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Fanfiction ► Kingdom Hearts: Their Story

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May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
Me: Yea....we get bored easily...XPP

Sora: Yea.....you can see proof in the Insanity Forum...-_-;...

Aozora:*still eating waffles* So....fluffy....^_^

Kaze: K_K feels right at home in the Insanity Section....>_>

Kingdom Clasm

Disciple of Truth
Mar 29, 2005
With my head to the stars, waiting for a miracle.
Can someone please contact Super Sonci, Sora Shade, and the rest? I'm gettin' real down in the dumps that a lot of people still haven't commented. I really don't feel like writing the next chapter untill someone else new posts.
I contacted them but, they haven't replied yet.

Kingdom Clasm

Disciple of Truth
Mar 29, 2005
With my head to the stars, waiting for a miracle.
Sorry for such the long wait! Here is the next chapter to Kingdom Hearts: Their Story! I hope to pick up the pace soon, but I’m in so many rps now, it’s kinda hard to keep the balance between the Role-Play section and the Fanfic section. So, I’ve made a vow not to join any more rps until I pick up the pace on my fanfic! But, it’s proving to be really hard! I can’t resist! I must rp! o_O
Well, anyways, here’s the next chapter, finally, to my fanfic! ^^

Chapter 26
"What is it?"

Sora’s eyes were shut tight as he felt the wind whip around his face as they sailed through the air. He had no idea what Roaricki was thinking, but after all of this, and even though he hated him, he actually did trust him, as he seemed to know what he was doing. Even so, Sora was still filled with fear as they sailed through the air. That is, until they stopped.
It was a hard, bone-jarring impact that almost knocked the breath out of Sora. He felt small rocks and pebbles zipping by, cutting at his face.
Slowly, Sora opened his eyes, and almost let go of his grip on Roaricki at what he saw.
They were dangling thousands of feet above the ground, and Roaricki’s two blades were dug straight into the wall of the ravine.
As much as he hated to admit it, Roaricki had done it again. He had saved him from death by using his head. This guy was good. He was just extremely bossy and became irritated very easily.
So, Sora, amazed and trying to be nice, swallowed his pride and said, “I can’t you did that!”
Roaricki smirked. Neither did he. But he’d never admit that to Sora.
Looking up, Roaricki could see the top of the ravine, and the little black dots of Blake and his men, Apparently Blake knew Roaricki too well to think that he was dead.
Sora, looking down, said, “Uh, this is great and all, but how are we gonna be able to get back up?” They were dangling thousands of feet in the air by two steel blades that were dug into the side of a ravine.
Roaricki didn’t answer. Instead, he readied himself, took a deep breath, and with all his might, pulled Moonflow out of the side of the ravine, gasping the effort.
Hanging by only one blade now, with Moonflow in Roaricki’s left hand, Roaricki dug the beautiful, translucent blade back into the rock, a foot higher from where it originally was.
Straining once more, he managed to pull Kingdom Clasm from the rock, the dark and jagged, obsidian blade feeling heavier than normal, which was probably just because of the deadly situation they were in, and Roaricki was getting more and more nervous as the minutes went by.
Roaricki let out a yell to build up his strength, and then plunged Kingdom Clasm back into the rock as well, right beside Moonflow.
Sora was now overcome with joy now that their problem was solved, and he actually thought he saw Roaricki give a brief, relieved smile.
They had just moved up the ravine a little ways, and they had found their way out of this mess!
Roaricki continued this process for thirty minutes, all the while moving up two or three feet at a time.
Roaricki stopped after the thirty minutes, completely exhausted. He was starting to get dehydrated as the hot sun shined down on the him, his black trench coat just absorbing the sun’s rays and keeping them inside, heating up Roaricki’s short, black fur hotter than a heated stove. Why did he even wear it?
As with Sora, his hands had grown utterly and uncomfortable numb from hanging onto Roaricki’s trench coat for so long, and he was starting to panic inside, afraid that the circulation to in his hands was cut off a long time ago.
As the two were losing all hope, something caught Roaricki’s eye. It was rather small compared to the monstrous and gaping ravine, and it fell down straight towards them. Roaricki’s mind raced. His heart picked up speed in excitement. He didn’t know what it was, but he was sure that it must have been something that Sarabis had sent to help get them out of this life-threatening ordeal. He must have heard Roaricki call to him and was now sending them to answer to safely get out of the ravine! They were saved!
He soon found out that he was dead wrong, in more ways than one.
As the small object fell closer towards them, Roaricki reached out one of his furry, clawed hands and expertly caught it.
Examining it, Roaricki saw that it was a red, closed tube that emitted some kind of odd fizzing sound. Inspecting it closer, Roaricki finally realized what exactly caused the red, closed tube to give off the strange fizzing sound, and his eyes went wide. He couldn’t belive it. Blake and his men must have still not left after all this time, and they were making sure that Roaricki and Sora weren’t somehow still alive by dropping this tube of death.
“What is it?” Sora asked, curious, not able to get a good look since Roaricki’s back was in the way.
Sora’s question was soon answered, as Roaricki, upon finding out what it really was, hurled the red, closed tube away from them with all of his remaining strength.
For the strange fizzing sound that the red, closed tube emitted was a burning fuse. And the red, closed tube with the burning fuse was, indeed, dynamite. And the fuse was up.
Not a millisecond after Roaricki tossed the stick of dynamite away, it exploded. --
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Machinany Gun

Bronze Member
Jan 13, 2005
Heh, nice to know you finally had time to get your fic moving again. I know what its like to rp and all but joining a lot of them can be a task more than a set of entertaining stories. Still i hope those guys get out of that mess safely. Nice update hope to see more of em soon enough.

Kingdom Clasm

Disciple of Truth
Mar 29, 2005
With my head to the stars, waiting for a miracle.
Thanks a lot guys. I'm sorry about the wide gap between chapters. Anyways, hopefully the next chapter will come soon. I'm kinda down in teh dumps lately because a ron of my readers don't visit the forums anymore, so that's affected the space of time between the chapters. I used to have a TON of readers, but now I'm only down to a few due to them not logging on anymore. Maybe it was my story that chased them away from the forums. >_<
Anyways, so that's why I'm not updating as recent as normal. But this fic ain't over! Not by a long shot! Strap yourselves in guys, because this fic is really just starting! ;)


New member
Jul 10, 2005
In the happy place of my mind known as La-La Land.
OH YEAH!!! I just read ALL of your chapters in 3 HOURS! This is one of the best stories I've read!!! Now when the library is closed, I know where I can go! Keep up the good work!
BTW at the beggining of the story, it still says 'panty' instead of 'pantry', I got a good laugh out of that one!

I need to get a signature...


Remember Me
Jun 3, 2005
Hidden in the clouds.
hey i just read all 26 chapters and it only took me somewhere around 3hrs. and 35 mins. wow this is a good fan fic. well it's 3:06am and i'm about to go to sleep
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