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Fanfiction ► Kingdom Hearts: The Lost Keyhole

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this account now belongs to my cousin, jeff
Dec 22, 2008
This what you've been waiting for, chapter 11!

Kingdom Hearts: The Lost Keyhole
Chapter 11:
Sora came out of the cave with blood stains on his shirt.
He went down to some water to wash his clothes off.
When he put his shirt in the water he saw two creatures doing something to the Gummi Ship.
"Hey! Get away from there! Scram!" yelled Sora.
The creatures ran off into another cave.
"What are you doing?" asked the king.
"Those creatures were trying to destroy the ship even more" replied Sora.
"No.... they were trying to fix it, I made a deal with them that if they would fix the ship I would let them come with us" said the king.
"Why would they come with us?"
"They're Ansem's slaves, they wanna get out of here, now I have to cheer them up so they'll get back to work"
Mickey went to the cave to cheer the creatures up.
Sora put his shirt back on and sat down near the water.
Donald and Goofy came out of the cave that they fought Ansem in and sat down beside Sora.
"You okay Sora?" asked Donald.
"Ansem!" yelled Sora as he got up and grabbed his Keyblade.
"Hello Sora, did you think I just gave up?" asked Ansem.
Ansem and his Dark Guardian came out of a dark hole in the ground.
Ansem threw the first attack but it was dodged by Sora.
Ansem kept throwing attacks at Sora but he dodged them every time.
Ansem tried to punch Sora but again Sora dodged the attack.
Ansem's fist was stuck in the wall.
Sora quickly took advantage of it and hit Ansem with everything he had.
Sora eventually knocked Ansem out.
He stepped back and used a light spell on Ansem to destroy him and the Dark Guardian.
"Say your prayers Ansem!" yelled Sora as he used the spell.
Ansem and the guardian disappeared into thin air.
"We did it!" yelled Donald.
Mickey and the slaves ran out of the cave.
"You defeated Ansem! Good job!" said Mickey.
"Hey what are your names?" asked one of the creatures.
"Well... I'm Sora and this is Donald and Goofy" said Sora pointing to his friends.
"Nice to meet you, this is my brother Auri, and I'm Silver"
said Silver.
"So are you gonna be able to fix the ship?" asked Goofy.
"Yes but it'll take until tomorrow" replied Auri.

"Wanna listen to some music Terra?" asked Riku as he turned on some rock music.
"Turn that garbage off!!" said Terra as he turned the music off.
Riku looked out the passanger window of the Gummi Ship and saw something growing in a distance.
"What is that?" asked Riku.
Terra headed for the mysterious object.
"I-It's a black hole, turn around now!" yelled Riku.
But it was too late as they were sucked into the hole.
Terra got up from the ground, his head was hurting.
"Where are we? Riku?" asked Terra.
Riku was laying down on the other side of the dark room they were in.
Terra ran to Riku but he was hit from behind.
Terra woke up his head hurting more than ever.
Riku was no where to be found.
Terra got up.
Someone came out of the doorway.
"Sora?" asked Terra.

Tell me what you think

Deleted member

Hooray, new update!!! That was really good, but I hope you don't expect me to believe that Ansem is truely gone. That was just way to easy for Sora. Oh no, Riku is gone again!!! Who took him? And I can't believe Terra doesn't like rock music!!! But, then again, he does seem like the kind of person who doesn't like any kind of music or anything that might be fun. Anyway, great job again, and I look forward to more.


this account now belongs to my cousin, jeff
Dec 22, 2008
Hooray, new update!!! That was really good, but I hope you don't expect me to believe that Ansem is truely gone. That was just way to easy for Sora. Oh no, Riku is gone again!!! Who took him? And I can't believe Terra doesn't like rock music!!! But, then again, he does seem like the kind of person who doesn't like any kind of music or anything that might be fun. Anyway, great job again, and I look forward to more.



New member
Oct 6, 2007
Oh the agony of clliff hangers! Where's Riku?! NO~!

Please continue soon! I'm in love with this story! I gotta say that was funny the reaction Terra had to the rock music... hehe.


this account now belongs to my cousin, jeff
Dec 22, 2008
Sorry it's been over a week since I've updated but here's chapter 12!

Kingdom Hearts: The Lost Keyhole
Chapter 12:

Terra looked at Sora in disbelief.
"How, how are you here?" asked Terra.
"Our Gummi Ship crashed" replied Sora.
"Where's Riku?" asked Terra.
"Riku's fine, he's with the king" replied Sora.
"If you don't mind me asking, who are you?" asked Sora.
"I'm Terra"
"Nice to meet you Terra! I'm Sora!"
"I know exactly who you are, me and Riku were looking for you" said Terra who started to run out of breath.
Terra kept breathing heavier and heavier until he passed out.
"Terra? What's wrong?" asked Sora as he picked him up from the ground.
"I need to get him to the others" said Sora who ran out of the cave.
"Your majesty, Donald, Goofy!" yelled Sora.
"What's wrong?" asked Mickey.
"It's Terra, he's the guy that was riding with Riku" said Sora.
"Yeah I know who he is, he's one of my friends, what's wrong?" asked Mickey.
"He just... fainted" said Sora.
Mickey grabbed Terra and put him on the ground.
"Silver, Auri, get him some water!" said Mickey.
Auri went to get water while Silver got medicine that they snagged from Ansem's room.

Kairi sat down in the Library looking at some old books.
She smiled when she read this one book called Goodbye My Love.
"You seem very interested with this book Kairi" said Minnie as she came into the room.
"Yes, my mom used to read it to me when I was a little girl" said Kairi.
Goodbye My Love was a true story about a Keyblade Wielder who traveled the worlds and would find treasures to give to his girlfriend.
"You can have it if you want Kairi" said Minnie.
"Really? Thanks your majesty" said Kairi.

Terra started coughing loudly as he drank the water.
"How long was I out?" asked Terra.
"About an hour" replied Mickey.
"Your majesty? Is it you?" asked Terra.
"Yes... it's me" replied Mickey.
"I'm so glad to see you again, I'm sorry for the way I acted last time I saw you... can you forgive me?" asked Terra.
"I already forgot about that" replied the king.
Terra hugged the king.
"Sora! We are almost done with the ship, we should be able to get out of here in an hour" said Silver.
"Great! I hate this place so much, I can't wait to get out of here!" said Sora.

Kairi read the book and began to cry, but why? Was the story of the book making her think of Sora? She put the book up.
Kairi whiped her eyes and looked out the window.
She started to cry again at the thought of Sora being in trouble.
"Why did you have to leave me Sora? Why?" asked Kairi.
"I love you Sora! Come back to me!" yelled Kairi.
"What the heck is going on here?" asked the queen.
"Nothing" replied Kairi.

"The ship is ready for action!" yelled Auri.
"Awesome, let's go!" said Sora.
Everyone got on board.
Mickey started the engine and they were off!
"The black hole is closing up, how are we gonna get out of here?" asked Sora.
Mickey did some fancy flying and they got out just in time.
"Whew, we're out!" yelled Goofy.

Tell me what you think!
Last edited:


Keep Holding On
Nov 6, 2008
Nice! Kairi is an over-obssessed retard and always will be! =)

Deleted member

Hooray, new update!!! You really scared me when Terra passed out; I almost thought he was in real trouble. I really hate it when the heroes are hurt. Woohoo, they are finally out of the blackhole, but I have a feeling that Ansem will be back. Why did you make Kairi so whiny?!?! Sheesh, if she is going to be a hero protecting the queen in the story, don't let her bee whiny and bitchy like that. Anyway, great job, and I look forward to more.


this account now belongs to my cousin, jeff
Dec 22, 2008
Glad you like it TwilightRiku_13.

PS there's a reason I'm making Kairi bitchy, you'll see

Chakolat Strawberry

caramel delight
Jan 2, 2009
Lolll at Kairi whining over Sora. (Another excuse why I shouldn't read books! Yay)

Good job as usual, keep it up ;)
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