Part 3
At Ryu’s house early in the morning, Ryu awoke lying in his bed.
“Why have I been having these horrible dreams, as if something bad is about to happen?”
Ryu got up and dressed then he walked outside. He looked in his mailbox and there was a letter. There wasn’t a return address, all it said was “to Ryu”. Ryu opened the letter and read what it said,
“Hello Ryu, my name is Seymour. My masters have been observing some of the greatest fighters in the world and he came upon you and your two friends. I would like you to come to my island and compete in a tournament that I am holding for my masters. Ill we send someone today for you if you wish to except this invitation. Thank you and hopefully I will see you soon!
Ryu met up with Alexia and Zero to talk to them about the letter.
“So guys, think we should go,” Ryu asked.
“Of course we should go, it’s a chance to prove our strength with some of the best fighters in the world,” Zero yelled with excitement.
The man Seymour had shown up in a helicopter.
“So, are you coming,” the man asked.
“Count us in,” Ryu answered.
“ Well, step right in,” the man said while pointing them in the direction of the helicopter.
The chopper took off strait to Seymour’s island. On the way to the island, Ryu had fell asleep. A few hours later, Zero and Alexia looked over and saw Ryu shaking like there was something wrong.
“Ryu, wake up your having a nightmare,” Alexia said while moving until he woke up.
Ryu awoke, when he saw Alexia he grabbed her and held her tight.
“Thank goodness, it was just a dream,” Ryu said.
Alexia thought about asking what it was about, but she knew Ryu wouldn’t tell her. So she left the problem alone. They finally made it to Seymour’s island. The island was huge, and so was the house. They slowly got out of the chopper and walked to the front door.
“Just walk right through those doors and you will be where you should,” the man said to the three.
They did what he said and walked into the room. When they were there, there was four other men inside the room. One man with brown hair and a scar across his face walked up to them.
“Hey, how’s it going? My name is Leon,” the man said.
“Its going good, my name is Ryu and these are my friends; Alexia and Zero,” Ryu told Leon.
“Well, its nice to meet you. The man over there with the short blonde hair is named Cloud. The man standing next to him is Vincent. The man over to the left of me is Auron, we were all summoned here, just like you were,” Leon had explained to them.
Alexia, Zero, and Leon kept talking while Ryu walked over to Cloud.
“Cloud, you are looking for someone aren’t you,” Ryu said.
Cloud looked away, “Its more like running,” Cloud said.
Ryu looked confused, “Running, from who,” Ryu asked.
Cloud shuts his eyes,” Sephiroth,” he says in a low voice.
Then, interrupting the conversation, a door on the other side of the room opened and a man walked out.
“Welcome to my home, my name is Seymour and I will be you host this evening. Cloud, Vincent, Leon, Alexia, Zero, Ryu, and…what? Auron, Auron you came. This makes everything so much better.”
Auron was shocked at what he saw,” Seymour, you cant be here, your dead. We destroyed you, you shouldn’t be here.”
Seymour walked closer,” That is were your wrong, I was dead, until my new masters brought me back to life using their unbelievable power. This is enough talking, let the Final Fantasy tournament begin!”