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Mark of Mastery/BBS Vol. 2/DDD/Braig/ ?

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New member
Oct 9, 2009
Trapped in my Mind
I dont think it would necessarily gray after ten tho...he was pretty young in BBS. Theres just a really confusing transition from Somebody to Nobody that Nomura has left us in the dark about.


New member
Mar 10, 2011
Moogle Army HQ
I dont think it would necessarily gray after ten tho...he was pretty young in BBS. Theres just a really confusing transition from Somebody to Nobody that Nomura has left us in the dark about.

He was, which is why my mind was a little bit blown when Xigbar is seriously greying. That's why I thought that perhaps aging is rushed if someone seriously dabbles in darkness - like Braig -Xigbar probably did. Xigbar must have been doing stuff during those 10 years he was around that caused him to prematurely grey like that....and get his hair to grow that long. Maybe darkness doesn't discriminate?

We're going to have to figure out explanations on our own until either BBSv2 or DDD comes out. We can't sit on pins and needles 24/7 waiting for new information all of the time. XD


New member
Oct 9, 2009
Trapped in my Mind
No, we can't but we have figure out a bunch of crap. I mean we knew Terra was Xehanort, i know i threw out a theory that Vanitas would look like Sora, and i bet we're right about this game. I just wish Nomura would throw us a bone. Or a trailer. I mean its little things like this that only the developers know. I mean what your saying makes the most sens, that darkness accelerates aging, and i can back that up right now with the fact that MX looks older than Eraqus does, well i think he does. I guess I'm looking for confirmation rather than info. Because with confirmation on the little things, we could seriously figure out the entire story to the series.


The prince of Tides
Dec 26, 2009
I dont think it would necessarily gray after ten tho...he was pretty young in BBS. Theres just a really confusing transition from Somebody to Nobody that Nomura has left us in the dark about.

even thoughhe says they dont age
i just belive they must if it was only ienzo who looked oler i would look the other way but from what we've seen they all look ten year older except lexaus who is pretty much the same


New member
Mar 10, 2011
Moogle Army HQ
No, we can't but we have figure out a bunch of crap. I mean we knew Terra was Xehanort, i know i threw out a theory that Vanitas would look like Sora, and i bet we're right about this game. I just wish Nomura would throw us a bone. Or a trailer. I mean its little things like this that only the developers know. I mean what your saying makes the most sens, that darkness accelerates aging, and i can back that up right now with the fact that MX looks older than Eraqus does, well i think he does. I guess I'm looking for confirmation rather than info. Because with confirmation on the little things, we could seriously figure out the entire story to the series.

Agreed. This on everything. And yes - MX looks significantly older than Eraqus. MX also appears to have a mini hunchback. But as far as seeking actual stuff from Nomura - I just feel that it's a bit of a waste to get angry about it. Predict what could happen and draw back from the series until September perhaps? (TGS). I mean - I dunno...I get why everyone is frustrated and angry, and yet I feel that we can't sit, wait, ignore everyone's ideas, and constantly be mad about nothing popping up.

And Ienzo can be explained pretty easily at the moment (until we get news otherwise). Zexion has the power of illusion. He could have kept a constant illusion cloak over himself to make him look older.


Jun 10, 2011

I've always felt that a body prematurely can age if one immerses themselves into darkness up to the point that they get severely corrupted. It's the only way I can easily explain Xigbar's hair getting so ridiculously long and starting to grey in my mind, for example, because all evidence points to Radiant Garden falling to darkness 1 year after the events of BBS. No one can get their hair to that length within a year naturally, and Braig always struck me as a guy who was pretty arrogant when it came to every single aspect of himself that you could possibly think of. Not to mention there's his greying that needs to be explained.*

And I can see Saix feeling that he had to participate in whatever dark activities that Xemnas was interested in so he can better kiss his a** . And then he'd get corrupted by the darkness and the power as a nobody.


I dont think it would necessarily gray after ten tho...he was pretty young in BBS. Theres just a really confusing transition from Somebody to Nobody that Nomura has left us in the dark about.


He was, which is why my mind was a little bit blown when Xigbar is seriously greying. That's why I thought that perhaps aging is rushed if someone seriously dabbles in darkness - like Braig -Xigbar probably did. Xigbar must have been doing stuff during those 10 years he was around that caused him to prematurely grey like that....and get his hair to grow that long. Maybe darkness doesn't discriminate?


No, we can't but we have figure out a bunch of crap. I mean we knew Terra was Xehanort, i know i threw out a theory that Vanitas would look like Sora, and i bet we're right about this game. I just wish Nomura would throw us a bone. Or a trailer. I mean its little things like this that only the developers know. I mean what your saying makes the most sens, that darkness accelerates aging, and i can back that up right now with the fact that MX looks older than Eraqus does, well i think he does. I guess I'm looking for confirmation rather than info. Because with confirmation on the little things, we could seriously figure out the entire story to the series.


Agreed. This on everything. And yes - MX looks significantly older than Eraqus. MX also appears to have a mini hunchback. But as far as seeking actual stuff from Nomura - I just feel that it's a bit of a waste to get angry about it. Predict what could happen and draw back from the series until September perhaps? (TGS). I mean - I dunno...I get why everyone is frustrated and angry, and yet I feel that we can't sit, wait, ignore everyone's ideas, and constantly be mad about nothing popping up.

And Ienzo can be explained pretty easily at the moment (until we get news otherwise). Zexion has the power of illusion. He could have kept a constant illusion cloak over himself to make him look older.

A few problems.

1. MX is older than Eraqus, we know that. He says himself that Eraqus was younger than him enough to make him see Eraqus as a younger brother. My guess is that he is significantly older than Eraqus. Simple as that. Oh and the 'huncheback', part of that was to keep up his image of an old man. Everyone doubted his power bc he came off as a feeble old man. And then he kicked everyone's ass. As for the other reason, who knows, maybe he screwed up his back when he was making all of those quests of his ^^

2. Braig doesn't look that young. And Xigbar doesn't necessarily look that old either, take away the long graying hair and he looks practically the same. The scar and eye patch also make him look older period, at least to me.

3. Lexaeus, Vexen, and Xaldin all look the same. Xemnas looks like a slightly older version of Terra-which he technically is considering that's Terra's body-, and Xigbar, despite a few differences, really only looks slightly older as well. Ienzo, on the other hand, is only a year older when he became a nobody than he was in BBS(have the interview to prove it was a year after BBS, it will go at the end of this part). He didn't seriously dabble in darkness, in the Secret Ansem Reports it only says he persuaded AtW to build the Laboratory, but that makes sense because Ienzo's his adoptive son, and thus very close to him. Another thing, Axel and Saix look exactly the age their supposed to be-if they were, for example, 15 or so in BBS, than that would make them about 26 in KH2. I think it's near impossible that they suddenly zapped to that exact age when they became nobodies.

Someone said that Nomura said Nobodies don't age, if he hasn't changed his mind on that, then he obviously has some serious explaining to do. Until then I say they can age. Also, it's one thing if you're a kid and you're growing constantly, but once you get to a certain point, you don't really have noticeable changes in you appearance. Particularly from your twenties to forties, which is about the age range of some of the these characters I'm sure.

Another thing you guys are forgetting is that Namine aged.... lol

Now for the interviews some of you asked for(I haven't found the one on DDD yet, but I wanted to go ahead and get this one up on here). This had to be taken from another site like KHI bc KHI was down earlier:

BBS Interview with Tetsuya Nomura/Kingdom Hearts Mysteries Answered

In that case, do the characters we see in that scene have a chance of returning?

Yes. The data that Ansem has hidden within Sora is the secret to that
revival. When Ansem had become DiZ, and studied the heart and emotions,
the results he found he hid within Sora. There are a lot of people who
thought that Coded was about finding those results, but that’s not
true. The ending of Coded was about finding out that DiZ had done
something to Sora, as Namine said, finding out about the data that
Ansem hid. 1#What that data is will be revealed in the next game.

Mysteries concerning “Xehanort” and Organization XIII (there were twenty questions)

Q9: Where did the Organization’s coat and mark come from?

A: Xemnas remembering his human years.

2#One year after BbS, Xehanort as well as five other apprentices toss
aside their hearts. Then the Nobody Xemnas was born, and the
Organization which he creates take a lot of things from his memories as
a human. But as Xemnas had two people who he was, Terra and Master
Xehanort, he takes from both of their memories.coat]

Q14: Did something happen in Xigbar’s past?

A: He was Master Xehanort's accomplice.

The number two member in the Organization Xigbar conspired with Master
Xehanort when he was a human named Braig. Because of this, he knows
more about Xemnas, who is the Nobody of Xehanort, than anyone else.
That is why he often says strange things, and can speak up against

Where he got his eye patch and scar

As Master Xehanort was trying to get Terra’s body as a vessel for
himself, Braig tried to lure Terra into the darkness by fighting him.
But the power of darkness that Terra released was stronger than he
would have imagined, and he ended up losing his right eye and getting a
wound along his cheek. 3#Afterwards Braig’s ears become sharper, and his
brown eyes change to gold. This is because he was influenced by
Xehanort who he was working with.

Things Xigbar has said in the past

“Why are you always looking at me like that?”

(Days, Day 353: When he sees Xion as Ventus.)

“Oh yeah, he looked at me like that too!”

(KHII: Facing off against Sora in Hollow Bastion.)

At the end of Ventus and Aqua’s scenarios, they went against him in the
Keyblade Graveyard, and Ventus glared at him while frozen. 4#This is
Xigbar remembering that scene.

“How many years ago was that.... when those guys with the key shaped
swords appeared here and fought. After they disappeared, a man who lost
his memories fell.”

(KHII FM Xigbar talked with Zexion about Xemnas’ secrets.)

This is pointing to when Aqua fought Terra-Xehanort in Last Episode.

“So you are one who has been chosen by the keyblade. Though you’re nothing compared to the ones I’ve seen before.”

(KHII: Facing against Sora.)

“The ones I’ve seen before” is referring to Terra and Aqua, who he has
fought against before, as well as Ventus, Master Xehanort and Vanitas.

Continuing mysteries (Questions are over, and these were the remaining mysteries)

(?) Did Apprentice Xehanort really lose his memories?

Master Xehanort commandeered Terra’s body, and became Ansem the Wise’s
apprentice. According to Secret Ansem Report 1 From KHII, the young man
asked to become a test subject for Ansem’s research so he could get his
memories back, After that they began the study of darkness, but did he
really lose his memories? And are those memories Terra’s or Master

(?) Where is Master Xehanort’s keyblade?

As was stated in Secret Ansem Report 13 in KHII, while studying
darkness the young Xehanort opened the door to the heart of Radiant
Garden. This would have been possible if he had a keyblade, but
according to the Ansem Reports 4-8 in KH, he did not yet know about the
keyblade at the time. In Last Episode Master Xehanort used his keyblade
up until going to the world of darkness, but what happened to it after

(?) What are the “seeds” that Xehanort has planted?

In the secret event, Master Xehanort tells Terra that he has already
laid many plans, and that the seeds have been sown. 5#Telling Braig and
Maleficent about the “Kingdom Hearts” was one part of his plans, but
what other plans have Braig and Master Xehanort laid? What other
measures have been taken?

(?) What are the details of Ansem’s apprentices fall into darkness?

Most of what had happened with Ansem’s apprentices before their fall
into darkness is unknown, aside from what was touched upon in Secret
Ansem Reports. And the mystery of “the plan that was decided on after
Axel and Saix entered the Organization” that was talked about in the
Secret Reports in Days still remains. 6#According to Nomura there is
still much about the Organization’s humans that has yet to be said

(?) What happened to his heart and memories after separation?

One year after BbS, Apprentice Xehanort was separated into his
Heartless (Ansem Seeker of Darkness) and his Nobody (Xemnas). The
former took actions that were more like Master Xehanort, while the
latter has said things that seem more like Terra, so how were Terra and
Master Xehanort’s hearts and wills separated, and what sort of
influences do they have over each?

(?) Did they meet in the realm of darkness?

In the secret event we see Aqua and Ansem the Wise talking in the realm
of darkness after the events of KHII. 7#Over one year before, Mickey
traveled to the realm of darkness to search for the keyblade, but
during that time did they really not see each other? If they did, then
how does that relate to the story afterward?

1# Well, that's basically what I thought, if DDD is in part about saving people from torment and the data is the key to saving them, then it will have to be revealed in DDD.

2# Proof. it was a year, so there was no time for them to age as humans before becoming a nobody

3# Those exact features were caused by MX, and Saix has those exact features as well.

4# Proof again.

5# Somehow I think Riku is involved in his plans, it would certainly make sense.

6# Agreed. Which is why I am suspicious of them all. Even cute little Ienzo.

7# Yes, I think they did. And I'm sure it will be revealed in BBS Vol. 2.

Well, it cleared up some things, but it was hard finding that interview. Still worth it though. It's easy for me to remember all this stuff(I have a really good memory) 'cuz I basically store it all in my mind. lol. not joking

Nayru's Love

Why don't you play in Hell?
Dec 17, 2008
Chicago, IL
1. MX is older than Eraqus, we know that. He says himself that Eraqus was younger than him enough to make him see Eraqus as a younger brother. My guess is that he is significantly older than Eraqus. Simple as that.
Like you said, MX views Eraqus as a younger brother. That, coupled with the fact that they studied under the same master, makes it more plausible that there's a smalls difference of age between them.

Someone said that Nomura said Nobodies don't age, if he hasn't changed his mind on that, then he obviously has some serious explaining to do. Until then I say they can age.
There hasn't really been a normal Nobody that contradicts this...

Also, it's one thing if you're a kid and you're growing constantly,
...Unless you bring up Ienzo/Zexion, to which it's very possible he was using an illusion this entire time.

but once you get to a certain point, you don't really have noticeable changes in you appearance. Particularly from your twenties to forties, which is about the age range of some of the these characters I'm sure.
Xehanort/Xemnas? Actually, there's apparently a reason for him looking different from Xehanort, which I don't think is the same as the reason that Nobodies look a bit different from their complete counterparts. Keep in mind that Xemnas is a special Nobody.

Another thing you guys are forgetting is that Namine aged.... lol
Namine isn't the best example here, though; She's a special Nobody.

2# Proof. it was a year, so there was no time for them to age as humans before becoming a nobody
A year can be enough for some changes to appear. See: Sora, Riku, Kairi

Sidenote: Careful with the "KH Mysteries Solved" article. Since it didn't directly involve Nomura, those answers may just be fan answers in the end.


New member
Mar 10, 2011
Moogle Army HQ
2. Braig doesn't look that young. And Xigbar doesn't necessarily look that old either, take away the long graying hair and he looks practically the same. The scar and eye patch also make him look older period, at least to me.


I attempted to put a screenshot of Xigbar up, but it was either way too large or the site was giving me crap claiming I had malware on it and promptly gave me PC tools to fix it....PC tools to fix a macbook...anyway.

I look at that picture and see a guy in his 30s - early 30s at the earliest. But after looking through enough pictures of Xigbar: there is an age difference. Xigbar's face is thinner and there are more lines on his face. Not to mention there's the greying hair. He aged, and I think it's because Xigbar continued to participate with Xemnas in dabbling with the darkness and proceeded to become more corrupted as a nobody.

3. Lexaeus, Vexen, and Xaldin all look the same. Xemnas looks like a slightly older version of Terra-which he technically is considering that's Terra's body-, and Xigbar, despite a few differences, really only looks slightly older as well

They're the exceptions, and they're the ones that prove Nomura's statement. Although I did notice that Xaldin's sideburns look difference, but that's just picking on the smallest, insignificant things at this point that don't matter at all.

Ienzo, on the other hand, is only a year older when he became a nobody than he was in BBS(have the interview to prove it was a year after BBS, it will go at the end of this part). He didn't seriously dabble in darkness, in the Secret Ansem Reports it only says he persuaded AtW to build the Laboratory, but that makes sense because Ienzo's his adoptive son, and thus very close to him.
Ienzo-Zexion can be easily explained: he has the power of illusion. He probably took it upon himself to make him look older than he really was once that power was unlocked. The fact that Ansem considers him an adoptive son means absolutely nothing; all of the apprentices may very well have had a joint hand in watching him, because Even also watches over him (as shown in BBS)

Another thing, Axel and Saix look exactly the age their supposed to be-if they were, for example, 15 or so in BBS, than that would make them about 26 in KH2. I think it's near impossible that they suddenly zapped to that exact age when they became nobodies.
No they don't, they look older than they were in BBS.



I'm not putting either of them to full image because it's huge. But look at it. Isa and Lea's faces aren't as elongated as Saix and Axel's are, which means they are younger. I know enough about drawing faces and art to know that when you want to draw a younger person, you place the age on a smaller face. When you want to draw an older person, the face becomes more elongated. I've come to the conclusion that means they must have became nobodies a few years after the fall of Radiant Garden. And they would still fit in the statement that nobodies don't age anyway - they could have become nobodies five years after BBS and simply stayed that way, not aging (bar Saix's signs of corruption) Saix and Axel look to me at the very least, around 20-21.

Someone said that Nomura said Nobodies don't age, if he hasn't changed his mind on that, then he obviously has some serious explaining to do. Until then I say they can age.
Fine. It's your opinion. I find some holes in that statement with some of the characters (Xigbar). But you're right; Nomura has a great deal of things to explain to everyone in the future.

Another thing you guys are forgetting is that Namine aged.... lol
Like someone else said, Namine is a very special case. She breaks most of the normal rules of a nobody. At the moment, she is unexplainable until future games come out.

Now for the interviews some of you asked for(I haven't found the one on DDD yet, but I wanted to go ahead and get this one up on here). This had to be taken from another site like KHI bc KHI was down earlier:

2# Proof. it was a year, so there was no time for them to age as humans before becoming a nobody
The fact that Radiant Garden fell a year after the end of BBS has been proven ever since Leon said in the first game that his world fell 9 years ago to Maleficent and the heartless, since BBS takes place 10 years before the first Kingdom Hearts game.

3# Those exact features were caused by MX, and Saix has those exact features as well.
*shrugs* I stand by my own personal theory that Saix was corrupted while he was a nobody.

5# Somehow I think Riku is involved in his plans, it would certainly make sense.
Wait, why would Riku be involved in anything Xehanort is doing at this point in the games? Unless you're talking about his time with Maleficent in KH1?


New member
Oct 9, 2009
Trapped in my Mind
I like the theory of Darkness aging you. It makes sense, and it would surely fit the timeline. I mean, darkness seems like it would suck the life out of you, so it would make sense for it to age you, but i don't think Nobodies age. I'm still sticking with that


Jun 10, 2011
Like you said, MX views Eraqus as a younger brother. That, coupled with the fact that they studied under the same master, makes it more plausible that there's a smalls difference of age between them.

There hasn't really been a normal Nobody that contradicts this...

...Unless you bring up Ienzo/Zexion, to which it's very possible he was using an illusion this entire time.

Xehanort/Xemnas? Actually, there's apparently a reason for him looking different from Xehanort, which I don't think is the same as the reason that Nobodies look a bit different from their complete counterparts. Keep in mind that Xemnas is a special Nobody.

Namine isn't the best example here, though; She's a special Nobody.

A year can be enough for some changes to appear. See: Sora, Riku, Kairi

Sidenote: Careful with the "KH Mysteries Solved" article. Since it didn't directly involve Nomura, those answers may just be fan answers in the end.

You mean there isn't a normal nobody that contradicts the statement that they don't age? Axel and Saix. They were nobodies some time before the start of KH1, that's ten years later. They don't look as young as 20 years old.

(sigh) I'll never believe the whole 'illusion' thing..

Xemnas is just Terra's leftover body.. how is he a special nobody, aside from his memories and who he was as Xehanort? If dabbling seriously in darkness turned Xigbar into an old guy (but not everyone else), how do you explain why Xemnas only looks slightly older than Xehanort?

Yes Namine is special in how she was born, but that should have nothing to do with her appearance. Her appearance is slightly different than would it should be, she doesn't look exactly like Kairi, but I still don't see how that affects her age. She is a nobody no matter how special she is.

But I already said that... They're kids. They're constantly growing so of course they look a little different in a year... And as I stated above, I absolutely don't believe Axel and Saix are as young as 20 years old. They can't go from looking like a young teenager to a full fledged adult in five years either.

This was a published interview.. yes?(I can't remember the exact source) I don't believe someone would just make up those answers and pretend it was Nomura.. I think that's a little more than far fetched. Not to mention that he basically reiterates some of those answers in other interviews.


I attempted to put a screenshot of Xigbar up, but it was either way too large or the site was giving me crap claiming I had malware on it and promptly gave me PC tools to fix it....PC tools to fix a macbook...anyway.

I look at that picture and see a guy in his 30s - early 30s at the earliest. But after looking through enough pictures of Xigbar: there is an age difference. Xigbar's face is thinner and there are more lines on his face. Not to mention there's the greying hair. He aged, and I think it's because Xigbar continued to participate with Xemnas in dabbling with the darkness and proceeded to become more corrupted as a nobody.

They're the exceptions, and they're the ones that prove Nomura's statement. Although I did notice that Xaldin's sideburns look difference, but that's just picking on the smallest, insignificant things at this point that don't matter at all.

Ienzo-Zexion can be easily explained: he has the power of illusion. He probably took it upon himself to make him look older than he really was once that power was unlocked. The fact that Ansem considers him an adoptive son means absolutely nothing; all of the apprentices may very well have had a joint hand in watching him, because Even also watches over him (as shown in BBS)

No they don't, they look older than they were in BBS.



I'm not putting either of them to full image because it's huge. But look at it. Isa and Lea's faces aren't as elongated as Saix and Axel's are, which means they are younger. I know enough about drawing faces and art to know that when you want to draw a younger person, you place the age on a smaller face. When you want to draw an older person, the face becomes more elongated. I've come to the conclusion that means they must have became nobodies a few years after the fall of Radiant Garden. And they would still fit in the statement that nobodies don't age anyway - they could have become nobodies five years after BBS and simply stayed that way, not aging (bar Saix's signs of corruption) Saix and Axel look to me at the very least, around 20-21.

Fine. It's your opinion. I find some holes in that statement with some of the characters (Xigbar). But you're right; Nomura has a great deal of things to explain to everyone in the future.

Like someone else said, Namine is a very special case. She breaks most of the normal rules of a nobody. At the moment, she is unexplainable until future games come out.

Now for the interviews some of you asked for(I haven't found the one on DDD yet, but I wanted to go ahead and get this one up on here). This had to be taken from another site like KHI bc KHI was down earlier:

The fact that Radiant Garden fell a year after the end of BBS has been proven ever since Leon said in the first game that his world fell 9 years ago to Maleficent and the heartless, since BBS takes place 10 years before the first Kingdom Hearts game.

*shrugs* I stand by my own personal theory that Saix was corrupted while he was a nobody.

Wait, why would Riku be involved in anything Xehanort is doing at this point in the games? Unless you're talking about his time with Maleficent in KH1?

I didn't say there wasn't any age difference. But even after seeing that picture.. I still don't see that big of a difference in Xigbar, other than the general getting older look(grey hair, thin face, etc.)

Exceptions....to what exactly? They were right alongside Xehanort and Xigbar weren't they? Never once does the game exclude the other apprentices in their research of darkness. Why the heck are some of the nobodies significantly older in appearance(namely Axel, Saix, Zexion, who were all kids), and the rest virtually the same?

Yes it actually does mean something. The other apprentices did watch over him yes, but Ienzo was Ansem's adoptive son. It clearly shows you in the Blank Points(as brief as it was) that they were close, why would Ienzo out of all the other apprentices try to persuade Ansem to build a laboratory? Bc they were close.

Noooooooooooooo, no no no no. I didn't say they looked the same. They are older. My point is that if we say for example that Lea and Isa were 15 years old in BBS (which would probably be about right), than that would make them 26 in KH2('cuz it's 11 years later). I don't think that when they became Nobodies, the darkness automatically zapped them to look somewhere in that age range. That's a little too convenient. Also, the theory of Saix being experimented on wouldn't really make sense if Lea and Isa became nobodies 5 or so years later. The apprentices were kidnapping people and experimenting on them, and eventually on themselves, so when they became nobodies, why would they continue to conduct experiments? What purpose would it serve after they had already fallen to darkness?

I know that, but someone wasn't sure if it was a year or not.

I'm just talking about 'the seeds' part. I think MX had found out somehow about Riku, possibly even about Riku being picked by Terra, which might be possible if MX were able to see Terra's memories. Why wouldn't he? He did possess Terra's body, I'm pretty sure that granted him the ability to see his memories. Either way I think he had plans for Riku in the future, which would sort of explain in part the whole obsession Ansem has with Riku, coupled with the fact that Ansem is more MX than Terra.
Last edited:


New member
Mar 10, 2011
Moogle Army HQ
I didn't say there wasn't any age difference. But even after seeing that picture.. I still don't see that big of a difference in Xigbar, other than the general getting older look(grey hair, thin face, etc.)

I see enough difference to show that the creators probably smoothed out Xigbar's face a little bit, took out the scar, and gave him his other eye back. And there's Braig. There's an age difference, but there isn't much of one. I'd be more convinced that the only difference was the eyepatch and the scar if it wasn't for the grey hair.

Exceptions....to what exactly? They were right alongside Xehanort and Xigbar weren't they? Never once does the game exclude the other apprentices in their research of darkness. Why the heck are some of the nobodies significantly older in appearance(namely Axel, Saix, Zexion, who were all kids), and the rest virtually the same?
Axel and Saix: They could have become nobodies a few years after Radiant Garden fell. That is explainable: they could have escaped to Traverse Town, waited for a few years, and attempted to find a way to figured out what happened by going out on a ship on their own that Cid built. The Organization could have found them, captured them, and done experiments on them in The Castle that Never Was. Xaldin and Lexaeus could have remembered Isa and Lea as those annoying teenagers that were constantly trying to break into Radiant Garden, and wanted to teach them a lesson. So they were directed to Vexen for experimentation.

That's just one idea off of the top of my head. I'm sure other people on KHI can think up of others.

The point is that Isa and Lea could have lost their hearts any time between the time Radiant Garden fell and the first KH game. Be open to that possibility.

Yes it actually does mean something. The other apprentices did watch over him yes, but Ienzo was Ansem's adoptive son. It clearly shows you in the Blank Points(as brief as it was) that they were close, why would Ienzo out of all the other apprentices try to persuade Ansem to build a laboratory? Bc they were close.
So Ienzo just had a little more clout over the others. It makes sense; he's a kid. Kids can get their own way more easily than grownups. But more than just Ansem had a hand in taking care of Ienzo - that's all I'm trying to say. What could have happened is one of the apprentices coaxed Ienzo into suggesting the idea, and Ansem allowed for it to happen because it was Ienzo that wanted it done.

Noooooooooooooo, no no no no. I didn't say they looked the same. They are older. My point is that if we say for example that Lea and Isa were 15 years old in BBS (which would probably be about right), than that would make them 26 in KH2('cuz it's 11 years later). I don't think that when they became Nobodies, the darkness automatically zapped them to look somewhere in that age range. That's a little too convenient. Also, the theory of Saix being experimented on wouldn't really make sense if Lea and Isa became nobodies 5 or so years later. The apprentices were kidnapping people and experimenting on them, and eventually on themselves, so when they became nobodies, why would they continue to conduct experiments? What purpose would it serve after they had already fallen to darkness?
Thanks for the clarification. And see my possible explanation a few paragraphs above.

I'm just talking about 'the seeds' part. I think MX had found out somehow about Riku, possibly even about Riku being picked by Terra, which might be possible if MX were able to see Terra's memories. Why wouldn't he? He did possess Terra's body, I'm pretty sure that granted him the ability to see his memories. Either way I think he had plans for Riku in the future, which would sort of explain in part the whole obsession Ansem has with Riku, coupled with the fact that Ansem is more MX than Terra.
Ok - you're right, that would. I was under the impression for some reason that you thought Riku would actually participate in whatever MX had in store for his seeds. But Ansem probably did detect Terra passing Riku the power of the keyblade, which would explain a number of Riku's actions revolving around the keyblade in KH1. (mostly Riku's statement that Sora is just the delivery boy and he's the true wielder). Who knows? Maleficent could have detected that power in him as well, but she just didn't know where it came from.

On top of all of this, I need to lay out something: Just because you don't believe in a theory doesn't mean it's not necessarily true. Do not snidely dismiss any theory just because you don't believe in it. Accept that it exists, state plainly that you don't believe in it, and move on. For example, Zexion's power is the power of illusion. Therefore, it is possible that he could have used the power of illusion on himself to make himself look older.

Nayru's Love

Why don't you play in Hell?
Dec 17, 2008
Chicago, IL
You mean there isn't a normal nobody that contradicts the statement that they don't age? Axel and Saix. They were nobodies some time before the start of KH1, that's ten years later. They don't look as young as 20 years old.
What localorange said; The two could've transitioned to Nobodies any time between BBS and KH.

Xemnas is just Terra's leftover body.. how is he a special nobody, aside from his memories and who he was as Xehanort? If dabbling seriously in darkness turned Xigbar into an old guy (but not everyone else), how do you explain why Xemnas only looks slightly older than Xehanort?
Xemnas is the Nobody of someone who had a conglomerate of hearts, which in turn ended up to become one of the only two Heartless in the series with sentience. A Nobody's specialness is determined by its birth process, to which Xemnas' seemed to have qualified. Also, I wouldn't quite say it was darkness that aged Braig, rather it may have been his "connection" to MX that did so. So I think, anyways.

Yes Namine is special in how she was born, but that should have nothing to do with her appearance. Her appearance is slightly different than would it should be, she doesn't look exactly like Kairi, but I still don't see how that affects her age. She is a nobody no matter how special she is.
It's best not to treat a character who we do not fully understand as if she belonged entirely to a class of beings that we do understand.

This was a published interview.. yes?(I can't remember the exact source) I don't believe someone would just make up those answers and pretend it was Nomura.. I think that's a little more than far fetched. Not to mention that he basically reiterates some of those answers in other interviews.
It came from the BBS Ultimania, IIRC. It actually wouldn't surprise me if they really did just put in those answers, so as to please fans and get the book selling. There are some straight-out assumptions in there, a lot of which I haven't seen Nomura back up.


New member
Mar 10, 2011
Moogle Army HQ
Xemnas is the Nobody of someone who had a conglomerate of hearts, which in turn ended up to become one of the only two Heartless in the series with sentience. A Nobody's specialness is determined by its birth process, to which Xemnas' seemed to have qualified. Also, I wouldn't quite say it was darkness that aged Braig, rather it may have been his "connection" to MX that did so. So I think, anyways.

So just a direct connection? That could also be possible...

It's best not to treat a character who we do not fully understand as if she belonged entirely to a class of beings that we do understand.

It's true that Namine actually came from Sora even though she's classified as Kairi's nobody right? My mind was blown when I found that out, even though I understand the connection.


New member
Oct 9, 2009
Trapped in my Mind
Namine is the weirdest, even weirder than Roxas. Because she's Kairi's nobody, and she uses Sora's body as a vessel, and then she has blonde hair, which just makes me think about Ventus.

The whole thing about Axel and Saix is so unclear, because of how they appeared in BBS. They were kids, which really screwed with us. AtW never mentioned them in any of his reports, so its safe to assume they were not turned into nobodies when the first six apprentices were. It must have been some time after AtW was sent to the RoD. So while Ansem SoD was wreaking havoc, the Organization was doing experiments, probably in RG, and Isa and Axel must have both been subjects. Isa's Xehanort-like features i can't really explain. I mean we know generally how one would acquire them, but the way Isa got them is in the dark. The only thing i can think of is that Xemnas saw that he had more darkness than the average person in his heart, and the MX part of him decided to make him a "seed".


New member
Jan 17, 2010
So Cal
MX never knew who Riku was at all. Only Terra knew about Riku which after Xehanort's transformation by MX is where he would learned this information later on.
Noruma says nobodies don't age which is true, but he never clearify it clearly because we have Roxas and Namine which did age. They are special, but they also shared hearts through Sora and Kairi. Having heart makes you age. However, in ROD it may not be possible.

Normura says that there are slight differences between the somebodies and their nobodies.

My theory is that perhaps these apprentices had a choice if they wanted to age or not. So Ienzo could do that, or unless he had powers along like Briag. We don't know if Briag having powers through his weapons, disappear, hang upside down like Xigbar was through MX influence or if he had them along such as when Dilan and Eleaneus possessed weapons. If the greying of the hair isn't really age it could be that Xigbar dyed apart of his hair to see what everyones reactions would be about him. I don't know he is craftly and likes to play mind games.

However with Isa and Lea it is clear that in the novels Axel Seven days it states that Saix is older than Axel, but doesn't state by how much. Plus in BBS Isa seems like he treats Lea like he is younger could be another example. Especially when he tells "are you ready? Which forshadows them going towards the castle in Radient Garden.

Now with Xigbar and Saix dawning the yellow eyes, pointed ears I agree could be example of working under MX plus Saix spouting the X on his face. Which seems to symbolize the X blade, but there must have been something that had drawn Isa to the darkness which could be power. It could be manipulation or an ambush with heartless to do with losing Lea or thinking he was gone. Perhaps Isa lost himself and couldn't pull together afterwards if not forced. If they were both forced into the darkness then they would have a good reason of wanting to overthrow the organization like localorange said.

Now with Lea I don't believe to a degree that he could have influence over the darkness, since he would keep his memories and has Twilight Town to fall back down on was it Radient Garden and its ice cream. If he didn't have anything to hold onto then he could very well become like Saix. Lea wanted to be remembered and loved challenges even he couldn't win them. He might have learned how to fight, because of Isa but it would of nice if they didn't have the screen draw black when he was sparing with Ven. I wonder if Lea even remembered Ven when he became Axel.

However when he became Axel he was later labelled as the Organization's assassin or you could say hit nobody and his personality was more sadistic and almost mericless and wasn't afraid to kill if there was an obstacle in his path. It shows this because he raised himself on the totem pole, plus Xaldin made a comment that he was the Organization's assassin not to mention he and a select few of nobodies had their own nobody hunters that listened to them.

Saix was kisisng ass to Xenmas like someone mentioned is what I agree with lol. It is quite possible that when Axel did do things for Saix the Lunar was the stragetic one with a plan. Axel would always follow, but he would question. Through his memories of childhood as Lea he could trust Isa and felt connected to him since of his memories and Lea didn't want them to change.

Even though Axel's personality and intentions may have changed through Roxas his instincts of fighting did not. It was either live or not exist and he rather exist until the end. His instincts of this nature did not change throughout the time he was a nobody. Even in Days when he knocked out Xion, planned to kill her, but brought her back because of orders. He was determined to change Sora into a heartless to have Roxas back. He almost had the manipulation work on Sora until Saix showed up. Sure he sacrficed himself, but I don't think it was the good will in him. He saw an opportunity to attack and he did not realizing that it would end his life in the end. He did accept it, but there seem more to then that in my eyes. That is the way I see it, through his sacrifice he wanted to see Roxas again. Other people may disagree and I would of thought so too, but there is something about him that doesn't make him seem like he would be on the side of good. By seeing his character develeop through the series it has given me that idea. He may want his heart, but he has something troubling him. He is a wild card.
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Jun 10, 2011
On top of all of this, I need to lay out something: Just because you don't believe in a theory doesn't mean it's not necessarily true. Do not snidely dismiss any theory just because you don't believe in it. Accept that it exists, state plainly that you don't believe in it, and move on. For example, Zexion's power is the power of illusion. Therefore, it is possible that he could have used the power of illusion on himself to make himself look older.

Well. You're about as rude as they come aren't you. Exactly who do you think you are to say that to me when I have given you no reason to?

Let me tell you something, know it all, this is what I said:

I'll never believe the whole 'illusion' thing..

Might I add, that is all I have said about the Zexion theory. GET it? I merely stated that I don't believe the theory. Or am I not allowed to say that without offending you? Not once have I diminished or snidely dismissed(loved that one) any of the theories that have been presented here-even if I don't agree with them. What I try to do is explain why I don't believe them and give my reasoning, and I expect you to do the same for your ideas. No matter what any of us thinks we know, no one knows definitively what happened or what is going to happen, until we are shown in the games. The whole reason the Zexion part was brought up, was because we were discussing whether or not Nobodies can age. OBVIOUSLY, if they can't age then Zexion was using an illusion. Do you take me as stupid to think I don't realize this? I very clearly know it's possible, but at the same time, if Nobodies can age then he wasn't using an illusion. What we should be doing is discussing that, and not having a petty argument because you don't like that I'm against your theory.

I suggest you take your own advice. 1.) Accept that I don't believe it(because I have stated plainly that I don't) and 2.) Move on. And don't attack people because they don't agree with you. Again, that that was the ONLY time I said anything about that particular theory and I wasn't going to continue on talking about it because at this point in the games, there are more important things than whether or not Zexion used illusion on himself. And frankly, I'm a little dumbfounded and confused at why what I said was even perceived to you as snide. You blew what I said out proportion for no reason.

Oh, and by the way, next time you go throwing out rude comments like that, think before you say. And never underestimate what someone else has going on in their life. I have many very stressful and upsetting situations in my life right now. The absolute last thing I expected was to come on my thread and see that I was verbally attacked for no damn reason at all, other than the fact that my opinion is not the same as your opinion. So I'm sure you know by now that you have severely pissed me off. For that reason, I would very much appreciate if you wouldn't respond to this, because unless it's an apology then I really don't want to listen to anything you have to say right now. I have never ridiculed or made a snide remark to anyone on this thread, UNTIL now. If anyone has it has been you, by saying what you said to me.

One more thing. Don't ever 'Lay something out' for me again okay? I don't answer to you.

Nayru's Love

Why don't you play in Hell?
Dec 17, 2008
Chicago, IL
Might I add, that is all I have said about the Zexion theory. GET it? I merely stated that I don't believe the theory. Or am I not allowed to say that without offending you? Not once have I diminished or snidely dismissed(loved that one) any of the theories that have been presented here-even if I don't agree with them. What I try to do is explain why I don't believe them and give my reasoning, and I expect you to do the same for your ideas. No matter what any of us thinks we know, no one knows definitively what happened or what is going to happen, until we are shown in the games.
We do realize that this is, to a certain extent, the case. While we do appreciate that you also realize this, you may have come off as if you didn't to some of us.

Regardless, chillax. I doubt localorange was trying to bitch at you, and she probably wouldn't have spoken like that if she knew if would rub off like that on you. It happens all the time, people misunderstanding others' viewpoints and whatnot. Don't take it as an insult that it happened. Also, while it's pitiful that life sucks dick for you at the moment, it's not our responsibility to monitor what we say because of things we're not aware of.

In the end, it's just a forum; Loosen up.


New member
Oct 9, 2009
Trapped in my Mind
yea don't take everything too seriously here. if everyone took things as seriously as that, I'm pretty sure everyone on this site would despise each other. everybody on this site is pretty opinionated, and they want to try and prove their theorys as the right one. just go with the flow, and if someone does do something rude, just ignore it. if its that bad, a mod will take action.

Back on topic...i was thinking about what exactly Master Xehanort's goal will be now that he's back, We know he wanted to re-enact the keyblade wars, but does he have the materials for that now? I mean he had Ven and Van, but i don't think he has a heart of pure darkness to use this time around. Does that mean he will completely abandon the idea of forging the X-blade? Or will he introduce some other way to do it? Or, i guess the most likely is that Van is indeed one of the people with Xehanort.


Jun 10, 2011
We do realize that this is, to a certain extent, the case. While we do appreciate that you also realize this, you may have come off as if you didn't to some of us.

Regardless, chillax. I doubt localorange was trying to bitch at you, and she probably wouldn't have spoken like that if she knew if would rub off like that on you. It happens all the time, people misunderstanding others' viewpoints and whatnot. Don't take it as an insult that it happened. Also, while it's pitiful that life sucks dick for you at the moment, it's not our responsibility to monitor what we say because of things we're not aware of.

In the end, it's just a forum; Loosen up.

yea don't take everything too seriously here. if everyone took things as seriously as that, I'm pretty sure everyone on this site would despise each other. everybody on this site is pretty opinionated, and they want to try and prove their theorys as the right one. just go with the flow, and if someone does do something rude, just ignore it. if its that bad, a mod will take action.

..Look, I wish I could ignore stuff like that. I do. But I'll be seventeen this year, and I've already experienced enough of things like this to last two lifetimes. At this point, anything like this is enough to make me sick. And piss me off very badly, and a pissed off me is never good. I don't go around seeking to be a bitch or anything even like that. I'm actually quiet and mind my own business in everyday life. But this isn't everyday life, and among the many groups of people in this world that grate on me like sandpaper, are the people that think because they're on the internet, that means they can say whatever they want, to whoever they want to, and expect nothing in return. I don't go around acting like I know everything there is to know about KH, because I don't. But no one really does. And I wouldn't snidely dismiss someone's theory or opinion, unless there is no way in Kingdom Hearts that it could be true.

And I know you have no idea what my life is like, I don't expect you to be mind readers. But a little civility and decency really isn't too much to ask for. Especially when I did nothing to provoke unnecessarily rude behavior. I mean, I was already having a beyond rotten day-let's really say a rotten few years-that was just the absolute last straw. I'm done taking crap off of anyone, I don't really care who they think they are, how smart they think they sound, or what setting we're in. I'm sorry if anyone thinks I overreacted, but she made me feel like I had to defend myself. Please try to understand that while it may not seem that big a deal to you, I see it a little differently. Point being: what she said was both rude, and uncalled for, and that's why I'm mad.

And I'm honestly sorry if you guys perceived anything I've said to you before as rude, but I think I've at least clarified myself now. If you think I wasn't being as clear as I could be when stating my beliefs and opinions, then I'll try to be better at articulating myself. I don't want anyone to take my words the wrong way. And for the future, if you have a problem with me or something I've said, please tell me, but just please don't verbally accost me.

Back on topic...i was thinking about what exactly Master Xehanort's goal will be now that he's back, We know he wanted to re-enact the keyblade wars, but does he have the materials for that now? I mean he had Ven and Van, but i don't think he has a heart of pure darkness to use this time around. Does that mean he will completely abandon the idea of forging the X-blade? Or will he introduce some other way to do it? Or, i guess the most likely is that Van is indeed one of the people with Xehanort.

Gladly. I'm wondering if maybe when they awaken Ven's heart, that Vanitas will be revived. I mean, Ven has only half his heart if he doesn't have darkness in him, and if he merges with Vanitas the X-blade will be forged... sooo he's kind of screwed either way almost... I guess if MX comes back in his Terranort body(or in his own, though I'm not sure how exactly that would work) along with Ansem and Xemnas, then he doesn't really have much he want's to do other than create the X-blade.. unless something else will be revealed. There's always room for more secrets in the KH series
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