Haven't read any of the spoilers, but based on whatever reveal you guys are going off about now is Back Cover sufficient per-knowledge for KH3, or do you have to know the whole plot of UX?
Again I have not read any spoilers but anybody could tell you The Dandelions were gonna be getting involved in all this. They didn't just make the Back Cover movie for the giggles and the laughs or complete lack of such aside from MOM.
Anyone that thought otherwise was fulling themselves. Dandelions and Ephemera were always gonna be players in KH3.
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Does that include skuld, and I bet Epherma wont even look at ventus
Haven't read any of the spoilers, but based on whatever reveal you guys are going off about now is Back Cover sufficient per-knowledge for KH3, or do you have to know the whole plot of UX?
You should watch Back Cover, as it was released as a prologue to KH3 alongside DDD Remastered and BBS FP.
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This is going to sting, but I think they INTENTIONALLY made everybody stupid in this game. Think about it. Disney has been getting backlash like crazy for Rey in Star Wars being a "Mary-Sue", and they will probably get the same for Captain Marvel. It doesn't matter if those characters actually do have faults or make mistakes, the internet culture hates them. So Disney probably decided, "what if we just made everyone fail repeatedly? Then they can never be considered Mary-Sue." Then Disney sees that everyone payed money to go see Infinity War, and so they assume that's what people want for everything. And thus this happened.
This is a war between the two halves of internet culture in gaming form.
And no I'm not defending these choices. Just trying to figure out why.
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I'm beginning to think Disney tried to interfere with the writing and that's why literally only Disney characters one shot the baddies
oh my god kh3 is last jedi you got to kidding me
I'm reviewing the leaks and evaluating them based on what I'm seeing. We're getting straight up cutscene footage now, so we're no longer speculating. This is the plot and how it is written. If playing the game somehow changes my feelings, great. As is, it's gone from confounding to just laughable.No disrespect Alexis but wouldn't it make more sense to play the game yourself rather then judging it based on what another persons viewpoint is?
Yeah, I'll be interested to see if the franchise survives after this. I do not see KH3 pulling in a lot of new fans. I think people may play it for the novelty of it, but after this? The series doesn't really have any mandate to go on, the X stuff is divisive at best and moving it from a resource-light mobile game that makes its money on super competitive whales who don't care about the plot or characters to a full console title is not a guaranteed success. I know Square is gonna try, and godspeed. But based on what we've seen, I have a feeling that KH3 is not going to make the case a lot of people think it's making to a general audience, or even to longtime fans.It was already never-the-same after 3D and χ.
This will just be gas on the fire.
oh my god kh3 is last jedi you got to kidding me
Is it really THAT BAD? I actually wanna watch this LOL
oh my god kh3 is last jedi you got to kidding me
*Goofy voice*oh my god kh3 is last jedi you got to kidding me
Reading this thread without clicking on any of the spoilery bits lol. I'm just here for the reactions.
I loved TLJ, but I have no context for what "pulling a TLJ" would even mean in the KH universe. Color me intrigued.
the last jedi was split i though well kh3 is going to be split people as wellNow I think that's going overboard. At least in the end the person liked the game whereas people outright hated TLJ.
They’re exaggerating. They’re not pulling a TLJ, but an Attack of the Clones with a hint of Phantom Menace.