demtits Helly yea no one could beat those
Aqua went through a lot I may say
I think Aqua had it the hradest out of the three and I always thought she would be the least important and had it good
I feel sorry for her
look at the archives the scene is after terranort fight part 2 w/ the guardian
terra was inside of terranort and was able to take control temp to stab himself which released darkness ( not realyl sure....bout that part) then the guardian melted into a pool of darkness which sucked terranort in and aqua went in (w/ her armor/flyign craft) but she couldnt get him out or something so instead she gave terra her armor (the armor is like hugging terranort i tihnk hes unconscious) and then she cast soem magic which "blew/push" him farther out while aqua sank into the darkness
So do you think Xehanort opened the door to Radiant garden with Aquas keyblade?
Not exactly, CO replaced LoD.Yes. and No.
LoD turned into CO.
You people need to pay more attention "Gettting screen caps up now! FINAL STORYLINE BOSS IS TERRANORT IN RADIANT GARDEN. I don't have room for caps, but the secret boss is Absent Silhouette Vanitas."-shingobunny
He said the secret boss is absent silhouette vanitas, not terranort
He might have, but from the Ansem Reports if sounds as if he used the hidden ability of the keyblade in his heart. Take for instance Riku, as a child he was able to see the keyhole to Destiny Islands as he had the ability to use the keyblade in his heart. Riku was also the one to eventually open this door and didn't seem to be aware of the keyblade's existence. If he had, he might have acted different when he met Sora again in Traverse Town. He seemed to have never seen it before by goingSo do you think Xehanort opened the door to Radiant garden with Aquas keyblade?
So this is a keyblade...
*As he holds it, and looking at it. Analyzing the design.
The door you're talking about, were you referring to the keyhole?I thought ven opened the the door of DI