And it's precisely those character to character moments which this game is not sufficiently rewarding, for reasons I've already outlined.If you have been following this series for any lengthy period of time, you'd know that writing isn't exactly this series' strong suit. It's good with character to character moments but other than that this series has been lukewarm at best, middle schooler's fanfic at worst with its writing. If DDD was anything to go by, these writers have not been getting good at all, they have been progressively getting worse. I've been a big fan of this series since 2005 and even I gotta say, expecting good writing from this series is a bit too much. I came in with the expectation that KH3 was going to be Infinity War Square Enix Edition because it was blatantly obvious it was just going to be that.
I mean, you had to go out of your way to highlight those spoiler tags and formulate a response, when you could simply elect not to. This is a discussion forum, you have no right to tell anyone to "shut the hell up," but it's nice of you to try.Just cancel your preorder and shut the hell up. You've been nothing but complaining for probably the last 100 pages - do you not see how obnoxious that is? Don't bother typing an essay in response, I will not entertain it. It's just a JRPG, get a grip.
I get that. But what's the point actually of spoiler tagging when no one knows the subject they are talking about until you actually click on it? Almost nobody reveals what subject the spoilers are about.Yes. And we will / can delete and infract if people don’t.
First off, spoiler tag.Everybody died wtffffffffffffff lol
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What the hell is up with Aqua in this game lmao. She keeps failing and it's always in the stupidest way possible. The way she got turned Anti is stupid, the reason she lost against Vanitas is hilariously stupid (use your barrier instead of welcoming the balls of flames with open arms!?). Ven gets hit and she LITERALLY stares holes into the air for like 5 seconds before reacting. She hardly even puts up a fight. "We'll stand together", proceeds to do nothing at all. It just makes me sad.
Aqua took one look at that super saiyan demon tide and said F this lol. Donald putting in work with a kamehameha laser wave. Axel got bopped easily as did Ventus. Sad.. And how do i spoiler tag?
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Very interested to see where this goes.
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After seeing what the did with the KH2 and KH1 secret ending we know they can animate a dynamic fight but instead the heros are all petrified and do nothing. Absolutely nothing. Kairi go home, I thought ventus was the fast one. Aqua gonna get her master card revoked. Donald Duck is the only one putting in work what is this madness.
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- They're really pushing Sora/Kairi here now that she can be around more often. I don't mind. But those who wanted Kairi to come into her own by herself before the romance seeped in (which was discussed in a thread in this forum) may be disappointed. Of course, we haven't seen everything.
- The slapstick comedy. The villains being presented as a joke is something that I'm not fond of :/. Disney villains, I understand, but it coming into original villains like The Organization and Vanitas? (as funny as it was) Eh. They should have done so in the first place, instead of changing it around with this game. Now it I love Larxene to death, but they've made her more of a caricature this time. I fear for Naminé at this rate.
- The emotional pull between characters. This is the first we've witnessed a reunion scene among many to come I'm sure, and it fell short. "Good morning", pat on the head. That's it? No tears? No hug? It doesn't help that Willa is sounding monotone. If this is an example of what's to come, those who wanted a big, emotional, beautiful gathering of each trio are going to be thrown in for a loop. Then again, the game can't be at fault for how fans' imaginations run wild.
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So Sora literally gets killed by way of his heart and body getting destroyed and the cloud world is where he has to put himself back together.
Also holy mother of sushi badger Terranort is a freaking beast look at him go
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Well its easy to look cool when your oppenets have a 10 second delay. Like the nerf is real. In what world is Donald faster then ventus.
OMG that was some BS
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After seeing what the did with the KH2 and KH1 secret ending we know they can animate a dynamic fight but instead the heros are all petrified and do nothing. Absolutely nothing. Kairi go home, I thought ventus was the fast one. Aqua gonna get her master card revoked. Donald Duck is the only one putting in work what is this madness.
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They had to make Aqua petrefied. Otherwise she would've solo'd Terranort (again) on her own while everyone else litterally does nothing.
Just like they had to make her stop effectively using her magic so she wouldn't put Vanitas at death's door like she almost did in BBS.
Edit: it's gutt-bustingly halarious that they've been forced to bog down this character THREE TIMES just to give the antagonist a chance. Imao