Kairi Hart's tears fell down her face. Even the pain was seeming to leave. Her shining tears slid down her face. Her cerulean blue eyes were bright with regret and guilt. But yet...she was happy. She stared up at the sky. The blue was peaceful and calm. The clouds floated on it like foam in a bath tub. The days of her childhood were behind. Now twenty two she carried this pain for six years. Now it was going to be healed. She glanced at the tall building. She heard the water crashing far off in the distance. She weakly smiled. Her mangled body wasnt giving her any more pain. Her breathing became ragged and strained. Everything was going dark. She smiled happily knowin shes be with him soon. Before she left the face of the stained Earth she thought, {I'm sorry that I have to cause you more greif. I'm sorry to spoil this for once happy moment. I know I may seem self- absorbed by doing this but...Is there really anything wrong with wanting to be with someone you love?} With her last breath of life she uttered, "Sora..."
~~***:Six Years Earlier:***~~
Kairi Hart sat brooding over the week's events. Her heart ached and head now healed arms were wrapped around a stone. SHe pulled back to place her roses on the ground before the newly carved stone. The red roses were the same color as her bleeding heart. She read the gravestone again. Even though she had read it so many times before that it was still a shock to her. He was gone. The boy she loved for years on end was gone. And he was never coming back. She read the gravestone again
Here lies Sora Hikaru
Beloved son, brother, friend, and cousin.
He will forever be inside our hearts and will always watch over us.
Letting him go is hard but he will always be with us.
Kairi felt her tears slide down her face. Her bottom lip quivered as she tried not to sob. She heard a voice behind her, "Kairi?" She jumped a bit and turned to see who it was. It was Kairi's best friend Noelle. She wasnt only Kairi's best friend she was Sora's little sister. She was dressed in a black dress and her eyes were teary as well. She was holding white roses. She ran to Kairi and sobbed in to her shoulder. Kairi rubbed her back trying to keep the tears back. Noelle straightened and stared at the gravestone. "I cant believe hes gone...." She whispered. Kairi nodded. Noelle placed her flowers on Sora's gravestone and backed up and said a silent prayer. Another gigure emerged through the mist. Riku came through he wasnt very surprised to see them, "Oh....hey whats going on?" he greeted sadly. They shook their heads. Riku understood. He stood next to Kairi and put a hand on her shoulder. "I miss him too." He whispered. Kairi nodded. Noelle pulled out some tissues and offered one to Kairi who gratefully took it. Riku threw a flower on to the grave and stepped back to talk to Noelle, "How are you holding up?" He asked sadly. She shook her head and Riku put his hand on her back to comfort her. After several minutes of silence Riku said, "We should probably get back..." Noelle nodded and began to walk off, "Are you coming Kai?" She asked. "I'll be there in a minute." She replied. Noelle nodded as she and Riku dissapeared through the mist. Kairi sat down beside the grave. SHe lay her face against it adn though, {I never got to tell him how I felt...} As she sat there she remembered the day Sora died.
She was sitting on Noelle's bed. Her poofy red sheets with paopu fruits on them were covered with magazines. She was painting Noelle's nails. The bottle clinked against the others merrily. "So you ready for the dance?" Noelle asked excitedly. Kairi grinned, "You bet!" She giggled. She looked up at Noelle. She was Sora's younger sister by almost a year. She had the exact smae color hair as Sora except it wasnt impossibley spiky. Her eyes were brown insteadof Sora's blue ones. She was slightly paler and got sunburned a lot. It was the Spring Dance at school and everyone was excited.Noelle blew on her nails willing them to dry. The radio was going and "Devils Inside" was flowing through the speakers. Kairi loved Noelle's room. SHe had drew on the walls and her parents let her since she was such a good artist. Pictures of the Destiny Band was throughout the room. The Destiny Band was the group of friends Kairi, Noelle, and Sora were in. They were a band though. Kairi sang lead vocals while Noelle and her little cosuin Namine sang back up. Sora played lead guitar. SHe looked at the pictures of them when they were little "Aww remember this one!" Kairi squealed pointing at an old photo. It was a picture of everyone at the beach when they were little. Noelle and Kairi were splashing each other while Sora andRIku were boogey-boarding. "Look! Spiky-Kun is being washed under! Sora was being pulled under. Noelle laughed at the pcture. Kairi liked her nick name for Sora because of his impossibly spiky hair. Noelle's nails were dry so she pulled Kairi's hand down to do hers. "Here lets use cerulean blue!" She squealed. "Why?" Kairi asked. "Because it looks great with your eyes" Noelle said simply. They both laughed. "Ugh! Girl talk!" Thye turned hearing that. "Sora! Its called knocking!" Noelle pouted as her brother rounded the corner. "Oh.. Did I disturb you?" He teased pouting back at her. They pouted at eachother before breaking out in laughter. They had twin pouts. People called it the Hikaru pout. "SO whatcha want?" Noelle asked resuming painting. "Mom wants ya to let Ansem out before we go." He told her. "Its your turn to let out the dog!" She snapped. Sora just gave her the cheesy smile. SHe sighed. "Kay. Whatever." She muttered. "Hey Kairi? You goin with anyone?" He asked Kairi. Kairi didnt look up, "Nope. You?" Sora vlushed slightly. "Naw." He rubbed the back of his head. "Who else is coming with us?" Kairi asked Sora looking up. "Lets see...Namine, Riku, and Kaze." The phone rang in Sora's room. He hurried out to pick it up. "Done!" Noelle exclaimed. Kairi admired her nails. She waited for them to dry as Simple and Clean came on the radio. "Oh! Its our song!" Noelle squealed. Kairi and Noelle danced around the room in absent minded happiness. "Oi! Sonny! Cher! We gotta go soon!" Noelle's father Cloud reminded. They nodded. "I'll be right back. Gotta use the bathroom." Kairi told Noelle. She nodded. Kairi walked down the hall and in to the bathroom. She used it and emerged. Noelle was hurrying out of her room, "COme on we gotta go! Tell my spiky haired bro too kay?" Kairi nodded adn set off twoards Sora's room. is door was open so she walked in< "Hey, Spiky-kun we gotta go!" Sora appeared from under the bed, "Kay. Have you seen my sneakers?" He asked. She looked around to see them right below her, "You mean here?" e hit his forhead with his hand. He got them on and stomped around for a second. Kairi laughed. He smirked. He looked her up and down, "You look nice Kairi." He commented. SHe felt a blush go up her cheeks, "Thanks. You too." Sora was wearing a long sleeved red shirt with a collar. His tie was loosely done and his baggy jeans with his crown chain jingled."WHy thank you madam." He smirked and bowed her out of the room. They walked to the two cars outside. Noelle was waiting near Sora's Ferrari. Sora took the driver's seat and the girls climbed in to the back. They sped along the road heading for he school. They saw someone walking. Sora playfully said, "okay! Open your door on the count of three!" Noelle and Kairi laughed at his goofiness. Soon they were at the school. The party was in full swing. They saw Rik, Namine, and Kaze waiting at the entrance. Namine waved and ran up to them. "Its about time!" She said. "Sorry." They said. Riku and Kaze looked good. They were wearing pretty much the same as Sora except Riku was wearing yellow and Kaze was wearing white. They greeted everyone and then headed inside. The hours progressed. Soon it was late and everyone was tired. Kairi's feet ached from dancing. The last song was playing. It was a slow one. All the couples were on the floor. The badn of Destiny shrugged. Riku grabbed Noelle's hand and went off. Namine asked kaze to dance who shrugged adn followed her. Kairi stood on the side-lines watching the couples. SHe felt a tap on her shoulder. "Sora?" She asked. He blushed and rubbed his head, "Wanna dance?" He asked. She blushed and felt her heart skip a beat. "Sure!" {Ugh I sound like a little kid..} She thought. Sora took her by the and. They walked to the floor and swayed to hte music. Kairi looked around to see Noelle smirking at her. Namine winked. Sora put his hands on her waist. She blushed and put her arms behind his neck. They danced together for a while. Her eyes locked on to Sora's ocean eyes. There was something in his eyes. What was it? Longing? She smiled and he smirked back. His spiky hair caught the light and seemed to shine. She didnt know what she was doing but she brought her face up to his. He respnded by leaning down twaords her. She closed her eyes and could feel his lips near hers. Suddenly Sora was yanked away, "Lets keep it PG guys." Their teacher Ms. Ihavenolife. Said sticking a ruler between them. They blushed and Kairi had the urge to flip her off. The song ended. Kairi was in rage. The grop headed twaords the parking lot. They were crossing the street. Kairi's sandal came off and she went back to get it. Sora was behind her. Suddenly there was a blinding light. A honk of a horn and someone shouting, "Kairi!" Kairi felt her shoved out of the way. SHe hit the pavemnt hard and felt her arms skinned. She looked back to see Sora down on the pavement too. Except he wasnt moving! More than his shirt was red! "Sora! Sora!" Kairi screamed. Kairi started scrambling over to him "Sora! No!!" She screamed. His eyes were open , "Kairi, I lo-!" He cut off and his eyes closed. "No! Sora!" She coninued scremaing as the tears fell. But nothing was waking him up. Soon she was shoved away as he was loaded in to an ambulance....
~~***:End Of Flashback:***~
really sad. So tell em what ya think. Oh and Kaze is the anme of the BHK. kaze_krazy dubbe dhim that and Ive used the name with permission. So do ya like?