Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Ok i made this temp account because i can't post threads (Zero Sora) but i can still post so im gonna use this account as a way for me to make threads until they fix the bug about my other account
ok sorry about the really long chapters.... but that how its done... i just kinda got bored and so i decided to paste the first chapter in my KHR story... its about 6 pages and a bit long... according to Word.... might take you guys about 10 mins to read....
Chapter 1 The day that started out normal
Tai was standing in the middle of a field of darkness he started to look around but couldn’t see anything so he looked up in to the darkness and saw something flickering, the flickering light got closer and closer then heartless came up from the ground and grabbed Tai by the feet, Tai struggled to free himself but he failed to make them let him go, the flicking object came even more closer and closer and the closer it became the more the Heartless pulled him down through the ground, Tai held out his hand to the light trying to grab it but just then the ground below him broke and Tai fell though the darkness and the light became distant.
Tai awoke a little scared of his dream but once he realised it was only a dream he calmed down, Tai took a deep breath and look at his watch the time was 9:07am “Seven past nine…good its early” mumbled Tai, He started to doze off again “SEVEN PAST NINE!!!” Yelled Tai, Tai jumped out of bed and got change in to some good clean clothes “I’m late again” Said Tai, He grabbed his book and placed it in his bag and ran out the door and down the street, Tai ran as fast as he could because every minute he was late for school would be a minute he stayed after school “I hope I’m not too late” Said Tai, Tai look at his watch the time was 9:15am and school started at 9:00am, Tai ran up to the school gate and pushed it open as he ran past, he noticed his teacher looking for him so he had to avoid her so he wouldn’t get in trouble and have to stay after school but the only way to get past her was to run across the school archery field. Tai kept on running and then jumped the archery fence and continued to run, Tai saw people getting ready to fire arrows at the targets he was running past “Please see me and don’t fire the arrows” Tai said has he ran across the field, Then arrows started flying from everywhere in Tai’s direction, Tai start dodging the arrows while running when Tai get close to the end of the field he saw that a arrow was heading straight for his head, Tai quickly rolled under it but then he noticed more arrows, Tai jumped over the next few but he failed to see the arrow heading for him while he was in mid air, The arrow cut off Tai’s watch and stuck it to the target, Tai landed and turned around to get his watch but was stopped by more arrows Tai had no choice but to keep running, Tai jump over the fence and ran for his class. When Tai got to class he peeked in the door and saw that the teacher didn’t get back yet so he opened the door and stepped through he walked over to his seat and sat down, Tai saw that every body was working quietly so he opened up his bag and took out a book and started to draw pictures but before he could begin Zain leaned over to Tai’s left and whispered “So Tai how come you’re so late” Tai turned to Zain and gave him a funny look “Are you trying to be funny?” Asked Tai just then Sakura turned around to Tai and said “You better have a good excuse for being late to day Tai” Tai thought for a second but then the door opened up and everybody ha there focus on the door, Tai gulped as the teacher stepped though the door, The teacher turned to Tai and asked “Tai where have you been?” Tai stood up and replied “I wasn’t late… I just arrived soon after you left” the teacher looked at Tai and pulled out a broken watch “My watch!” Said Tai in a shocked voice, the teacher gave it to Tai and said “If you were early then how come I found your watch broken in school grounds with the time stuck at 9:17am” Tai looked away and sat down in disappointment “but I guess I can let you off since its Friday” Said the teacher, Tai looked up “Thanks miss” replied Tai, The teacher walk to her desk and sat down and everyone else got back to work, Tai looked at his broken watch then put it in his desk to throw away later. Tai opened up his book of drawings on the first page was a picture of Cloud and Squall from FF7 & 8 on the second page there was Gummi ship of Tai’s own design and on the third page was Sora Donald and Goofy, Tai turned to the forth page and started to draw the Heartless, Van and Zain looked over to Tai’s drawings “Tai what are they?” asked Zain, Tai continued drawing and replied “Heartless… from a game called Kingdom Hearts” Zain and Van stared at each other but before they could ask more the teacher walked over and picked up Tai’s book and said “Tai you should be working not drawing” then she walk off, Tai turned to Zain “Thanks you got me in trouble!” Whispered Tai, Zain look at Tai with an angry face and Whispered “No… you got yourself in trouble by drawing instead of working” Tai and Zain continued to argue softly until they got bored and just went back to working. Later as school finished Tai Sakura Zain Van Mizuki and Ayame walked home from school up a long road, while everyone talked about what they were going to do after school Tai was thinking about the dream he had, Thoughts of being trapped in darkness raced through is mind and the thought of losing his friends made Tai feel uneasy “Tai!!!... Hello?!... TAI!!!!” yelled out Sakura, Tai had been thinking to hard to notice that everyone crossed the street, Sakura started to run back across the road towards Tai, Tai looked up and saw Sakura coming and he noticed a truck heading towards Sakura “SAKURA!!! LOOK OUT!!!” yelled Tai as loud as he could, Sakura stop as she saw the truck heading straight for her, she tried to move but her body just wouldn’t listen, Tai started running towards Sakura as fast as he could, Sakura to scared to move slowly turned to face Tai, Tai jumped and pulled Sakura out of the way just in time, Tai and Sakura fell to the ground “Tai! Sakura, Are you guys ok?” asked Van, Tai opened his eyes and noticed he was on top of Sakura sweat started to pour down Tai’s face, Sakura opened her eyes and saw Tai leaning over her, everybody else just stared at Sakura and Tai “Tai as happy as I am that you saved my life… could you move? Said Sakura, Tai blushed “Ahhh su- sure” Stuttered Tai, Tai pushed himself up but accidentally place his hand on Sakura’s breast, Tai noticed where his hand was and slowly started to look down at Sakura, Sakura blushed and then noticed that Tai was touching her breast, Sakura felt embarrassed and angry “TAI!!!” said Sakura angrily, Tai gulped when he saw how angry she looked, Sakura raised her fist and punched Tai in the face, Tai tumbled backwards then Sakura jumped to her feet and started to walk off, Tai grabbed his face and sat up, the group made a pathway as Sakura walked towards them “Sakura…” Said Tai, Tai stared at Sakura as she walked away, he didn’t know if he should go after her or not “Tai… you should go after her and say your sorry…. I’m sure she will understand it was an accident” said Ayame as she held out her hand to pick him off the ground “Your right” replied Tai, Tai stood up and started to run after Sakura “Sakura… Wait!” shouted out Tai, Sakura started to walk faster then started running, Tai stop to take a breath “I’ll take a shortcut home and meet her there and then apologise” thought Tai, Tai jumped over the road guard rail and started to run down the hill, Tai ran across a road and into an alleyway, Tai turn left and jump on to a wall then jump off the wall and over a fence and continued to run, Tai eventually ended up at the train station and stopped to catch his breath, Tai saw the stairs which led into his and Sakura’s street and started to running again but then people started to crowd around, Tai started to dodge then and jump over suit cases when Tai got to the stairs he stopped and started to walk up them, Tai got to the top and walked out onto the street he looked around and saw Sakura walking past her place “How did she get here first?” Thought Tai, Tai started to walk over to her “Sakura!” Tai called out but when Sakura heard his voice she started to run again “Wha?!... Sakura wait!” said Tai as he took off down the street after her, Sakura ran into a alleyway and Tai followed, eventually the chased ended up at an abandon construction site, Tai had lost Sakura so he start to wonder around looking for her after a few minutes Tai was about to give up searching when he heard a sound behind him Tai spun around to see what was behind him but nothing was there he turned back around and saw a figure in the shadows, the figure stepped out of the shadows “Sakura!... I’m glad I found you” said Tai but Sakura didn’t reply, Sakura lifted her head and stared at Tai with cold eyes “Don’t look at me like that… it was an accident” but before Tai could finish, six Shadow Heartless appeared around him, Tai was surprised at what had just appear around him “What?…Heart… Heartless?!... This isn’t real!” said a confused Tai, Tai looked around at the Heartless and rubbed his eyes, Sakura stepped closer “This must be a dream!” said Tai, Sakura’s eyes glowed yellow “Sakura this isn’t real… right?” asked Tai, Tai took a step towards Sakura and a Shadow Heartless leaped past Tai, Tai stopped then a sharp pain shot though his arm this pain brought Tai to the ground, Tai grabbed his arm “It hurts… but it feels so cold” said Tai as he grabbed his arm, Tai looked up at Sakura “This isn’t real… Its only a dream” Tai told himself, Tai realised that he said dream and then he remembered dreaming about being trapped in darkness “I never woke up” said Tai, Tai started to stand up and his arm started to feel better “No this isn’t a dream” said a voice out of nowhere, startled Tai looked around for the source of the voice “Your awake right now” said the voice, Tai was now standing up “Who and Where are you?” asked Tai, Tai looked at Sakura and then at the Heartless “I am here” replied the voice, Tai looked up above Sakura and saw a figure wearing a white cloak with a hood covering his face “Who are you?” asked Tai, The cloak figure stared down at Tai “That’s not important… What is important is how you’re going to get out of this” said the cloak figure, Tai closed his eyes and then opened them hoping to wake up but it was useless “Tell me what’s going on!” demanded Tai, the cloaked figure turned around and looked over his shoulder at Tai “Don’t you get it… This isn’t a dream kid… This is reality… you may not believe it but what’s around you now is real… The Heartless do exist... there not just some part of a game” said the cloaked figure, Tai could believe what this guy was saying “How are they real?” asked Tai, the cloaked figure shook his head at Tai “Every game and movie ever made on this world… has its own world which the characters live on… and the creators of these movies and games are linked to those worlds… so the characters they thought they were making were all to real… the Heartless are no different” answered the cloaked figure, Tai somehow knew what he was saying was true “Now if you want to save yourself… call out… call out to the one who can save you” said the cloaked figure as he started to disappear “The one who can save me?” Tai said to himself, Tai looked up at the cloaked figure just in time to see him completely vanish “WAIT!!!... Who do you mean?” asked Tai but nobody replied, The Heartless start to move closer and closer towards Tai “Can he mean…Sora?” Tai asked himself, Tai noticed the Heartless getting closer “Call out…How?” said Tai, one Heartless lunged at Tai but Tai dodged it just barely, Tai saw a gap from where the Heartless lunged so Tai ran though that gap and the Heartless started to followed him, Heartless jumped in front of Tai blocking him, Tai was surrounded again “I have to try calling out… there seems to be no other way to escape” said Tai, Tai looked around at the Heartless “Well here goes…. SORA!!!!” yelled Tai, but nothing happened, Tai was about to try again when the Heartless attacked Tai and started to grab on to him, darkness was now covering up Tai’s legs, Tai could not bare the pain anymore “SORA!!!!!!” Tai screamed out as loud as he could, Meanwhile somewhere in space on a Gummi ship Sora Donald and Goofy where preparing to go to there next world in search of Riku Kairi and the King Mickey, “Huh?!” said Sora, Goofy and Donald looked at Sora “What’s the matter Sora?” Donald asked “Did you guys hear something just now?” asked Sora, Donald and Goofy looked at each other then back at Sora “You ok there Sora?” asked Goofy, Sora wondered if hey really did hear something “Maybe it was nothing” replied Sora, Sora looked out into space “Maybe being the Keyblade Master and defeating Heartless has worn you out” suggested Donald, Sora looked back to Donald then smiled and said “Yeah you could be…” but before Sora could finish he felt something, something was telling Sora to go left “Sora?... what’s wrong?” asked Donald, Sora ran over to the Gummi ships wheel and turned it, The Gummi ship started to turn left then Donald and Goofy start to try and pull Sora off the Gummi wheel “Sora… what are you doing?!” said Goofy, The Gummi ship was now heading off course to there next world “There’s something telling me to go this way” said Sora as he struggled against Donald and Goofy then the going ship started going in to some kind of portal “What is that… is it a Hyperspace portal?” asked Goofy, Sora looked at Goofy and then to Donald waiting for him to answer “it wasn’t there a second ago… and it doesn’t look like a Hyperspace portal” replied Donald, The ship become more engulfed by this portal but Sora ran straight for it “Sora!” yelled Donald and Goofy, but Sora disappeared into the darkness then Donald and Goofy ran after him, Sora looked around and noticed the portal was coming to an end “What’s the big idea running in to the darkness!” said Donald, Sora was to focus on the end of the portal to listen to Donald “Gawrsh Donald… where do you think this here portal leads?” asked Goofy, then end of the portal came closer “It looks like where about to find out” replied Donald, Sora started to summon his Keyblade and all these light fragments started to appear to form the Keyblade, Sora start to going through the end of the portal and some Keyblade shards got stuck on the inside of the portal, Now all of the ship was through the protal and the Keyblade shards that got stuck flew in all different directions, Sora Donald and Goofy were amazed at what was at the end of this portal… It was the biggest world they have every seen and it was hidden here by a portal which only seems to appear if you head straight at it “Wow… this world is huge” said Sora, then he got that feeling again the feeling of something pulling him to this hidden world “There’s no doubt it… something is pulling me to this world” said Sora to himself.
Meanwhile Tai was starting to lose consciousness because of the pain of just touching the Heartless, The white cloaked figure had returned to watch “Almost” said the cloaked figure to himself then another white cloaked figure appear “It has happened” said the second cloaked figure, the cloaked figure who had been watching Tai replied “Must I go?... he will hopefully be here soon… unless this kid couldn’t call Sora to this world” The second cloaked figure looked over to Tai “It looks like we failed to find to right kid again” said the second cloaked figure, as he looked back to the first “He wants us all there” said the second cloaked figure, The first looked at Tai and then turned around “Well then we should be off” said the first cloaked figure then they disappeared into nothing, Tai felt extremely tired it was like the Heartless were taking his energy, Tai could hardly breathe anymore but he tried to call out but the words wouldn’t come out then a tiny little light flew into Tai coursing the Heartless to let go, Tai’s energy felt restored and the pain had disappeared Tai closed his eyes because the Heartless started to lunge at him again then something came out of nowhere and stuck down a few Heartless with one slash, Tai opened his eyes and couldn’t believe who was standing in front of him “Sora?!” thought Tai, Goofy charged and destroyed a few more Heartless and Donald cast thunder and destroyed some more “We’ll save you” said Sora, Sora point to Sakura “That’s the last Heartless” said Sora, Sora started to run over to slash it “Heartless… no that’s Sakura not a Heartless” thought Tai, Tai jumped in front of Sakura and stopped Sora “She’s not a Heartless” said Tai, Sora stopped in his tracks “Huh?... but that thing behind you is a Heartless” said Sora, Tai stared at Sora “That can’t be true… she’s not a” but before Tai could finish he felt a cold pain stab right into his back, he felt something grabbing his heart “It can’t be” whispered Tai, thoughts of Sakura rushed through his head then he wondered “if this wasn’t Sakura then where was she?” then all other thoughts left his mind and the only thought left was “I must find Sakura and destroy all Heartless that stand in my way starting with the one that deceived me” energy start to surround Tai causing his clothes and hair to flap around then a big burst of energy pushed put the Heartless’ hands and destroyed them, Tai turned around and glared at the Heartless, Tai’s energy started to swirl around him “What’s happening” asked Goofy, Tai’s energy started to focus around his right hand, Sora noticed that the energy started to from something “What is that?” thought Sora, Tai start to run at the Heartless that had backed away from him, Tai jumped into the air and slashed the Heartless, the Heartless burst into darkness and disappeared “What?!... He didn’t even touch that Heartless” said Donald; the energy that surrounded Tai had vanished, Tai took a few steps towards Sora and the others but fell to his knees because he felt like he had lost his energy again, Sora ran over to Tai and held out his hand “I’m Sora” said Sora with a cheerful face, Tai looked up at Sora and smiled back then grabbed his hand “I’m Tai” replied Tai as he pulled himself off the ground, Tai was able to stand for a few second before falling back to the ground on his back “Tai are you ok?” asked Sora, but Tai had fallen unconscious due to lack of energy “What are we going to do now Sora?” asked Donald, Sora looked around “Well we don’t know anybody around here and this world is so big… so we better take him to the ship” answered Sora, Goofy picked up Tai “Well we better hurry before the Heartless show up again” said Goofy, Sora Donald and Goofy started walking away from area where they battled the Heartless.
ok the next chapter will be up in a few days maybe.... depends on how busy i am and it does take awhile to type out page long chapters... the next chapter is called "Midnight school fight" and its about 2 pages long so far... i haven't finished it yet
Hopefuly my account will be fixed soon so i can post threads instead of using a second account to post threads
you know... because the first chapter is so good damn long... and i know most of you don't wanna read something so long.... i'll just post page by page from now on
Tai was dreaming about the old days when he was 10, Tai turn around to Sakura who was amazed at what Tai did “Here…” said Tai as he held out his hand, Sakura grabbed his hand and Tai lifted her up and gave her back her teddy bear, Tai turned around and started to walk away “Wait!” Yelled out Sakura, Tai stopped and turned around, Tai woke up and open his eyes slightly “Sakura…” mumbled Tai, Tai started fall back asleep then his eyes opened wide “Sakura!” said Tai as he sat up, Tai looked around and noticed that this wasn’t his bed, he looked out a window and saw stars “What?... Where am I?” Tai asked himself as he got out of bed “Good your awake now” said Sora, Tai looked around for Sora “Up here” said Sora, Tai looked up at the top bunk of the bed and saw Sora lying up there “Do you feel any better now?” asked Sora, Tai nodded “Why are you staring at me like that?” asked Sora, Tai still couldn’t believe Sora was real, he thought that when he woke up just a second ago that it had all been a dream “It’s just… your not real” said Tai, Tai lowered his head and started trying to comprehend all of this “What do you mean I’m not real?!... Of course I am” said Sora, just then Donald and Goofy walk into the room, Tai turned around “Hey your awake… and so soon too” said Goofy, Tai smiled “Yeah… I have you guys to than… so Sora, Donald, Goofy… Thank you” said Tai, Donald and Goofy stood there looking stunned “What?” asked Tai, Donald and Goofy looked at each other, Sora also looked puzzled as to why Donald and Goofy looked stunned “Well its just… we never told you our names” said Goofy, Tai never did remember Donald and Goofy introduce themselves “So how did you know our names?” asked Donald, Tai knew there names from playing Kingdom Hearts on PS2 and watching Disney cartoons “And what do you mean I’m not real?” asked Sora, Tai looked at all 3 of them and saw how confused and puzzled they were “Maybe I should explain this at my place” said Tai.