I was trying to think of what a fictional world is, how that differs from say Pooh or Coded or the dream worlds. My thought is thus, maybe a fictional world is world that could have existed but doesn’t. To put another way it be a “what-if” like “what if Sora never got the keyblade” or “what if they keyblade war never happened”.
From the perspective of the people world these are theoretical imaginations, they aren’t what happened, and thus would amount to little more than fan fiction if they were written down. BUT what if KH universe runs on the idea that every theoretical DID happen and there is a reality fit each. Alternate timelines and histories, from the perspective of the inhabitants these worlds are fictional and only exist in our heads. But from the perspective of someone standing outside they can see all the world, all the ways reality can twist and turn, everything exists together simultaneously leaving no separation between actual and theoretical. They are both in states of being fictional and non-fictional depending on what world you are in. So in our KH universe Verum Rex is just a video game nothing more but in alternate reality it’s a real place and real world and it’s events really happened. Likewise maybe the reverse is true, maybe in Verum Rex Kingdom Hearts is just a fictional video game series.
So what does this mean for Sora? I am going to propose that when Sora was erased by the universe he was literally turned into a theoretical/fictional idea that only exists in the minds of his friends. As such Sora appeared in a world that was also theoretical/fictional, the world of Verum Rex.
Why did this happen? I believe it’s working off the idea that when Sora changed time he literally turned his reality into fiction to make theoretical reality of his friends living true. Essentially the world ended just as it was foretold but Sora using the power waking rewrote reality, he took the theory that they could win and made it real. Which means Sora who is only one who existed outside of this reality and essentially jumped ships to the new reality he made, is also now theoretical.
That's why YX said Sora was already doomed. Because in the reality they standing in the heroes never died, but Sora comes from a reality in which they did. He comes from a what-if that doesn’t progress past the point we saw. So from the perspective of the people in this world Sora comes from a what-if, and thus as I said is now an existing theoretical concept made flesh. When Sora saved Kairi he rewrote reality again now he was doubly theoretical/fictional so his time of existence in this world was drastically shortened.
In other words I propose that that KH uses the time travel concept that you CAN change time, it’s difficult to do so but it can be done. Doing so creates a paradox like if you go back to prevent something then the thing you did never happens so you wouldn’t have a reason to go back and stop it... This works off the idea that time will adjust and maintain this reality even though it is an unstable loop. So the change sticks but YOU who come from the reality in which the thing you wanted to prevent did happen are erased because the reality you came from doesn’t exist in the perspective of the current reality you are now standing in.
So Darkness prevails and light expires does happen in reality A. But in reality B light prevails and in this reality the idea that darkness wins is just theoretical/fictional concept written in the book of prophecies that never came to pass. In reality B the book of prophecies is just fiction, what-if story where Xehanort won. HOWEVER if you step outside this reality you will be able to see both exist together, and likely many other alternative outcomes do to.
So this leads me to the MoM. Assuming I am on the correct path I believe this is why the MoM doesn’t care about this world or any world for that matter. Because he secretly a person who can see that every world is just a theoretical to another world, everything is in a state of non-existence and existence. The entire cosmos is one big Schroeder’s Cat!
What the MoM cares about is the longer game, not all these theoretical worlds existing together, but what the end result will be, the one true world and ending. Something that will never come as long as everything exists in a state of being and non-being. He has to destroy everything, time and space itself, to create a true world...one that reflects his desired outcome. Because it doesn’t matter if darkness exists in this world or defeated in this world. It will still continue to exist in other worlds, other theoretical worlds where darkness prevailed or maybe light never even existed to begin with. The only way to truly wipe out darkness would be connect every world in one singular future in which darkness doesn’t exist.
This ties to that damn black box, it’s a literal Schroeder’s Cat. The contents of the box changes based on when it’s opened, as long as it’s shut its contents stay in constant flux, the reality the box is in will never be finalized until the box is opened. Until then the box keeps the worlds in shards of theoretical existence. Many things could achieve this but this box is something the MoM can control. He can decide when he wants to finalize this reality at least somewhat by when chooses to open the box. That’s why Xigbar talks and questions the idea that the box is actually black or what the world actually is. In this theoretical reality they stand in the box is black but if you looked from the outside maybe you see a reality where the box is blue or yellow or purple. From an outsider the box in only ever theoretically something, it’s all kinds of colors, but inside this theoretical reality it’s black.
“I’ve been having these strange thoughts lately....is any of this for real or not?”
That’s the key, none of this real and yet at the same time it IS real. It’s just perspective, to people of this world, this reality, it’s real. But in another reality like ours for example it’s fiction, just code and writing imagined from the head of a Japanese dude. Sora is real to himself but fake to us and perhaps if we could get an outside perspective we would see a world in which Sora IS real.
Maybe this is what Xehanort was after. The ancient keybladers made it to a fictional world and that is what Mickey is looking into? Perhaps that’s what happened with the Dandelions. The MoM sent them to another world/reality where the keyblade war never happened. Then they managed to return to this world where it did happen or at least some did. What Xehanort may have wanted was the secret to that, the secret to jumping to a fictional world, to escape these theoretical realities he exists in, maybe he never stopped being the kid who felt trapped it’s just his prisons got larger and larger. At the same time he probably knew he couldn’t truly escape this world so if he was stuck here the least could do is shape this world to his views and liking. If you’re going to be trapped in a prison you can at least make it a prison you want to live in.