I don't know if anyone knew this (or even where to put this for that matter) but, since it's in CoM manga I'll list it here.
In book one of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories when Larxene is introduced she is holding a book labeled "Marquis de Sade".
Now at first I gave it no thought(I had no idea what it was) but, after a very uuh... interesting discussion with my History teacher I gave it a second look through. You wanna know what I found?
I actually found ALOT more but, I didn't want to risk being banned even further than I probably am. That and most of the material I didn't list here was even MORE disturbing than anything I would ever read/look at let alone have someone else sufer through it.
It seems our darling Larxene is a tad more sadistic than we had originally thought and gives new meaning to "The Savage Nymph".
I'm not out to bash her, in fact I think I like her more. I just thought that this was a quirky little tidbit to share and Larxene fans might find this interesting. I know I did.
It also raises the question: Is the KH manga even FOR kids?
I know that if my parents ever found out that KH had references of that nature I'd be banned from ever reading/playing it again.
If you would like to research the matter further for yourself you are more than welcome to do so but, I warn you it isn't for the faint of heart.
In book one of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories when Larxene is introduced she is holding a book labeled "Marquis de Sade".

Now at first I gave it no thought(I had no idea what it was) but, after a very uuh... interesting discussion with my History teacher I gave it a second look through. You wanna know what I found?
I actually found ALOT more but, I didn't want to risk being banned even further than I probably am. That and most of the material I didn't list here was even MORE disturbing than anything I would ever read/look at let alone have someone else sufer through it.
It seems our darling Larxene is a tad more sadistic than we had originally thought and gives new meaning to "The Savage Nymph".
I'm not out to bash her, in fact I think I like her more. I just thought that this was a quirky little tidbit to share and Larxene fans might find this interesting. I know I did.
It also raises the question: Is the KH manga even FOR kids?
I know that if my parents ever found out that KH had references of that nature I'd be banned from ever reading/playing it again.
If you would like to research the matter further for yourself you are more than welcome to do so but, I warn you it isn't for the faint of heart.
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