this is where the chappie i wrote continues... whew, done with chapter twelve! hope you like it! XD
Chapter twelve: Glory of Life (Continuation)
After loading another set of bullets for his long-range gun, which was gleaming in silver lined with gold, Draix aimed for Likke. His first attempt was to shoot her at the thigh, but he missed. Likke rolled to the left and lunged to stab him at the torso. She never knew how to fight but the urge flowed throughout her body, making it something easy for her. Draix dodged the dagger effortlessly, then took out a small blade and plunged it on her arm. Likke screamed in pain, took a step back while pulling the blade out. Blood began to shed and Likke felt weak. Her vision became blurry, also, her arm started to become numb. Draix gave another shot of his gun and hit Likke on her right leg. Likke fell to her knees. She couldn’t hold tightly to her dagger, which Draix had taken away with a kick.
“You must be feeling dizzy, now.” he chuckled “The poison works much better than I had hoped it to be.”
“What… do you want with me?” her voice growing faint “Who the heck… are you?”
The poison, which came from the blade Draix had used to stab Likke, was completely weakening her. Breathing was becoming difficult as she tried gasping for air. Draix smiled in a sly manner, holding Likke by the collar of her shirt and pushing her against a wall.
“Very well, I shall tell you. Consider this as a parting gift.” He said tightening his grip, almost chocking her. “We, the Dark Comrades, plan to devour the worlds in darkness, as the once great Organization XIII had dreamed. But not only that, we wish to go much further. You, on the other hand, are an obstacle in our vision. Knights vowed to keep the balance of light and dark have become a menace to us.”
“So, that’s why you want to… kill me?” said Likke, losing her strength.
“Yes. Finishing the other knight would be nothing more like child’s play.” Draix said, now pointing his gun at her forehead. ”Though, I heard you hold immense power, but it must be false. It’s gravely disappointing… to finish you in such a boring way.”
“Sorry to be a disappointment…” Likke said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. ”Go ahead. Kill me.”
“Farewell, knight…”
The moment he was about to shoot, Triggerhappy came, pushing Draix away. The bullet missed Likke by a few inches and she dropped to the ground unconscious. She then held Likke in her arms, casting a spell on her. The bleeding stopped and she was cured of the poison. Likke woke up afterwards and sat up.
“Triggerhappy? What are you doing here?” she asked “And did you heal me?”
“I’d be an idiot as to watch you die.” She smiled “Get up. Let’s finish this creep.”
“Failure of orders, Draix. It is unacceptable.” The spear-weilder said, finally showing himself. “Mason would be displeased.”
“Silfer, dare you insult me?” Draix said, reloading his gun yet again.
“No, but let us finish the job.”
Silfer darted toward Triggerhappy, stabbing her on the leg with his spear. She pulled the spear off, grabbing her gunblade and attacked him. Likke, on the other hand, went towards Draix. She picked up the dagger and was able to cut him on his shoulder. He again shot Likke, leaving a cut on her cheek. Draix blocked Likke’s attack using his gun and tried to use the same method he used awhile back, but he failed since Likke noticed his plan and jumped backwards.
“I must’ve underestimated you. You fight well.”
“Compliments form a person trying to kill me? That’s new.”
Likke felt confident about herself and simultaneously charged at Draix. Time passed, Likke got the hang of fighting. Suddenly, she heard a thud and saw Triggerhappy fallen on the ground, clutching her torso. Likke tried to get near her but Draix cut her off and hit her on the back. She could see her trying her best to stand up but had difficulty in doing so. Silfer raised his spear, attemting to do a final strike.
With emotions bursting, her hand gave off the same light again. Silfer had stopped and watched in horror, while Draix was blinded by the light. A keyblade, marine-blue in color with a keychain similar to the shells in her bracelet, then appeared in her hand. Likke was speechless, gazing with wonder at the keyblade. She then took the chance, attacking Silfer and causing him to fall back with his spear flying to a distance. Draix jumped into the air and went to Silfer’s side. Draix whispered in Silfer’s ear, causing him to be reluctant. They were to escape them, seeing no success in their attack. A dark portal then engulfs them, and they disappear.
“They’re gone.” she said, catching her breath. “But I bet it’s not over.”
“Not bad, for a rookie.”
“Triggerhappy! Don’t move around too much!”
“I’m fine. A scratch shallow as this won’t be the end of me.”
“Thank you. You’ve saved me again.”
Triggerhappy then said ‘Cura’, causing a light green light to cover her, healing her injury. She then tightened her blindfold and grinned. Using her gunblade, she pointed to a path on the right.
“Go back. Your friends are worried about you.”
Likke couldn’t make a reaction on her face and closed her eyes. “Are they really worried?”
“A lie can never escape my mouth. It’s my curse.”
“Alright. And thanks again.”
Likke waved good-bye and headed back. She felt cheerful again and forgot about her argument with Rue. It couldn’t be helped, she thought. Triggerhappy then turned away, walking the opposite direction. Her blindfold flew as a breeze came, she knew their paths would cross again and continued to grin.
“Likke! What happened to you?!” Kairi screeched, seeing Likke covered in blood.
“I got into a fight. They’re the hooded people Cid talked about.”
“You fought them?!” asked Riku, shocked.
“Only two, but I wasn’t alone. Triggerhappy came by again.”
Rue then approached Likke. He was uncomfortable, and started to scratch his head. Everyone turned silent, hoping he would apologize.
“Likke, listen… I’m-”
“Sorry?” she said, cutting him off “Don’t apologize. I wasn’t angry at you anyways.”
“But, I said too much. You were trying to help but I guess…”
“I said its ok!” Likke giggled. “Try being positive ok?”
Rue sighed and smiled. It was useless trying to apologize to her. Sora, Riku and Kairi were relieved. They thought another fight might take place. They then noticed the keyblade Likke held. They started asking her but Likke couldn’t reply much answers. She was still in the process of understanding it herself.
“This means I’m a keyblade master too, right?”
“Sure looks like it.” said Riku “We’re planning to head to the next world but we can take a few days for you to rest.”
“No way. There’s no time to slack off and we should get going.”
“Beginning to sound mature, eh?” teased Rue. “You’ll get old.”
“Yeah, maybe.” Likke replied coyly “At least, I’m not childish.”
“Then, let’s go!” shouted Sora.
Back at the gummi ship…
“Are you sure you feel ok there?” asked Donald. “I’ll cast a cure spell if you want.”
“Nah, no need.” She said shaking her head “Thanks to Triggerhappy, since she cured me.”
Rue sat at a corner and noticed Likke still held the keyblade, “So, what’s that keyblade called?”
“Hm… it’s called… Glory of Life.”
All seemed fine and ready for the next adventure they may encounter. Sora drove the gummi ship in a smoothe manner, and they headed to the next place where more things may happen. This time, they headed to Twilight Town…