"You gotta be patient" "Wait a little longer" "Why did you expect this and that"
People, I wasn't expecting ANYTHING from this game. I was expecting secret movie style cutscenes. Like, one or two and maybe a boss fight with whoever the hooded guy was. I wasn't expecting Kairi to get a full arc. I wasn't expecting the story to make leaps and bounds because Nomura already said it wouldn't.
I was not expecting much of anything out of this rhythm game.
But you know what?
They presented this boss battle between Kairi and the hooded figure or Xehanort or whatever. She ranted about how they're ruining everything and how she's ready to fight.
.... And then you let her be basically killed again and then instead of Kairi overcoming the first big obstacle in her standalone journey.... you transform her into Sora to do the fight instead?
Huh?? This game has 1 relevant fight for this mini-Kairi story and she's not allowed to duke it out herself... even if she wans't going to go with Riku cause she felt too weak or was trying to find her own path... you still didn't let her have her own mini fight?
It is bonkers. I don't see how it's toxic to be scratching your head asking questions on how the heck they thought this was a good idea? I'm not asking for KH1/KH2 level plot and character progression. At the very LEAST they can give Kairi a boss fight since they created one just for this game?
Imagine when Aqua was fighting Venitas and she summoned the power of friendship, and then suddenly she transforms into Sora to finish off Venitas instead. Imagine during her fight with Terranort, she says, "I am Master Aqua, now return my friends heart or pay the price!" and then her body transforms into Ven to fight him off.