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Fanfiction ► ~*Memories of a Past Life*~ (Xehanort's Story)

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Silver Member
Oct 30, 2004
home sweet home
I told myself I wasn't gonna do one of these since I'm not really a storyteller but im giving it a shot------as from what u read from the title of this thread, this story is going to be about Xehanort and all of the memories that he can't seem to remember. And yes there will be spoilers in here (idk how many though) and this story may answer some un-answered questions about Xehanort . . .so enjoy

**btw i added 2 of Ansem's other reports to help u guys understand what the story is going to talk about**

-Ansem's Other Report 1-

Many years of hard work has come to fruition; this world that I govern has become a paradise, aptly named the "Radiant Garden".
Flowers bloom with a fragrant aroma, raised by the pure water which brings forth life. The people pass their days with smiling faces full of hope.

But wherever there is light, doubtless there is darkness lurking. As I have written in my recent report, I must decipher the mystery behind "the darkness in human hearts" to protect this paradise.

Firstly, I will carry out experiments to seek out the depths of the human heart. One of my six disciples, Xehanort, has volunteered himself as a test subject. Since I found him collapsed in the street all those years ago and took him in, he has become a youth who serves me well.

At that time, he had lost his memories entirely, but afterwards he began to exhibit a remarkable inquisitive mind. He absorbed my teachings incredibly quickly, and amassed a deep knowledge.
He is somewhat undeveloped in maturity, but this problem is due to his youth.

If I can seek Xehanort's heart through psychological experiments, I may also be able to unlock his sealed-off past.

But I wonder whether it is truly good that is in him.
Certainly, Xehanort possesses a rare talent...

-Ansem's Other Report 13-

“One mystery remains.
How did Xehanort open the door that appeared below my castle...?”


Long before the nobody, Xemnas, and the heartless, known as Ansem, were created, they both were known as one complete being known as Xehanort. Before he was discovered by Ansem the Wise, he was laying on the ground, unconscious, with his long silver hair strung all over the place, looking as if he had fallen out of the sky. From his appearance, you could tell he was not a resident of Radiant Garden, but if he was from a world with a warm, tropical climate. As Ansem was walking from the sea-salt ice cream stand, he saw the young silver haired young man lying on the ground. He ran over to the young man to see if he was still alive. He began shaking the boy. “Hey. Hey kid, you ok? Wake up!” The boy finally regained consciousness and sat up, looking as if he was in a daze. “Huh? Hey where am I? Who are you?” asked the young man as he scanned his surroundings. “The citizens of this world call me Ansem the Wise, you can call me Ansem. My boy . . .you are in Radiant Garden. By the way, how did you end up on the ground.” “Well sir . . .I mean Ansem, I don’t know. I don’t remember anything. The only thing I can remember is my name. The name’s Xehanort.” Ansem responded, “Well Xehanort, let’s get you cleaned up,” and the two headed for the giant castle that stood in the middle of Radiant Garden.

~*ok so what did u guys think? was it good? did it suck? comments and suggestions are all welcome!*~
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Roger ELizabeth DeBris
Dec 27, 2005
Gamergirl you put yourself down too much! It's good, you're telling Xehanort's story! wootage! It's well written, and I like how you describe things.

Keep 'em coming, I would love to see how you plot the story.


Silver Member
Oct 30, 2004
home sweet home
thanks Freya!!!
but im gonna wait for at least one or 2 more comments b4 i'll post chapter1 plus i gotta write chapter 1 lol


New member
Sep 16, 2005
good story, push it on! move it forward! post another Chapter!


Silver Member
Oct 30, 2004
home sweet home
ok ok like i said im going to post chapter 1 2night (which im just about done typing up) . . .but im currently stuck lol. I'm trying to introduce 2 new characters but I can't think of any names to use. maybe u guys can help?? here's their descriptions . . .(kinda vague though)
1. a tall slim brunette girl, 17 years old and about kairi's height
2. a 16 year old boy w/ blonde spikey hair and a lil bit shorter than sora
-i know its not much of a description but i could use some suggestions. thanks

True Serenity

your forgotten memory
May 9, 2004
anywhere but here.
I like it so far gamergirl! ^_^

But just a few suggestions?

1. Make sure to use the enter key between dialogue. It's easier to read.

2. Longer chapters! :p

It was still pretty good though! I really wanna see where this goes so I'll be looking forward to that update!

As for those names, hmm...I'm not sure myself. But if I think of something I'll edit this!


Silver Member
Oct 30, 2004
home sweet home
ok here's the new chapter--and yea i finally picked some names

Chapter 1
[Present time]
As Ansem and Xehanort were waking towards the castle, Xehanort heard a jingling sound coming from his pocket. (apparently Ansem didn’t hear b/c he kept stuffing his face with ice cream) Xehanort reached in his pocket and pulled out a small chain that consisted of 3 small chainlinks. Thinking to himself he wondered <How did this stupid little thing end up in my pocket? (and with a face of confusion) What the hell was I doing???> He never gave it a second thought and threw the small chain out on the side of the street, not knowing that the chain would literally a “link” to his past . . . .well . . . a keychain to be exact . . . .

Now the story begins . . . . .

Long before Sora, Kairi, and Riku were born, there had been another trio that hung out together on Destiny Island. There was a girl (17),with brunette hair, and beautiful brown eyes, named Michelle and two boys: Kumi (16), who had blonde spikey hair w/ sparkly blue eyes that matched the color of waters surrounding the island, and Xehanort (17). The trio always played on the island like they were on a summer vacation that ever ended. They all had always been together and cared about one another . .but Xehanort had always had feelings for Michelle, but he had never told her. In his mind, the two of them would just be best friends.
On one typical summer day, a storm had arrived on the island. It began raining really hard and the three rushed back to their boats to hurry home. “Come on! We gotta hurry back home before the waters get too ruff!” yelled Kumi.
“You dumb***! You honestly think we can make back home in this god forsaken storm?” Michelle rolls her eyes and asks Xehanort,
“Hey Xeh, what should we do?”
“Uhh . .uhh . . .go to the cave!” Xeh points to the small opening next to the waterfall and Kumi and Michelle nod their heads in response and run towards the opening of the cave. All three make it inside, but they’re all soaking wet. <panting> “Woah! That was close one would you say?” Kumi said.
“Oh shutup u dummy!” While the two of them were sitting down on the cold cave floor Xehanort was up standing and examining at what looked like an old wooden door. <Hmm . . .how odd. How did a door end up in the cave?>
Right then, Xehanort touched the door and all of sudden a giant pool of darkness appeared in the middle of the cave.
“What the—“ Xehanort yelled. Then the pool expanded and the whole cave was engulfed in darkness. Kumi, in a scared-kind of tone yelled
“Man, I knew this cave was creepy—woah—“ He was taken below, into the darkness.
“O my god!! Where did go?” exclaimed Xehanort. “Xeh I’m scared. I don’t wanna be taken into the darkness, said Michelle” Then she yelled and was taken under. “NO!!! Not Michelle too! Damnit . .this can’t be happening . . .what did I do?”
Then some mysterious force pulled Xehanort by his feet and dragged him into the just like his friends . . . .

so whatcha guys think so far?


Roger ELizabeth DeBris
Dec 27, 2005
Nice! It has some similatrites to the first KH, but has a nice difference.

I'd can't wait to see if you can plot this well. Keep 'em coming!


Silver Member
Oct 30, 2004
home sweet home
^^lol well i wish u would have given me the names last night when i was typing this up
but i'll see if i can post the next chapter up 2night, but there's a good chance i won't be able to cuz i got a bunch of spring break hw i gotta catch up on b4 i go back 2 school 2morrow . . . so i'll see what i can do
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