and Xemnas's big plan is premised on Sora's willingness to believe everything the Organization members tell him at face value. The villains couldn't be any less competent, but it will be even worse if he's right.
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