ive decided to continue
"after disco dancing all night again riku goes missing"
kairi: I thought riku just went outside
sora: that was a couple of hours ago
Master Icy: well what do we do now?
Link: lets go to my home. outset island
sora: ok
Master Icy: how do we get there?
Link: "takes out his cunductors baton" ok lets get moving
"a cyclone picks them up and takes them to outset island"
Link: its good to be home
Link: lets go to grandmas house
"the go to grandmas house"
grandma: well hello my son. its so good to see you again. and who are your friends?
"they say who they are"
grandma: well thats great that you have friends.
link: heheh yeah. can we have some soup grandma?
grandma: of course my child "gives everyone super soup"
"everyone has some and they all become super powered"
Sora: so why is everything so strange? there are so many things that shouldnt be here
Master Icy: well its because the universe and everything has come together.
link: well how do we split it up again?
Master Icy: ... hmm i dont know
Link: we must get the triforce. and to do that we must first collect the 3 orbs.
sora: ok where is the nearest one?
Link: well the nearest one is the forest haven.
sora: well lets get going
Link: we can take my boat
"the all finaly get to the forest have and to the great deku tree"
deku tree: you may have the orb when you save the kokiri from the giant monster in that dark forest.
link: ok.
sora: lets get started then
"they go to the dark forest and end up infront a giant plant"
link: haaaa "link jumps in the air and tries to smack the vines hanging from the plant"
Master Icy: this is taking too long ICE HARVEST "freezes the plant from the inside causing it to wilt"
link: wow your strong
"oathkeepermaster comes flying through the wall"
oath: thanks alot guys for letting me fly at light speed through the world.
Master Icy: sorry oath
oath: sorry isnt good enough im going to kick your ass
"knocks icy into the ocean"
Master Icy: hey man that wasnt cool
link: oh well. now that we have defeated the plant. where are the kokiris?
key bearer: you mean those little dudes over there?
link: thats them
"they take them back to the deku tree"
Deku tree: here is the orb. thank you for saving them.
Master Icy: your welcome. now where to?
Link: the next closest place is... dragon roost island... lets get going
"they arive to find dragon roost island to be on fire"
Link: what happened?
"a rubble comes down and kills link"
Link: aahhh ive died
Master Icy: ok this is what we do. pour some of that soup inside link. "pours it in his mouth"
link: ive been revived!!
Master Icy: "freezes the island"
its time for bed for me. ill finish tomoro.
"after disco dancing all night again riku goes missing"
kairi: I thought riku just went outside
sora: that was a couple of hours ago
Master Icy: well what do we do now?
Link: lets go to my home. outset island
sora: ok
Master Icy: how do we get there?
Link: "takes out his cunductors baton" ok lets get moving
"a cyclone picks them up and takes them to outset island"
Link: its good to be home
Link: lets go to grandmas house
"the go to grandmas house"
grandma: well hello my son. its so good to see you again. and who are your friends?
"they say who they are"
grandma: well thats great that you have friends.
link: heheh yeah. can we have some soup grandma?
grandma: of course my child "gives everyone super soup"
"everyone has some and they all become super powered"
Sora: so why is everything so strange? there are so many things that shouldnt be here
Master Icy: well its because the universe and everything has come together.
link: well how do we split it up again?
Master Icy: ... hmm i dont know
Link: we must get the triforce. and to do that we must first collect the 3 orbs.
sora: ok where is the nearest one?
Link: well the nearest one is the forest haven.
sora: well lets get going
Link: we can take my boat
"the all finaly get to the forest have and to the great deku tree"
deku tree: you may have the orb when you save the kokiri from the giant monster in that dark forest.
link: ok.
sora: lets get started then
"they go to the dark forest and end up infront a giant plant"
link: haaaa "link jumps in the air and tries to smack the vines hanging from the plant"
Master Icy: this is taking too long ICE HARVEST "freezes the plant from the inside causing it to wilt"
link: wow your strong
"oathkeepermaster comes flying through the wall"
oath: thanks alot guys for letting me fly at light speed through the world.
Master Icy: sorry oath
oath: sorry isnt good enough im going to kick your ass
"knocks icy into the ocean"
Master Icy: hey man that wasnt cool
link: oh well. now that we have defeated the plant. where are the kokiris?
key bearer: you mean those little dudes over there?
link: thats them
"they take them back to the deku tree"
Deku tree: here is the orb. thank you for saving them.
Master Icy: your welcome. now where to?
Link: the next closest place is... dragon roost island... lets get going
"they arive to find dragon roost island to be on fire"
Link: what happened?
"a rubble comes down and kills link"
Link: aahhh ive died
Master Icy: ok this is what we do. pour some of that soup inside link. "pours it in his mouth"
link: ive been revived!!
Master Icy: "freezes the island"
its time for bed for me. ill finish tomoro.