Metal Gear Ground Zero game and movie announced |
Metal Gear Ground Zero does not have a release date or console set yet, but there was a demo shown. The game appears to be very open world and will be running on the Fox Engine, parts shown include Snake avoiding security, riding jeeps and calling evacuation rides.
Metal Gear Movie, done by Avid Arad, known for his Marvel movies, movie will be released by Columbia picture.
Metal Gear Solid: Social Ops will be available on the Japanese social network Gree.
Metal Gear Ground Zero does not have a release date or console set yet, but there was a demo shown. The game appears to be very open world and will be running on the Fox Engine, parts shown include Snake avoiding security, riding jeeps and calling evacuation rides.
Metal Gear Movie, done by Avid Arad, known for his Marvel movies, movie will be released by Columbia picture.
Metal Gear Solid: Social Ops will be available on the Japanese social network Gree.