Sora chugged his can of Coke and thought about the trial....
They were all in a musty and clean courtroom. Cloud and Aeris were wearing formal clothes. Sora was a little freaked out in seeing his bad boy dad wearing a suit. Noelle's eye twitched multiple times. Megan was almost drooling over Cloud but after Kaze talked to her she only could admire the bishie from afar. Sephiroth sat furious on the other side of the courtroom. His eyes looked as if they could kill you with one glance. As if a dagger would fly from his iris's and stab you. He and Cloud shared an icy stare. Kaze, Riku, Kairi, Sora, Noelle, and Namine were there to as witnesses. Rude the bailiff ordered, "The Honorable Reno residing. Rise!" His bald head glimmered as did his blakc sunglasses. The Judge smirked. His wild red hair was tied back in a ponytail. On his forehead he wore these sunglass/goggles. Wearing a tight fitting black robe his greenish eyes looked around the room. Everyone hastily rised. Except Sora and Noelle. "You kids! I said rise!" Reno said. They looked at him. Sora opened his mouth to answer but his sister got there first, "Mr. Judge! We cant rised because THAT idiot tried to kill us! My side is like broken and Mr brother's knee is still healing!" SHe explained while pointing at Sephy. Rude looked disgusted at Sephy. Reno wasnt as calm..."WHAT!? WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!?" He shouted at Sephiroth who remained silent. "ANSWER ME DAMMIT!" Reno said standing on top of the witness stand. "Reno, calm down." Rude ordered. Reno muttered to himself and got back in the seat with a pouty look. "Please present your case." Rude said. Cloud stood up, "My clients and myself (who knew Cloud was a lawyer?!) charge Sephiroth with attempted murder, attempted rape, attempted man slaughter, child abuse and stock drainage." Reno propped his head up with his hand, 'Pretty serious." "What is your evidence?" Rude asked. Cloud nodded to his daughter. He Riku and Kaze helped her up and brought her to the front of the room. her eyes no longer showed fear for Sephiroth. On the contrary they showed hatred and relish. Cloud brought her before Reno and Rude. "Sephiroth has repeatedly beat Noelle Strife. H eointed to a unhealed bruise on her back. "He has also severely cut her with a switchblade twice." He showed the scar on her shoulder and the one she newly attained down her side. "The deffendant had also put a gun to her head and threatened her brother and mother." Reno looked disgustedly at Sephiroth as he saw the scars. "You sick bastard! Shes only 13!" He shouted. "HEY! I AM FOURTEEN! AND A HALF!" She added. Cloud brought Sora up next, "The deffendant had repeatedly threatened Sora Strife by saying he would beat his sister or his mother if Sora didnt cooperate with him. Sora witnessed his mother almost being raped by the deffendant. Because he intervened Sephiroth abused his sister in hopes to keep Sora obediant and insubbordinate. He also tried to shoot one of Sora's friends but Sora sheilded her from the bullet and the bullet hit him instead." Cloud indicated the stitching in Sora's bicep. Reno slowly looked at Sephiroth, "You disgust me! Just looking at you makes me sober!" Sephiroth stayed silent. "Call your first witness!" Rude ordered. "The prosecutuion calls Riku Kisagari." Cloud announced. Riku strode over to the witness stand. Sephiroth's lawyer....Bob walked to the stand. He was a fat hairy man. Very fat and hairy. "Riku, can you tell me the name of the two siblings in this room?" Bob asked Riku. Riku gave him the 'wtf-man-im-not-in-preschool- look. "Yeah. Sora and Noelle Strife." Bob nodded, "What is your relation to them?" He pried. "I'm Sora's best friend. We've known eachother since childhood." Bob glared, "I asked about the BOTH of them. What is your connection to his sister?" Riku opened his mouth then closed it. He blushed a bit, "Shes my friend." He nodded. Bob nodded again, "Girlfriend?" "Objection!" Cloud announced. "Sustained." Reno said. Noelel was sitting in the pew trying to make a slingshot out of a stick and hair tie. "Riku, what exactly happend at 8:42 on Friday night at the Strife household?" Riku sighed, "Well we went to their hosue to pick up stuff for Sora and Noelle then Sephiroth came out. He was really angry and glared at Noelle and moved twoard her to hit her as punishment for Sora." Bob replied, "And what was your reaction?" "Sora and I stepped in front of her to protect her." Bob walked around the room, "And she couldnt protect herself?" He asked. Riku's eyes flashed, "Look you- she was shaking and so damn scared she couldnt move! You try gettign the crap beaten out of you and be able to stand up to the person who did it!" Riku said angirly. Bob seemed amused at Riku's outrage. "Did he strike you?" "No. But he grabbed Namine." Riku continued. "The blonde girl? Why?" Riku sighed in annoyance, "because he wanted to get at Sora's sister and he knew if he grabbed Namine shed try and save her." Bob grinned, "Heroism. How sweet. yet she couldnt even protect herself." Riku motioned to stand up as did Sora and Kairi. But Bob went, "OWUCH!" He grabbed his head. A large pebble fell to the ground. Noelle sat back at whistled idly sticking the slingshot behind her....(More later)