if i remember right (i probably dont) ven's and venitas' hearts have to have equal and opposite (one dark and one light) strength. so maybe ven could try to get stronger and then merge with vanitas
Nobodies do age. Have this fact in the series and it makes way more sense. I don't care what Nomura said about it.
Damn..geez..i see things have gotten a bit heated since I was away.Haha. Totally random and way off in left field as pertaining to the topic at hand,but i know that i had spoken on the "shock ending" previously with the possibility of it having something to do with MX and riku,but ya know, i just had the thought that it might have something to do with the data inside of sora itself..like pertaining to what exactly it is..any thoughts? Sorry if its already been said..
the data inside of Sora is supposedly all of the research AtW/DiZ did about the heart post-getting sent to the RoD. Or so i believe, someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes sir that's pretty much what I've gathered. I was just thinking maybe he discovered something "shocking" while researching..heck,anything is possible,right? (I.e. Yen sid being the mastermind of the keyblade war..jk)
Its very much possible it could have something to do with Ven. But i don't think he knew about Ven, or Terra, so if it doe shave something to do with saving either one of them, it would have to be coincidental.
And we all know that Yen Sid is really Xehanort is disguise.
Damn..geez..i see things have gotten a bit heated since I was away.Haha. Totally random and way off in left field as pertaining to the topic at hand,but i know that i had spoken on the "shock ending" previously with the possibility of it having something to do with MX and riku,but ya know, i just had the thought that it might have something to do with the data inside of sora itself..like pertaining to what exactly it is..any thoughts? Sorry if its already been said..
And we all know that Yen Sid is really Xehanort is disguise.
Its very much possible it could have something to do with Ven. But i don't think he knew about Ven, or Terra, so if it doe shave something to do with saving either one of them, it would have to be coincidental.
It has not necessarily to be specifically Ven, but Ansem researched hearts, memories, nobodies and other stuff, so it's very likely that he may have found a way how to heal a heavily injured heart (which Riku and Sora could then use to help Ven) and also how to put back together a scattered existence and/or de-fuse fused hearts (this would be interesting for saving Terra).
Furthermore, Ansem said to Aqua in Blank Points that he hopes that Sora may be able to use the "tools" he provides to save all those whose lives he ruined.
This is Ansem's try to repent for his errors...which would then also include how he tried to use Sora and Riku for his own misguided plans of revenge and how miserably he treated Naminé and Roxas.
Rinney said:Yes, he put all that research into in hopes that he could use it 'save all those whose lives he managed to ruin'. We know the data is the key to saving them, and as someone mentioned before, now we just have to find out how to use that data. But Ansem is unaware of Ventus or Terra, so the people he's talking about are just the Nobodies.. Since the research is on hearts, memories etc. it will show Sora and co. how to save TAV and he rest. What I'm curious about is how Sora, Riku and Kairi are going to gain access to those 'sleeping memories' of their's... The 'birth by sleep' part was about all those 'suffering people' being reborn from their sleep in Sora's heart(or something to that extent), but I think that excludes Aqua and Terra, Aqua is in RoD, and Terra....who knows what's happened to his heart now. If Ansem was born from MX's heart, then what happened to his? Even more unknown, what happened to Eraqus' heart? I hope the fruits of his labor pay of in Terra's department.. I can't wait to see them all saved, but especially him. He's been trapped inside his own body for 10+ years, constantly fighting a crazy old man for control.
Spoiler Show
-- Ansem the Wise says to Aqua “Everything is born from sleep.” What does this mean?
Nomura : In that scene the ones who are calling for “Sora” are the ones who have already disappeared from the world. But in the world of KH there is no concept of death, that for example they are just sleeping within Sora’s heart. If you can just wake them up, they’ll be able to return to the world, they would be “born from sleep”. That there would be a possibility of this, is what Ansem the Wise is saying. Even Aqua, who isn’t in the realm of light, would be born from sleep.
-- In that case, do the characters we see in that scene have a chance of returning?
Nomura : Yes. The data that Ansem has hidden within Sora is the secret to that revival. When Ansem had become DiZ, and studied the heart and emotions, the results he found he hid within Sora. There are a lot of people who thought that Coded was about finding those results, but that’s not true. The ending of Coded was about finding out that DiZ had done something to Sora, as Namine said, finding out about the data that Ansem hid. What that data is will be revealed in the next game. Two more games aside from KHIII are in the works.
I always wondered what triggered Riku's sleep, and how he just got there after closing the door at the end of kh1. Maybe they will show it is v2 I hope.Before Sora and his allies can find out how to use that data they first must find out where inside Sora's heart it is hidden and how to access it.
Time is also surely not on the good guys side, as Xehanort will surely set some of his backup plans in motion.
The sleeping memories are not of Sora, Riku and Kairi though...they belong to the suffering ones as shown in Re: Coded when Data Sora catched a small glimpse of them when touching the tormented memories (when all those in need were shown half-transparently).
I also won't say it excludes Aqua and Terra, as Ansem also says in Blank Points to Aqua:
"So many are still waiting for their new beginning, their birth by sleep. Even me, and even you."
To underline that we also have this:
Spoiler Show
-- Ansem the Wise says to Aqua “Everything is born from sleep.” What does this mean?
Nomura : In that scene the ones who are calling for “Sora” are the ones who have already disappeared from the world. But in the world of KH there is no concept of death, that for example they are just sleeping within Sora’s heart. If you can just wake them up, they’ll be able to return to the world, they would be “born from sleep”. That there would be a possibility of this, is what Ansem the Wise is saying. Even Aqua, who isn’t in the realm of light, would be born from sleep.
-- In that case, do the characters we see in that scene have a chance of returning?
Nomura : Yes. The data that Ansem has hidden within Sora is the secret to that revival. When Ansem had become DiZ, and studied the heart and emotions, the results he found he hid within Sora. There are a lot of people who thought that Coded was about finding those results, but that’s not true. The ending of Coded was about finding out that DiZ had done something to Sora, as Namine said, finding out about the data that Ansem hid. What that data is will be revealed in the next game. Two more games aside from KHIII are in the works.
The italic part clearly points to Aqua, and furthermore, in CoM, when Riku came to Castle Oblivion from the RoD, he was also asleep at first as indicated by the first cutscene of R/R.
It has not necessarily to be specifically Ven, but Ansem researched hearts, memories, nobodies and other stuff, so it's very likely that he may have found a way how to heal a heavily injured heart (which Riku and Sora could then use to help Ven) and also how to put back together a scattered existence and/or de-fuse fused hearts (this would be interesting for saving Terra).
Furthermore, Ansem said to Aqua in Blank Points that he hopes that Sora may be able to use the "tools" he provides to save all those whose lives he ruined.
This is Ansem's try to repent for his errors...which would then also include how he tried to use Sora and Riku for his own misguided plans of revenge and how miserably he treated Naminé and Roxas.
Yen Sid Xehanort in disguise?
Naah, it's actually worse than that.
Yen Sid is actually the new incarnation of Barthandelus, wanting to sacrifice Kingdom Hearts to call back the "maker"...rofl.
That explains it. I knew Yen Sid was hiding something in that big beard of his
Before Sora and his allies can find out how to use that data they first must find out where inside Sora's heart it is hidden and how to access it.
Time is also surely not on the good guys side, as Xehanort will surely set some of his backup plans in motion.
The sleeping memories are not of Sora, Riku and Kairi though...they belong to the suffering ones as shown in Re: Coded when Data Sora catched a small glimpse of them when touching the tormented memories (when all those in need were shown half-transparently).
I also won't say it excludes Aqua and Terra, as Ansem also says in Blank Points to Aqua:
"So many are still waiting for their new beginning, their birth by sleep. Even me, and even you."
To underline that we also have this:
Spoiler Show
-- Ansem the Wise says to Aqua “Everything is born from sleep.” What does this mean?
Nomura : In that scene the ones who are calling for “Sora” are the ones who have already disappeared from the world. But in the world of KH there is no concept of death, that for example they are just sleeping within Sora’s heart. If you can just wake them up, they’ll be able to return to the world, they would be “born from sleep”. That there would be a possibility of this, is what Ansem the Wise is saying. Even Aqua, who isn’t in the realm of light, would be born from sleep.
-- In that case, do the characters we see in that scene have a chance of returning?
Nomura : Yes. The data that Ansem has hidden within Sora is the secret to that revival. When Ansem had become DiZ, and studied the heart and emotions, the results he found he hid within Sora. There are a lot of people who thought that Coded was about finding those results, but that’s not true. The ending of Coded was about finding out that DiZ had done something to Sora, as Namine said, finding out about the data that Ansem hid. What that data is will be revealed in the next game. Two more games aside from KHIII are in the works.
The italic part clearly points to Aqua, and furthermore, in CoM, when Riku came to Castle Oblivion from the RoD, he was also asleep at first as indicated by the first cutscene of R/R.
I belive his true identity is Gilgamesh, now that you mention the beard. That's where he hides his arms and swords. duh.
It's not an entirely original one, but just one that hasn't been mentioned outright in a long time...I think.
Hopefully, the KH2 Ultimania one wasn't that huge. If it was too big for you, sorry about that. A lot of the images were too massive for posting. This was the smallest I could find without forcing people to squint.
But Xigbar's face is still to small for my taste anyway. XD. I recently noticed the slight resemblance in the illustrations between Xigbar and old man Master Xehanort, and it just got me wondering if Braig will go beyond being a seed and be what one could possibly call, "an inheritance vessel." Master Xehanort somehow passes his dark power to Braig, and then he evolves into something nasty that Sora has to deal with in future games - or Braig manages to obtain it for himself.
But then again, that's just an illustration. It's probably a coincidence, but it made me wonder if Braig might get promoted to being a bigger and more menacing bad guy than before - more menacing than even I've talked about. I think there's enough evidence in the games that he's only in it for the power, and that's a far more volatile villain to deal with than a villain with an actual purpose. Look at Heath Ledger's Joker. Granted, Xigbar -Braig are on much lower scales, but it couldn't help but make me wonder if he'll emerge and it will be more blatant that he's in it for the power.
Not to mention the way they both look like creepy goons is a bit odd. I mean, there's been plenty of talk on KHI on how Braig could become a primary antagonist for BBS v2, for example. But I think there's a chance for him to quite possibly eclipse Xehanort, depending on how things go. And it would be either for a brief moment, or something could carry on into the next games.
I sorta get what you are saying. What did you mean by Aqua being in Sora's heart? Did i miss that...
I hope Braig makes some appearence in the game. But I hope he is there to tie stuff together, and not to make up new problems. That should be saved for DDD of kh3. As for him being a vessel, it could happen, but Im sure he will get chopped down in kh3 for sure. So what happens when the complete being returns, and then dies..?
As I mentioned in another thread, I think the data has something to do with the concept of dreaming, as 3D is the game covering it. Dreaming is likely connected to sleep and could be instrumental in saving Terra and Ven.