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Fanfiction ► Kingdom Hearts: Their Story

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Kingdom Clasm

Disciple of Truth
Mar 29, 2005
With my head to the stars, waiting for a miracle.
Since this chapter I found out was deleted, here it is again. I'm finishing up the next chapter right now.

Chapter 22
"Kill them both!"​

As Roaricki ran, Sora lagged behind a little. He just couldn't keep up with Roaricki's quick, long leaps.
"Why are those guys after you?" Sora asked, gasping while he ran.
"Long story. Let's just say that I was framed," Roaricki called back, not bothering to turn his head as he ran on.
Sora almost fell over. Wow. This guy had it tough.
The gun shots grew louder and closer. Roaricki knew that he couldn't outrun all those Far Reachers. And if he couldn't do it, then, well, he didn't even want to think what would happen to Sora.
Then, suddenly, one of the worst things that could possibly happen in this sort of situation, happened.
They both heard the galloping of horses, and pretty soon there were four dozen horses right on their tails.
Roaricki knew that they coudn't possibly outrun all these horses, and stopped and turned around.
Sora, surprised by this sudden change of action, almost ran into Roaricki, verring to the left, and tumbling down on the grass, quickly lifting himself up.
The horse back Far Rachers made a full circle around Sora and Roaricki.
"Oi, Ian!" one of the Far Reachers said. "Roaricki here has a kid with 'im!"
Blake, surprised peered down at Sora.
Sora gulped, his knees trembling.
Blake then smiled. "Well, well, Roaricki! Never thought I'd see the day when you'd actually keep company with you! And a scrawny little one at that!"
The Far Reachers laughed.
This made Sora's blood boil, but, looking over at Roaricki, he could see that he had utterly embarrassed Roaricki, and, surpringly, he felt bad. Although, looking back on the situation later, Sora couldn't rightfully believe it.
Roaricki clenched his fists. "Look who's talking, men! You guys don't exactly look that much better, either!"
Sora shot up his face at Roaricki, surprised. Had he just stuck up for him?
Roaricki, realizing what he had just said, quickly said, "I didn't ask for him to come along!"
Roaricki looked at Sora, and then quickly turned his head away.
Sora couldn't believe it. Roaricki had just stuck up for him.
"What do we do, Ian?" the Far Reacher to his right whispered in his ear.
"Kill them!" Blake said to his four dozen men. "Kill them both!"
Sora felt himself go light-headed from the fear, and seemed to almost faint.
Oh, know you don't, Roaricki said in his mind.
He grabbed Sora and jumped high into the air just as the Far Reachers started shooting.
They all looked up in astonishment.
Roaricki knew exactly what to do. This was almost a piece of cake compared to the other things he had been through and done in Sarabis's previous missions.
Holding Sora by the arm, he readied his leg and then kicked the Far Reacher off as he landed on the nearest horse.
"Giddyup!" Roaricki said, slamming his black boots into the horse's side a slapping the reins down on the horse's mane.
The horse, frightened that his master was gone, took off like a bolt.
As he neared the wall of Far Reachers, he pulled the reins up and the horse jumped over the wall, landing on all feet and then galloping off down the cliff path.
Blake was seething. "After him! All of you! Use all means neccessary! I just want the freak and the kid dead! At any cost!" --

Kingdom Clasm

Disciple of Truth
Mar 29, 2005
With my head to the stars, waiting for a miracle.
Triple post, but I knew none of you guys would comment on Chapter 22 since I posted it again.
Sorry for the long wait guys. Here she blows.

Chapter 23
"Brace yourself!"​

The flew through Sora's hair as he slowly uncovered his face, shocked. He was bounced up and down as the frightened horse galloped at full speed down the forested path.
Stunned, Sora lookedup at Roaricki, who had his eyes trained on the path ahead.
"You can ride a horse?" Sora said, still shocked from the fast pace of events.
Roaricki chuckled, but Sora could tell it wasn't a friendly or good-natured chuckle. "I can do a lot more than you know, kid," he responded, his eyes fixed on the forested path.
As Roaricki turned his attention to deflect a rain of bullets with Moonflow, Sora couldn't tell what emotion was behind that statement. his pondering was cut short when he looked back to see the four dozen Far Reachers galloping on their horses with thundering, intense speed towards them, closing in on them.
Blake was in the front, a desperate, enraged gleam in his eyes and look on his face.
Sora opened his mouth to say something about them, but Roaricki interrrupted.
"I know."
"Then why don't we go faster?" Sora said, trying to prove hsi point without having it cast out onto the path. It was a stupid thing to be thinking about at a time like this, but that bossy, superior, degrading, black-furred figure riding in front did that to you.
"We're going as fast as we can," Roaricki growled. "Don't you think I know that this little, scared stallion won't be able to outrun all those dozens of others!" he finished with a snarl, clearly ticked off.
Sora looked back. He was right. As frightened as this little horse was, its sudden adrenaline was not match for the power and speed of the four dozen other stallions rampaging behind them in a heavy rage.
"Well what do we do?" Sora countered, shouting over the nearing horses and their thundering hooves.
"Shut up!" Roaricki snarled. "I'm figuring it out!"
As Roaricki said this, the forested path suddenly broke away into a short-grassed, rocky cliffside path with a sharp, jagged, rocky wall to their left, and a hundred-thousand foot drop to their right.
Sora pinched his eyes shut as the scared horse veered to the right. But Roaricki immediately pulled left on the reigns, straightening out its path.
Sora could feel the dust on his neck that was being churned up by the oncoming Far Reachers. They needed something, anything, that would help them.
It wasn't the road getting bumpier so that it made Sora get continually bumped up and down on the horse's hard rear, making his own immensely sora and bruised.
And it definately wasn't the huge gap in the road that Sora saw coming up in front of them.
His eyes went wide. The gap in the road was at least fifteen feet wide, a perilous drop in the middle of the road, complimented by waterfall shooting down the side of of the cliff face where the huge gap was. They were history.
Seeing Sora's face, Roaricki grinned somewhat mischievously.
"Perfect. Just what we need."
There was no sarcasm in his voice.
"What?!" Sora exclaimed, panicking.
Roaricki grinned even wider. "You heard me."
Sora could tell that Roaricki was enjoying his fright. And as they neared the huge gap, he could also tell that Roaricki wasn't joking.
"You're not thinking of..." Sora didn't need to finish his sentence. The look on Roaricki's face said it all.

Blake grinned at the head of the galloping Far Reachers when he saw the huge gap in the cliffside road.
"Aim your pistols dead on!" he yelled triumphantly. "We've got them, boys!"
His grin was crushed from his face and replaced by a look of shock and confusion when he saw that Roaricki and the kid weren't slowing down as the neared the edge of the large gap.
What the hell are they doing?!

As they neared the split in the road, Sora desperately tried to stop the eminent death awaiting for them, even though he knew it was useless.
"Wait! Please! Stop!"
Roaricki didn't reply except with the wild grin on his face, enjoying every second of Sora's panick. the arrived at the very edge of the waterfall gap.
"Brace yourself!" Roaricki shouted, and he yelled a weird and gibberish word to to the horse.
The horse got onto its two hindlegs, Sora shut his eyes, and then he was overtaken by a sudden, unpleasant feeling of weightlessness.
Surprised by the unpleasant feeling, Sora opened his eyes, only to be frightened hlafway off the horse as he saw the the huge gap right below them.
The horse had jumped, and they were soaring through they air towards the other side of the gap.
The Far Reachers had stopped and looked up in amazement as they soared through the air towards the other side of the road.
Sora suddenly felt a rush of joyous exhilieraton as they flew towards the other side. And for a split-second, Sora actually thought that they were going to make it... --
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May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
Me:O_O *blinks*......coooooooooooooooooooool....

Kaze::rolleyes: Wow, you have such a wide vocabulary...

Me: I know!!! A fantastico update, KC!!! n_n

Kaze: -_-;.....RORY'S FINALLY GONE INSANE!!! RUN AWAY!!! hehe...jk ^_^

Me: It sure seems that way, doesn't it?? @_@

Machinany Gun

Bronze Member
Jan 13, 2005
I'm content with whatever length you give us KC. After all, an updates an update. Even if it is short or long. And im liking Roaricki's happiness over Sora's fear. Its pretty kool to see the expression on another persons face when you go to do something they think is completely crazy. Gives Roaricki a bit of character that i kinda have. Enjoying others misery! :D

Danica Syer

Trivia: Love ღ
Apr 7, 2005
Oh yeah, the meeting with your other character, Roaricki and Sora is cool! Is Kingdom Clasm, just a stone though or something like that? Also, did Roaricki, tried to help Sora or what? I kinda couldn't tell.
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Super Sonic

Bronze Member
Apr 27, 2004
23 was very good ^^

Keep it up K to teh C

P.S. Srry for not bein around,I'm very bizzy ^^;


Do Our Best
Jun 5, 2005
I've Been Thinking
I.......am..........STUNNED. THAT WAS SOOOOOOO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*coughs* sorry lost control but i just read all of your chaps and. . . . . .WOW
that is so............COOL

Your Fic is AMAZING sorry I repeated myself but . . .. . I am So Hooked.


That is better than most published books I've Read It was just .. . .. . . . .

Gaaahhhh I just spent 2 hours reading Fanfic If this wasnt so good I would feel pathetic oh....... wait ....... do..... Love It write Now more

Kingdom Clasm

Disciple of Truth
Mar 29, 2005
With my head to the stars, waiting for a miracle.
Wow, thanks a ton and billion, Sora Shade! That is so nice of you, and I am really thrilled that you like it! (considering your post, saying that you like it is the understatement of the year! XD)
That is so sweet of you! Thank you! Thank you one in a million!

Oh, and WM, I guess I should at least acknowledge you. -_-
Just kiddin'!
So, in what fic are ya talkin' about, WM? I'm confused with all of these fanfics!
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